/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; const { STUBS_UPDATE_ENV, createCommandsForTab, getCleanedPacket, getSerializedPacket, getStubFile, writeStubsToFile, } = require(`${CHROME_URL_ROOT}stub-generator-helpers`); const TEST_URI = "https://example.com/browser/devtools/client/webconsole/test/browser/stub-generators/test-css-message.html"; const STUB_FILE = "cssMessage.js"; add_task(async function () { const isStubsUpdate = Services.env.get(STUBS_UPDATE_ENV) == "true"; info(`${isStubsUpdate ? "Update" : "Check"} ${STUB_FILE}`); const generatedStubs = await generateCssMessageStubs(); if (isStubsUpdate) { await writeStubsToFile(STUB_FILE, generatedStubs); ok(true, `${STUB_FILE} was updated`); return; } const existingStubs = getStubFile(STUB_FILE); const FAILURE_MSG = "The cssMessage stubs file needs to be updated by running `" + `mach test ${getCurrentTestFilePath()} --headless --setenv WEBCONSOLE_STUBS_UPDATE=true` + "`"; if (generatedStubs.size !== existingStubs.stubPackets.size) { ok(false, FAILURE_MSG); return; } let failed = false; for (const [key, packet] of generatedStubs) { const packetStr = getSerializedPacket(packet, { sortKeys: true, replaceActorIds: true, }); const existingPacketStr = getSerializedPacket( existingStubs.rawPackets.get(key), { sortKeys: true, replaceActorIds: true } ); is(packetStr, existingPacketStr, `"${key}" packet has expected value`); failed = failed || packetStr !== existingPacketStr; } if (failed) { ok(false, FAILURE_MSG); } else { ok(true, "Stubs are up to date"); } }); async function generateCssMessageStubs() { const stubs = new Map(); const tab = await addTab(TEST_URI); const commands = await createCommandsForTab(tab); await commands.targetCommand.startListening(); const resourceCommand = commands.resourceCommand; // The resource command only supports a single call to watch/unwatch per // instance, so we attach a unique watch callback, which will forward the // resource to `handleErrorMessage`, dynamically updated for each command. let handleCSSMessage = function () {}; const onCSSMessageAvailable = resources => { for (const resource of resources) { handleCSSMessage(resource); } }; await resourceCommand.watchResources([resourceCommand.TYPES.CSS_MESSAGE], { onAvailable: onCSSMessageAvailable, }); for (const code of getCommands()) { const received = new Promise(resolve => { handleCSSMessage = function (packet) { const key = packet.pageError.errorMessage; stubs.set(key, getCleanedPacket(key, packet)); resolve(); }; }); await SpecialPowers.spawn( gBrowser.selectedBrowser, [code], function (subCode) { content.docShell.cssErrorReportingEnabled = true; const style = content.document.createElement("style"); style.append(content.document.createTextNode(subCode)); content.document.body.append(style); } ); await received; } resourceCommand.unwatchResources([resourceCommand.TYPES.CSS_MESSAGE], { onAvailable: onCSSMessageAvailable, }); await commands.destroy(); return stubs; } function getCommands() { return [ ` p { such-unknown-property: wow; } `, ` p { padding-top: invalid value; } `, ]; }