/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ import { require, loader, } from "resource://devtools/shared/loader/Loader.sys.mjs"; const Editor = require("resource://devtools/client/shared/sourceeditor/editor.js"); const { shortSource, prettifyCSS, } = require("resource://devtools/shared/inspector/css-logic.js"); const { throttle } = require("resource://devtools/shared/throttle.js"); const EventEmitter = require("resource://devtools/shared/event-emitter.js"); const lazy = {}; loader.lazyGetter(lazy, "BufferStream", () => { return Components.Constructor( "@mozilla.org/io/arraybuffer-input-stream;1", "nsIArrayBufferInputStream", "setData" ); }); ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { FileUtils: "resource://gre/modules/FileUtils.sys.mjs", }); ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter( lazy, "NetUtil", "resource://gre/modules/NetUtil.jsm" ); import { getString, showFilePicker, } from "resource://devtools/client/styleeditor/StyleEditorUtil.sys.mjs"; const LOAD_ERROR = "error-load"; const SAVE_ERROR = "error-save"; const SELECTOR_HIGHLIGHTER_TYPE = "SelectorHighlighter"; // max update frequency in ms (avoid potential typing lag and/or flicker) // @see StyleEditor.updateStylesheet const UPDATE_STYLESHEET_DELAY = 500; // Pref which decides if CSS autocompletion is enabled in Style Editor or not. const AUTOCOMPLETION_PREF = "devtools.styleeditor.autocompletion-enabled"; // Pref which decides whether updates to the stylesheet use transitions const TRANSITION_PREF = "devtools.styleeditor.transitions"; // How long to wait to update linked CSS file after original source was saved // to disk. Time in ms. const CHECK_LINKED_SHEET_DELAY = 500; // How many times to check for linked file changes const MAX_CHECK_COUNT = 10; // How much time should the mouse be still before the selector at that position // gets highlighted? const SELECTOR_HIGHLIGHT_TIMEOUT = 500; // Minimum delay between firing two at-rules-changed events. const EMIT_AT_RULES_THROTTLING = 500; const STYLE_SHEET_UPDATE_CAUSED_BY_STYLE_EDITOR = "styleeditor"; /** * StyleSheetEditor controls the editor linked to a particular StyleSheet * object. * * Emits events: * 'property-change': A property on the underlying stylesheet has changed * 'source-editor-load': The source editor for this editor has been loaded * 'error': An error has occured * * @param {Resource} resource * The STYLESHEET resource which is received from resource command. * @param {DOMWindow} win * panel window for style editor * @param {Number} styleSheetFriendlyIndex * Optional Integer representing the index of the current stylesheet * among all stylesheets of its type (inline or user-created) */ export function StyleSheetEditor(resource, win, styleSheetFriendlyIndex) { EventEmitter.decorate(this); this._resource = resource; this._inputElement = null; this.sourceEditor = null; this._window = win; this._isNew = this.styleSheet.isNew; this.styleSheetFriendlyIndex = styleSheetFriendlyIndex; // True when we've just set the editor text based on a style-applied // event from the StyleSheetActor. this._justSetText = false; // state to use when inputElement attaches this._state = { text: "", selection: { start: { line: 0, ch: 0 }, end: { line: 0, ch: 0 }, }, }; this._styleSheetFilePath = null; if ( this.styleSheet.href && Services.io.extractScheme(this.styleSheet.href) == "file" ) { this._styleSheetFilePath = this.styleSheet.href; } this.onPropertyChange = this.onPropertyChange.bind(this); this.onAtRulesChanged = this.onAtRulesChanged.bind(this); this.checkLinkedFileForChanges = this.checkLinkedFileForChanges.bind(this); this.markLinkedFileBroken = this.markLinkedFileBroken.bind(this); this.saveToFile = this.saveToFile.bind(this); this.updateStyleSheet = this.updateStyleSheet.bind(this); this._updateStyleSheet = this._updateStyleSheet.bind(this); this._onMouseMove = this._onMouseMove.bind(this); this._focusOnSourceEditorReady = false; this.savedFile = this.styleSheet.file; this.linkCSSFile(); this.emitAtRulesChanged = throttle( this.emitAtRulesChanged, EMIT_AT_RULES_THROTTLING, this ); this.atRules = []; } StyleSheetEditor.prototype = { get resourceId() { return this._resource.resourceId; }, get styleSheet() { return this._resource; }, /** * Whether there are unsaved changes in the editor */ get unsaved() { return this.sourceEditor && !this.sourceEditor.isClean(); }, /** * Whether the editor is for a stylesheet created by the user * through the style editor UI. */ get isNew() { return this._isNew; }, /** * The style sheet or the generated style sheet for this source if it's an * original source. */ get cssSheet() { if (this.styleSheet.isOriginalSource) { return this.styleSheet.relatedStyleSheet; } return this.styleSheet; }, get savedFile() { return this._savedFile; }, set savedFile(name) { this._savedFile = name; this.linkCSSFile(); }, /** * Get a user-friendly name for the style sheet. * * @return string */ get friendlyName() { if (this.savedFile) { return this.savedFile.leafName; } if (this._isNew) { const index = this.styleSheetFriendlyIndex + 1 || 0; return getString("newStyleSheet", index); } if (!this.styleSheet.href) { // TODO(bug 1809107): Probably a different index + string for // constructable stylesheets, they can't be meaningfully edited right now // because we don't have their original text. const index = this.styleSheetFriendlyIndex + 1 || 0; return getString("inlineStyleSheet", index); } if (!this._friendlyName) { this._friendlyName = shortSource(this.styleSheet); try { this._friendlyName = decodeURI(this._friendlyName); } catch (ex) { // Ignore. } } return this._friendlyName; }, /** * Check if transitions are enabled for style changes. * * @return Boolean */ get transitionsEnabled() { return Services.prefs.getBoolPref(TRANSITION_PREF); }, /** * If this is an original source, get the path of the CSS file it generated. */ linkCSSFile() { if (!this.styleSheet.isOriginalSource) { return; } const relatedSheet = this.styleSheet.relatedStyleSheet; if (!relatedSheet || !relatedSheet.href) { return; } let path; const href = removeQuery(relatedSheet.href); const uri = lazy.NetUtil.newURI(href); if (uri.scheme == "file") { const file = uri.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFileURL).file; path = file.path; } else if (this.savedFile) { const origHref = removeQuery(this.styleSheet.href); const origUri = lazy.NetUtil.newURI(origHref); path = findLinkedFilePath(uri, origUri, this.savedFile); } else { // we can't determine path to generated file on disk return; } if (this.linkedCSSFile == path) { return; } this.linkedCSSFile = path; this.linkedCSSFileError = null; // save last file change time so we can compare when we check for changes. IOUtils.stat(path).then(info => { this._fileModDate = info.lastModified; }, this.markLinkedFileBroken); this.emit("linked-css-file"); }, /** * A helper function that fetches the source text from the style * sheet. * * This will set |this._state.text| to the new text. */ async _fetchSourceText(options = {}) { const styleSheetsFront = await this._getStyleSheetsFront(); let longStr = null; if (this.styleSheet.isOriginalSource) { // If the stylesheet is OriginalSource, we should get the texts from SourceMapLoader. // So, for now, we use OriginalSource.getText() as it is. longStr = await this.styleSheet.getText(); } else { longStr = await styleSheetsFront.getText(this.resourceId); } this._state.text = await longStr.string(); }, /** * Attempt to prettify the current text if the corresponding stylesheet is not * an original source. The text will be read from |this._state.text|. * * This will set |this._state.text| to the prettified text if needed. */ _prettifySourceTextIfNeeded() { if (!this.styleSheet.isOriginalSource) { const ruleCount = this.styleSheet.ruleCount; const { result, mappings } = prettifyCSS(this._state.text, ruleCount); // Store the list of objects with mappings between CSS token positions from the // original source to the prettified source. These will be used when requested to // jump to a specific position within the editor. this._mappings = mappings; this._state.text = result; } }, /** * Start fetching the full text source for this editor's sheet. */ async fetchSource() { try { await this._fetchSourceText(); this.sourceLoaded = true; } catch (e) { if (this._isDestroyed) { console.warn( `Could not fetch the source for ${this.styleSheet.href}, the editor was destroyed` ); console.error(e); } else { console.error(e); this.emit("error", { key: LOAD_ERROR, append: this.styleSheet.href, level: "warning", }); throw e; } } }, /** * Set the cursor at the given line and column location within the code editor. * * @param {Number} line * @param {Number} column */ setCursor(line, column) { line = line || 0; column = column || 0; const position = this.translateCursorPosition(line, column); this.sourceEditor.setCursor({ line: position.line, ch: position.column }); }, /** * If the stylesheet was automatically prettified, there should be a list of line * and column mappings from the original to the generated source that can be used * to translate the cursor position to the correct location in the prettified source. * If no mappings exist, return the original cursor position unchanged. * * @param {Number} line * @param {Numer} column * * @return {Object} */ translateCursorPosition(line, column) { if (Array.isArray(this._mappings)) { for (const mapping of this._mappings) { if ( mapping.original.line === line && mapping.original.column === column ) { line = mapping.generated.line; column = mapping.generated.column; continue; } } } return { line, column }; }, /** * Forward property-change event from stylesheet. * * @param {string} event * Event type * @param {string} property * Property that has changed on sheet */ onPropertyChange(property, value) { this.emit("property-change", property, value); }, /** * Called when the stylesheet text changes. * @param {Object} update: The stylesheet resource update packet. */ async onStyleApplied(update) { const updateIsFromSyleSheetEditor = update?.event?.cause === STYLE_SHEET_UPDATE_CAUSED_BY_STYLE_EDITOR; if (updateIsFromSyleSheetEditor) { // We just applied an edit in the editor, so we can drop this notification. this.emit("style-applied"); return; } if (this.sourceEditor) { await this._fetchSourceText(); // sourceEditor is already loaded, so we can prettify immediately. this._prettifySourceTextIfNeeded(); // The updated stylesheet text should have been set in this._state.text // by _fetchSourceText and _prettifySourceTextIfNeeded. const sourceText = this._state.text; this._justSetText = true; const firstLine = this.sourceEditor.getFirstVisibleLine(); const pos = this.sourceEditor.getCursor(); this.sourceEditor.setText(sourceText); this.sourceEditor.setFirstVisibleLine(firstLine); this.sourceEditor.setCursor(pos); this.emit("style-applied"); } }, /** * Handles changes to the list of at-rules (@media, @layer, @container, …) in the stylesheet. * Emits 'at-rules-changed' if the list has changed. * * @param {array} rules * Array of MediaRuleFronts for new media rules of sheet. */ onAtRulesChanged(rules) { if (!rules.length && !this.atRules.length) { return; } this.atRules = rules; this.emitAtRulesChanged(); }, /** * Forward at-rules-changed event from stylesheet. */ emitAtRulesChanged() { this.emit("at-rules-changed", this.atRules); }, /** * Create source editor and load state into it. * @param {DOMElement} inputElement * Element to load source editor in * @param {CssProperties} cssProperties * A css properties database. * * @return {Promise} * Promise that will resolve when the style editor is loaded. */ async load(inputElement, cssProperties) { if (this._isDestroyed) { throw new Error( "Won't load source editor as the style sheet has " + "already been removed from Style Editor." ); } this._inputElement = inputElement; // Attempt to prettify the source before loading the source editor. this._prettifySourceTextIfNeeded(); const walker = await this.getWalker(); const config = { value: this._state.text, lineNumbers: true, mode: Editor.modes.css, readOnly: false, autoCloseBrackets: "{}()", extraKeys: this._getKeyBindings(), contextMenu: "sourceEditorContextMenu", autocomplete: Services.prefs.getBoolPref(AUTOCOMPLETION_PREF), autocompleteOpts: { walker, cssProperties }, cssProperties, }; const sourceEditor = (this._sourceEditor = new Editor(config)); sourceEditor.on("dirty-change", this.onPropertyChange); await sourceEditor.appendTo(inputElement); sourceEditor.on("saveRequested", this.saveToFile); if (!this.styleSheet.isOriginalSource) { sourceEditor.on("change", this.updateStyleSheet); } this.sourceEditor = sourceEditor; if (this._focusOnSourceEditorReady) { this._focusOnSourceEditorReady = false; sourceEditor.focus(); } sourceEditor.setSelection( this._state.selection.start, this._state.selection.end ); const highlighter = await this.getHighlighter(); if (highlighter && walker && sourceEditor.container?.contentWindow) { sourceEditor.container.contentWindow.addEventListener( "mousemove", this._onMouseMove ); } // Add the commands controller for the source-editor. sourceEditor.insertCommandsController(); this.emit("source-editor-load"); }, /** * Get the source editor for this editor. * * @return {Promise} * Promise that will resolve with the editor. */ getSourceEditor() { const self = this; if (this.sourceEditor) { return Promise.resolve(this); } return new Promise(resolve => { this.on("source-editor-load", () => { resolve(self); }); }); }, /** * Focus the Style Editor input. */ focus() { if (this.sourceEditor) { this.sourceEditor.focus(); } else { this._focusOnSourceEditorReady = true; } }, /** * Event handler for when the editor is shown. * * @param {Object} options * @param {String} options.reason: Indicates why the editor is shown */ onShow(options = {}) { if (this.sourceEditor) { // CodeMirror needs refresh to restore scroll position after hiding and // showing the editor. this.sourceEditor.refresh(); } // We don't want to focus the editor if it was shown because of the list being filtered, // as the user might still be typing in the filter input. if (options.reason !== "filter-auto") { this.focus(); } }, /** * Toggled the disabled state of the underlying stylesheet. */ async toggleDisabled() { const styleSheetsFront = await this._getStyleSheetsFront(); styleSheetsFront.toggleDisabled(this.resourceId).catch(console.error); }, /** * Queue a throttled task to update the live style sheet. */ updateStyleSheet() { if (this._updateTask) { // cancel previous queued task not executed within throttle delay this._window.clearTimeout(this._updateTask); } this._updateTask = this._window.setTimeout( this._updateStyleSheet, UPDATE_STYLESHEET_DELAY ); }, /** * Update live style sheet according to modifications. */ async _updateStyleSheet() { if (this.styleSheet.disabled) { // TODO: do we want to do this? return; } if (this._justSetText) { this._justSetText = false; return; } // reset only if we actually perform an update // (stylesheet is enabled) so that 'missed' updates // while the stylesheet is disabled can be performed // when it is enabled back. @see enableStylesheet this._updateTask = null; if (this.sourceEditor) { this._state.text = this.sourceEditor.getText(); } try { const styleSheetsFront = await this._getStyleSheetsFront(); await styleSheetsFront.update( this.resourceId, this._state.text, this.transitionsEnabled, STYLE_SHEET_UPDATE_CAUSED_BY_STYLE_EDITOR ); // Clear any existing mappings from automatic CSS prettification // because they were likely invalided by manually editing the stylesheet. this._mappings = null; } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }, /** * Handle mousemove events, calling _highlightSelectorAt after a delay only * and reseting the delay everytime. */ _onMouseMove(e) { // As we only want to hide an existing highlighter, we can use this.highlighter directly // (and not this.getHighlighter). if (this.highlighter) { this.highlighter.hide(); } if (this.mouseMoveTimeout) { this._window.clearTimeout(this.mouseMoveTimeout); this.mouseMoveTimeout = null; } this.mouseMoveTimeout = this._window.setTimeout(() => { this._highlightSelectorAt(e.clientX, e.clientY); }, SELECTOR_HIGHLIGHT_TIMEOUT); }, /** * Highlight nodes matching the selector found at coordinates x,y in the * editor, if any. * * @param {Number} x * @param {Number} y */ async _highlightSelectorAt(x, y) { const pos = this.sourceEditor.getPositionFromCoords({ left: x, top: y }); const info = this.sourceEditor.getInfoAt(pos); if (!info || info.state !== "selector") { return; } const onGetHighlighter = this.getHighlighter(); const walker = await this.getWalker(); const node = await walker.getStyleSheetOwnerNode(this.resourceId); const highlighter = await onGetHighlighter; await highlighter.show(node, { selector: info.selector, hideInfoBar: true, showOnly: "border", region: "border", }); this.emit("node-highlighted"); }, /** * Returns the walker front associated with this._resource target. * * @returns {Promise} */ async getWalker() { if (this.walker) { return this.walker; } const { targetFront } = this._resource; const inspectorFront = await targetFront.getFront("inspector"); this.walker = inspectorFront.walker; return this.walker; }, /** * Returns or creates the selector highlighter associated with this._resource target. * * @returns {CustomHighlighterFront|null} */ async getHighlighter() { if (this.highlighter) { return this.highlighter; } const walker = await this.getWalker(); try { this.highlighter = await walker.parentFront.getHighlighterByType( SELECTOR_HIGHLIGHTER_TYPE ); return this.highlighter; } catch (e) { // The selectorHighlighter can't always be instantiated, for example // it doesn't work with XUL windows (until bug 1094959 gets fixed); // or the selectorHighlighter doesn't exist on the backend. console.warn( "The selectorHighlighter couldn't be instantiated, " + "elements matching hovered selectors will not be highlighted" ); } return null; }, /** * Save the editor contents into a file and set savedFile property. * A file picker UI will open if file is not set and editor is not headless. * * @param mixed file * Optional nsIFile or string representing the filename to save in the * background, no UI will be displayed. * If not specified, the original style sheet URI is used. * To implement 'Save' instead of 'Save as', you can pass * savedFile here. * @param function(nsIFile aFile) callback * Optional callback called when the operation has finished. * aFile has the nsIFile object for saved file or null if the operation * has failed or has been canceled by the user. * @see savedFile */ saveToFile(file, callback) { const onFile = returnFile => { if (!returnFile) { if (callback) { callback(null); } return; } if (this.sourceEditor) { this._state.text = this.sourceEditor.getText(); } const ostream = lazy.FileUtils.openSafeFileOutputStream(returnFile); const buffer = new TextEncoder().encode(this._state.text).buffer; const istream = new lazy.BufferStream(buffer, 0, buffer.byteLength); lazy.NetUtil.asyncCopy(istream, ostream, status => { if (!Components.isSuccessCode(status)) { if (callback) { callback(null); } this.emit("error", { key: SAVE_ERROR }); return; } lazy.FileUtils.closeSafeFileOutputStream(ostream); this.onFileSaved(returnFile); if (callback) { callback(returnFile); } }); }; let defaultName; if (this._friendlyName) { defaultName = PathUtils.isAbsolute(this._friendlyName) ? PathUtils.filename(this._friendlyName) : this._friendlyName; } showFilePicker( file || this._styleSheetFilePath, true, this._window, onFile, defaultName ); }, /** * Called when this source has been successfully saved to disk. */ onFileSaved(returnFile) { this._friendlyName = null; this.savedFile = returnFile; if (this.sourceEditor) { this.sourceEditor.setClean(); } this.emit("property-change"); // TODO: replace with file watching this._modCheckCount = 0; this._window.clearTimeout(this._timeout); if (this.linkedCSSFile && !this.linkedCSSFileError) { this._timeout = this._window.setTimeout( this.checkLinkedFileForChanges, CHECK_LINKED_SHEET_DELAY ); } }, /** * Check to see if our linked CSS file has changed on disk, and * if so, update the live style sheet. */ checkLinkedFileForChanges() { IOUtils.stat(this.linkedCSSFile).then(info => { const lastChange = info.lastModified; if (this._fileModDate && lastChange != this._fileModDate) { this._fileModDate = lastChange; this._modCheckCount = 0; this.updateLinkedStyleSheet(); return; } if (++this._modCheckCount > MAX_CHECK_COUNT) { this.updateLinkedStyleSheet(); return; } // try again in a bit this._timeout = this._window.setTimeout( this.checkLinkedFileForChanges, CHECK_LINKED_SHEET_DELAY ); }, this.markLinkedFileBroken); }, /** * Notify that the linked CSS file (if this is an original source) * doesn't exist on disk in the place we think it does. * * @param string error * The error we got when trying to access the file. */ markLinkedFileBroken(error) { this.linkedCSSFileError = error || true; this.emit("linked-css-file-error"); error += " querying " + this.linkedCSSFile + " original source location: " + this.savedFile.path; console.error(error); }, /** * For original sources (e.g. Sass files). Fetch contents of linked CSS * file from disk and live update the stylesheet object with the contents. */ updateLinkedStyleSheet() { IOUtils.read(this.linkedCSSFile).then(async array => { const decoder = new TextDecoder(); const text = decoder.decode(array); // Ensure we don't re-fetch the text from the original source // actor when we're notified that the style sheet changed. const styleSheetsFront = await this._getStyleSheetsFront(); await styleSheetsFront.update( this.resourceId, text, this.transitionsEnabled, STYLE_SHEET_UPDATE_CAUSED_BY_STYLE_EDITOR ); }, this.markLinkedFileBroken); }, /** * Retrieve custom key bindings objects as expected by Editor. * Editor action names are not displayed to the user. * * @return {array} key binding objects for the source editor */ _getKeyBindings() { const saveStyleSheetKeybind = Editor.accel( getString("saveStyleSheet.commandkey") ); const focusFilterInputKeybind = Editor.accel( getString("focusFilterInput.commandkey") ); return { Esc: false, [saveStyleSheetKeybind]: () => { this.saveToFile(this.savedFile); }, ["Shift-" + saveStyleSheetKeybind]: () => { this.saveToFile(); }, // We can't simply ignore this (with `false`, or returning `CodeMirror.Pass`), as the // event isn't received by the event listener in StyleSheetUI. [focusFilterInputKeybind]: () => { this.emit("filter-input-keyboard-shortcut"); }, }; }, _getStyleSheetsFront() { return this._resource.targetFront.getFront("stylesheets"); }, /** * Clean up for this editor. */ destroy() { if (this._sourceEditor) { this._sourceEditor.off("dirty-change", this.onPropertyChange); this._sourceEditor.off("saveRequested", this.saveToFile); this._sourceEditor.off("change", this.updateStyleSheet); if (this._sourceEditor.container?.contentWindow) { this._sourceEditor.container.contentWindow.removeEventListener( "mousemove", this._onMouseMove ); } this._sourceEditor.destroy(); } this._isDestroyed = true; }, }; /** * Find a path on disk for a file given it's hosted uri, the uri of the * original resource that generated it (e.g. Sass file), and the location of the * local file for that source. * * @param {nsIURI} uri * The uri of the resource * @param {nsIURI} origUri * The uri of the original source for the resource * @param {nsIFile} file * The local file for the resource on disk * * @return {string} * The path of original file on disk */ function findLinkedFilePath(uri, origUri, file) { const { origBranch, branch } = findUnsharedBranches(origUri, uri); const project = findProjectPath(file, origBranch); const parts = project.concat(branch); const path = PathUtils.join.apply(this, parts); return path; } /** * Find the path of a project given a file in the project and its branch * off the root. e.g.: * /Users/moz/proj/src/a.css" and "src/a.css" * would yield ["Users", "moz", "proj"] * * @param {nsIFile} file * file for that resource on disk * @param {array} branch * path parts for branch to chop off file path. * @return {array} * array of path parts */ function findProjectPath(file, branch) { const path = PathUtils.split(file.path); for (let i = 2; i <= branch.length; i++) { // work backwards until we find a differing directory name if (path[path.length - i] != branch[branch.length - i]) { return path.slice(0, path.length - i + 1); } } // if we don't find a differing directory, just chop off the branch return path.slice(0, path.length - branch.length); } /** * Find the parts of a uri past the root it shares with another uri. e.g: * "http://localhost/built/a.scss" and "http://localhost/src/a.css" * would yield ["built", "a.scss"] and ["src", "a.css"] * * @param {nsIURI} origUri * uri to find unshared branch of. Usually is uri for original source. * @param {nsIURI} uri * uri to compare against to get a shared root * @return {object} * object with 'branch' and 'origBranch' array of path parts for branch */ function findUnsharedBranches(origUri, uri) { origUri = PathUtils.split(origUri.pathQueryRef); uri = PathUtils.split(uri.pathQueryRef); for (let i = 0; i < uri.length - 1; i++) { if (uri[i] != origUri[i]) { return { branch: uri.slice(i), origBranch: origUri.slice(i), }; } } return { branch: uri, origBranch: origUri, }; } /** * Remove the query string from a url. * * @param {string} href * Url to remove query string from * @return {string} * Url without query string */ function removeQuery(href) { return href.replace(/\?.*/, ""); }