/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const xpcInspector = require("xpcInspector"); /** * An object that represents a nested event loop. It is used as the nest * requestor with nsIJSInspector instances. * * @param ThreadActor thread * The thread actor that is creating this nested event loop. */ class EventLoop { constructor({ thread }) { this._thread = thread; // A flag which is true in between the two calls to enter() and exit(). this._entered = false; // Another flag which is true only after having called exit(). // Note that this EventLoop may still be paused and its enter() method // still be on hold, if another EventLoop paused about this one. this._resolved = false; } /** * This is meant for other thread actors, and is used by other thread actor's * EventLoop's isTheLastPausedThreadActor() */ get thread() { return this._thread; } /** * Similarly, it will be used by another thread actor's EventLoop's enter() method */ get resolved() { return this._resolved; } /** * Tells if the last thread actor to have paused (i.e. last EventLoop on the stack) * is the current one. * * We avoid trying to exit this event loop, * if another thread actor pile up a more recent one. * All the event loops will be effectively exited when * the thread actor which piled up the most recent nested event loop resumes. * * For convenience for the callsite, this will return true if nothing paused. */ isTheLastPausedThreadActor() { if (xpcInspector.eventLoopNestLevel > 0) { return xpcInspector.lastNestRequestor.thread === this._thread; } return true; } /** * Enter a new nested event loop. */ enter() { if (this._entered) { throw new Error( "Can't enter an event loop that has already been entered!" ); } const preEnterData = this.preEnter(); this._entered = true; // Note: next line will synchronously block the execution until exit() is being called. // // This enterNestedEventLoop is a bit magical and will break run-to-completion rule of JS. // JS will become multi-threaded. Some other task may start running on change state // while we are blocked on this enterNestedEventLoop function call. // You may find valuable information about Tasks and Event Loops on: // https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jTMd-H_BwH9_QNUDxPse80vq884_hMvd234lvE5gqY8/edit?usp=sharing // // Note #2: this will update xpcInspector.lastNestRequestor to this xpcInspector.enterNestedEventLoop(this); // If this code runs, it means that we just exited this event loop and lastNestRequestor is no longer equal to this. // // We will now "recursively" exit all the resolved EventLoops which are blocked on `enterNestedEventLoop`: // - if the new lastNestRequestor is resolved, request to exit it as well // - this lastNestRequestor is another EventLoop instance // - exiting this EventLoop unblocks its "enter" method and moves lastNestRequestor to the next requestor (if any) // - we go back to the first step, and attempt to exit the new lastNestRequestor if it is resolved, etc... if (xpcInspector.eventLoopNestLevel > 0) { const { resolved } = xpcInspector.lastNestRequestor; if (resolved) { xpcInspector.exitNestedEventLoop(); } } this.postExit(preEnterData); } /** * Exit this nested event loop. * * @returns boolean * True if we exited this nested event loop because it was on top of * the stack, false if there is another nested event loop above this * one that hasn't exited yet. */ exit() { if (!this._entered) { throw new Error("Can't exit an event loop before it has been entered!"); } this._entered = false; this._resolved = true; // If another ThreadActor paused and spawn a new nested event loop after this one, // let it resume the thread and ignore this call. // The code calling exitNestedEventLoop from EventLoop.enter will resume execution, // by seeing that resolved attribute that we just toggled is true. // // Note that ThreadActor.resume method avoids calling exit thanks to `isTheLastPausedThreadActor` // So for all use requests to resume, the ThreadActor won't call exit until it is the last // thread actor to have entered a nested EventLoop. if (this === xpcInspector.lastNestRequestor) { xpcInspector.exitNestedEventLoop(); return true; } return false; } /** * Retrieve the list of all DOM Windows debugged by the current thread actor. */ getAllWindowDebuggees() { return this._thread.dbg .getDebuggees() .filter(debuggee => { // Select only debuggee that relates to windows // e.g. ignore sandboxes, jsm and such return debuggee.class == "Window"; }) .map(debuggee => { // Retrieve the JS reference for these windows return debuggee.unsafeDereference(); }) .filter(window => { // Ignore document which have already been nuked, // so navigated to another location and removed from memory completely. if (Cu.isDeadWrapper(window)) { return false; } // Also ignore document which are closed, as trying to access window.parent or top would throw NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED if (window.closed) { return false; } // Ignore remote iframes, which will be debugged by another thread actor, // running in the remote process if (Cu.isRemoteProxy(window)) { return false; } // Accept "top remote iframe document": // document of iframe whose immediate parent is in another process. if (Cu.isRemoteProxy(window.parent) && !Cu.isRemoteProxy(window)) { return true; } // If EFT is enabled, accept any same process document (top-level or iframe). if (this.thread.getParent().ignoreSubFrames) { return true; } try { // Ignore iframes running in the same process as their parent document, // as they will be paused automatically when pausing their owner top level document return window.top === window; } catch (e) { // Warn if this is throwing for an unknown reason, but suppress the // exception regardless so that we can enter the nested event loop. if (!/not initialized/.test(e)) { console.warn(`Exception in getAllWindowDebuggees: ${e}`); } return false; } }); } /** * Prepare to enter a nested event loop by disabling debuggee events. */ preEnter() { const docShells = []; // Disable events in all open windows. for (const window of this.getAllWindowDebuggees()) { const { windowUtils } = window; windowUtils.suppressEventHandling(true); windowUtils.suspendTimeouts(); docShells.push(window.docShell); } return docShells; } /** * Prepare to exit a nested event loop by enabling debuggee events. */ postExit(pausedDocShells) { // Enable events in all window paused in preEnter for (const docShell of pausedDocShells) { // Do not try to resume documents which are in destruction // as resume methods would throw if (docShell.isBeingDestroyed()) { continue; } const { windowUtils } = docShell.domWindow; windowUtils.resumeTimeouts(); windowUtils.suppressEventHandling(false); } } } exports.EventLoop = EventLoop;