/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; // Test inactive flex properties. const TEST_URI = `


`; const BEFORE = [ { selector: "#self-aligned", inactiveDeclarations: [ { declaration: { "align-self": "stretch", }, ruleIndex: 1, }, ], }, { selector: ".item-2", activeDeclarations: [ { declarations: { order: "2", }, ruleIndex: 0, }, { declarations: { "flex-basis": "auto", "flex-grow": "1", "flex-shrink": "1", }, ruleIndex: 1, }, ], inactiveDeclarations: [ { declaration: { "flex-direction": "row", }, ruleIndex: 1, }, ], }, { selector: "#container", activeDeclarations: [ { declarations: { display: "flex", }, ruleIndex: 0, }, { declarations: { width: "200px", height: "100px", border: "1px solid #000", "align-content": "space-between", }, ruleIndex: 1, }, ], inactiveDeclarations: [ { declaration: { order: "1", }, ruleIndex: 1, }, ], }, ]; const AFTER = [ { selector: ".item-2", inactiveDeclarations: [ { declaration: { order: "2", }, ruleIndex: 0, }, { declaration: { "flex-basis": "auto", }, ruleIndex: 1, }, { declaration: { "flex-grow": "1", }, ruleIndex: 1, }, { declaration: { "flex-shrink": "1", }, ruleIndex: 1, }, { declaration: { "flex-direction": "row", }, ruleIndex: 1, }, ], }, ]; add_task(async function () { await pushPref("devtools.inspector.inactive.css.enabled", true); await addTab("data:text/html;charset=utf-8," + encodeURIComponent(TEST_URI)); const { inspector, view } = await openRuleView(); await runInactiveCSSTests(view, inspector, BEFORE); // Toggle `display:flex` to disabled. await toggleDeclaration(view, 0, { display: "flex", }); await runInactiveCSSTests(view, inspector, AFTER); });