/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; // Test filtering with no matches. function run_test() { const BREAKDOWN = { by: "coarseType", objects: { by: "objectClass", then: { by: "count", count: true, bytes: true }, other: { by: "count", count: true, bytes: true }, }, scripts: { by: "internalType", then: { by: "count", count: true, bytes: true }, }, strings: { by: "internalType", then: { by: "count", count: true, bytes: true }, }, other: { by: "internalType", then: { by: "count", count: true, bytes: true }, }, domNode: { by: "descriptiveType", then: { by: "count", count: true, bytes: true }, }, }; const REPORT = { objects: { Array: { bytes: 50, count: 5 }, UInt8Array: { bytes: 80, count: 8 }, Int32Array: { bytes: 320, count: 32 }, other: { bytes: 0, count: 0 }, }, scripts: { "js::jit::JitScript": { bytes: 30, count: 3 }, }, strings: { JSAtom: { bytes: 60, count: 6 }, }, other: { "js::Shape": { bytes: 80, count: 8 }, }, domNode: {}, }; const EXPECTED = { name: null, bytes: 0, totalBytes: 620, count: 0, totalCount: 62, children: undefined, id: 14, parent: undefined, reportLeafIndex: undefined, }; compareCensusViewData(BREAKDOWN, REPORT, EXPECTED, { filter: "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz", }); }