/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; /** * Check that the detached devtools window title is not updated when switching * the selected frame. Also check that frames command button has 'open' * attribute set when the list of frames is opened. */ var { Toolbox } = require("resource://devtools/client/framework/toolbox.js"); const URL = URL_ROOT_SSL + "browser_toolbox_window_title_frame_select_page.html"; const IFRAME_URL = URL_ROOT_SSL + "browser_toolbox_window_title_changes_page.html"; const { LocalizationHelper } = require("resource://devtools/shared/l10n.js"); const L10N = new LocalizationHelper( "devtools/client/locales/toolbox.properties" ); /** * Wait for a given toolbox to get its title updated. */ function waitForTitleChange(toolbox) { return new Promise(resolve => { toolbox.topWindow.addEventListener("message", function onmessage(event) { if (event.data.name == "set-host-title") { toolbox.topWindow.removeEventListener("message", onmessage); resolve(); } }); }); } add_task(async function () { Services.prefs.setBoolPref("devtools.command-button-frames.enabled", true); await addTab(URL); const tab = gBrowser.selectedTab; let toolbox = await gDevTools.showToolboxForTab(tab, { hostType: Toolbox.HostType.BOTTOM, }); await toolbox.switchHost(Toolbox.HostType.WINDOW); // Wait for title change event *after* switch host, in order to listen // for the event on the WINDOW host window, which only exists after switchHost await waitForTitleChange(toolbox); is( getTitle(), `Developer Tools — Page title — ${URL}`, "Devtools title correct after switching to detached window host" ); // Wait for tick to avoid unexpected 'popuphidden' event, which // blocks the frame popup menu opened below. See also bug 1276873 await waitForTick(); const btn = toolbox.doc.getElementById("command-button-frames"); await testShortcutToOpenFrames(btn, toolbox); // Open frame menu and wait till it's available on the screen. // Also check 'aria-expanded' attribute on the command button. is( btn.getAttribute("aria-expanded"), "false", "The aria-expanded attribute must be set to false" ); btn.click(); const panel = toolbox.doc.getElementById("command-button-frames-panel"); ok(panel, "popup panel has created."); await waitUntil(() => panel.classList.contains("tooltip-visible")); is( btn.getAttribute("aria-expanded"), "true", "The aria-expanded attribute must be set to true" ); // Verify that the frame list menu is populated const menuList = toolbox.doc.getElementById("toolbox-frame-menu"); const frames = Array.from(menuList.querySelectorAll(".command")); is(frames.length, 2, "We have both frames in the list"); const topFrameBtn = frames.filter( b => b.querySelector(".label").textContent == URL )[0]; const iframeBtn = frames.filter( b => b.querySelector(".label").textContent == IFRAME_URL )[0]; ok(topFrameBtn, "Got top level document in the list"); ok(iframeBtn, "Got iframe document in the list"); // Listen to will-navigate to check if the view is empty const { resourceCommand } = toolbox.commands; const { onResource: willNavigate } = await resourceCommand.waitForNextResource( resourceCommand.TYPES.DOCUMENT_EVENT, { ignoreExistingResources: true, predicate(resource) { return resource.name == "will-navigate"; }, } ); // Only select the iframe after we are able to select an element from the top // level document. const onInspectorReloaded = toolbox.getPanel("inspector").once("reloaded"); info("Select the iframe"); iframeBtn.click(); // will-navigate isn't emitted in the targetCommand-based iframe picker. if (!isEveryFrameTargetEnabled()) { await willNavigate; } await onInspectorReloaded; // wait a bit more in case an eventual title update would happen later await wait(1000); info("Navigation to the iframe is done, the inspector should be back up"); is( getTitle(), `Developer Tools — Page title — ${URL}`, "Devtools title was not updated after changing inspected frame" ); info("Cleanup toolbox and test preferences."); await toolbox.destroy(); toolbox = null; gBrowser.removeCurrentTab(); Services.prefs.clearUserPref("devtools.toolbox.host"); Services.prefs.clearUserPref("devtools.toolbox.selectedTool"); Services.prefs.clearUserPref("devtools.command-button-frames.enabled"); finish(); }); function getTitle() { return Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow("devtools:toolbox").document.title; } async function testShortcutToOpenFrames(btn, toolbox) { info("Tests if shortcut Alt+Down opens the frames"); // focus the button so that keyPress can be performed btn.focus(); // perform keyPress - Alt+Down const shortcut = L10N.getStr("toolbox.showFrames.key"); synthesizeKeyShortcut(shortcut, toolbox.win); const panel = toolbox.doc.getElementById("command-button-frames-panel"); ok(panel, "popup panel has created."); await waitUntil(() => panel.classList.contains("tooltip-visible")); is( btn.getAttribute("aria-expanded"), "true", "The aria-expanded attribute must be set to true" ); // pressing Esc should hide the menu again EventUtils.sendKey("ESCAPE", toolbox.win); await waitUntil(() => !panel.classList.contains("tooltip-visible")); is( btn.getAttribute("aria-expanded"), "false", "The aria-expanded attribute must be set to false" ); }