/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const { XPCOMUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.sys.mjs" ); loader.lazyRequireGetter( this, "WorkerDescriptorActor", "resource://devtools/server/actors/descriptors/worker.js", true ); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter( this, "wdm", "@mozilla.org/dom/workers/workerdebuggermanager;1", "nsIWorkerDebuggerManager" ); function matchWorkerDebugger(dbg, options) { if ("type" in options && dbg.type !== options.type) { return false; } if ("window" in options) { let window = dbg.window; while (window !== null && window.parent !== window) { window = window.parent; } if (window !== options.window) { return false; } } return true; } function matchServiceWorker(dbg, origin) { return ( dbg.type == Ci.nsIWorkerDebugger.TYPE_SERVICE && new URL(dbg.url).origin == origin ); } // When a new worker appears, in some cases (i.e. the debugger is running) we // want it to pause during registration until a later time (i.e. the debugger // finishes attaching to the worker). This is an optional WorkderDebuggerManager // listener that can be installed in addition to the WorkerDescriptorActorList // listener. It always listens to new workers and pauses any matching filters // which have been set on it. // // Two kinds of filters are supported: // // setPauseMatching(true) will pause all workers which match the options strcut // passed in on creation. // // setPauseServiceWorkers(origin) will pause all service workers which have the // specified origin. // // FIXME Bug 1601279 separate WorkerPauser from WorkerDescriptorActorList and give // it a more consistent interface. class WorkerPauser { constructor(options) { this._options = options; this._pauseMatching = null; this._pauseServiceWorkerOrigin = null; this.onRegister = this._onRegister.bind(this); this.onUnregister = () => {}; wdm.addListener(this); } destroy() { wdm.removeListener(this); } _onRegister(dbg) { if ( (this._pauseMatching && matchWorkerDebugger(dbg, this._options)) || (this._pauseServiceWorkerOrigin && matchServiceWorker(dbg, this._pauseServiceWorkerOrigin)) ) { // Prevent the debuggee from executing in this worker until the debugger // has finished attaching to it. dbg.setDebuggerReady(false); } } setPauseMatching(shouldPause) { this._pauseMatching = shouldPause; } setPauseServiceWorkers(origin) { this._pauseServiceWorkerOrigin = origin; } } class WorkerDescriptorActorList { constructor(conn, options) { this._conn = conn; this._options = options; this._actors = new Map(); this._onListChanged = null; this._workerPauser = null; this._mustNotify = false; this.onRegister = this.onRegister.bind(this); this.onUnregister = this.onUnregister.bind(this); } destroy() { this.onListChanged = null; if (this._workerPauser) { this._workerPauser.destroy(); this._workerPauser = null; } } getList() { // Create a set of debuggers. const dbgs = new Set(); for (const dbg of wdm.getWorkerDebuggerEnumerator()) { if (matchWorkerDebugger(dbg, this._options)) { dbgs.add(dbg); } } // Delete each actor for which we don't have a debugger. for (const [dbg] of this._actors) { if (!dbgs.has(dbg)) { this._actors.delete(dbg); } } // Create an actor for each debugger for which we don't have one. for (const dbg of dbgs) { if (!this._actors.has(dbg)) { this._actors.set(dbg, new WorkerDescriptorActor(this._conn, dbg)); } } const actors = []; for (const [, actor] of this._actors) { actors.push(actor); } if (!this._mustNotify) { if (this._onListChanged !== null) { wdm.addListener(this); } this._mustNotify = true; } return Promise.resolve(actors); } get onListChanged() { return this._onListChanged; } set onListChanged(onListChanged) { if (typeof onListChanged !== "function" && onListChanged !== null) { throw new Error("onListChanged must be either a function or null."); } if (onListChanged === this._onListChanged) { return; } if (this._mustNotify) { if (this._onListChanged === null && onListChanged !== null) { wdm.addListener(this); } if (this._onListChanged !== null && onListChanged === null) { wdm.removeListener(this); } } this._onListChanged = onListChanged; } _notifyListChanged() { this._onListChanged(); if (this._onListChanged !== null) { wdm.removeListener(this); } this._mustNotify = false; } onRegister(dbg) { if (matchWorkerDebugger(dbg, this._options)) { this._notifyListChanged(); } } onUnregister(dbg) { if (matchWorkerDebugger(dbg, this._options)) { this._notifyListChanged(); } } get workerPauser() { if (!this._workerPauser) { this._workerPauser = new WorkerPauser(this._options); } return this._workerPauser; } } exports.WorkerDescriptorActorList = WorkerDescriptorActorList;