/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const STATE_NORMAL = Symbol("STATE_NORMAL"); const STATE_QUOTE = Symbol("STATE_QUOTE"); const STATE_DQUOTE = Symbol("STATE_DQUOTE"); const STATE_TEMPLATE_LITERAL = Symbol("STATE_TEMPLATE_LITERAL"); const STATE_ESCAPE_QUOTE = Symbol("STATE_ESCAPE_QUOTE"); const STATE_ESCAPE_DQUOTE = Symbol("STATE_ESCAPE_DQUOTE"); const STATE_ESCAPE_TEMPLATE_LITERAL = Symbol("STATE_ESCAPE_TEMPLATE_LITERAL"); const STATE_SLASH = Symbol("STATE_SLASH"); const STATE_INLINE_COMMENT = Symbol("STATE_INLINE_COMMENT"); const STATE_MULTILINE_COMMENT = Symbol("STATE_MULTILINE_COMMENT"); const STATE_MULTILINE_COMMENT_CLOSE = Symbol("STATE_MULTILINE_COMMENT_CLOSE"); const STATE_QUESTION_MARK = Symbol("STATE_QUESTION_MARK"); const OPEN_BODY = "{[(".split(""); const CLOSE_BODY = "}])".split(""); const OPEN_CLOSE_BODY = { "{": "}", "[": "]", "(": ")", }; const NO_AUTOCOMPLETE_PREFIXES = ["var", "const", "let", "function", "class"]; const OPERATOR_CHARS_SET = new Set(";,:=<>+-*%|&^~!".split("")); /** * Analyses a given string to find the last statement that is interesting for * later completion. * * @param string str * A string to analyse. * * @returns object * If there was an error in the string detected, then a object like * * { err: "ErrorMesssage" } * * is returned, otherwise a object like * * { * state: STATE_NORMAL|STATE_QUOTE|STATE_DQUOTE, * lastStatement: the last statement in the string, * isElementAccess: boolean that indicates if the lastStatement has an open * element access (e.g. `x["match`). * isPropertyAccess: boolean indicating if we are accessing property * (e.g `true` in `var a = {b: 1};a.b`) * matchProp: The part of the expression that should match the properties * on the mainExpression (e.g. `que` when expression is `document.body.que`) * mainExpression: The part of the expression before any property access, * (e.g. `a.b` if expression is `a.b.`) * expressionBeforePropertyAccess: The part of the expression before property access * (e.g `var a = {b: 1};a` if expression is `var a = {b: 1};a.b`) * } */ // eslint-disable-next-line complexity exports.analyzeInputString = function (str, timeout = 2500) { // work variables. const bodyStack = []; let state = STATE_NORMAL; let previousNonWhitespaceChar; let lastStatement = ""; let currentIndex = -1; let dotIndex; let pendingWhitespaceChars = ""; const startingTime = Date.now(); // Use a string iterator in order to handle character with a length >= 2 (e.g. 😎). for (const c of str) { // We are possibly dealing with a very large string that would take a long time to // analyze (and freeze the process). If the function has been running for more than // a given time, we stop the analysis (this isn't too bad because the only // consequence is that we won't provide autocompletion items). if (Date.now() - startingTime > timeout) { return { err: "timeout", }; } currentIndex += 1; let resetLastStatement = false; const isWhitespaceChar = c.trim() === ""; switch (state) { // Normal JS state. case STATE_NORMAL: if (lastStatement.endsWith("?.") && /\d/.test(c)) { // If the current char is a number, the engine will consider we're not // performing an optional chaining, but a ternary (e.g. x ?.4 : 2). lastStatement = ""; } // Storing the index of dot of the input string if (c === ".") { dotIndex = currentIndex; } // If the last characters were spaces, and the current one is not. if (pendingWhitespaceChars && !isWhitespaceChar) { // If we have a legitimate property/element access, or potential optional // chaining call, we append the spaces. if (c === "[" || c === "." || c === "?") { lastStatement = lastStatement + pendingWhitespaceChars; } else { // if not, we can be sure the statement was over, and we can start a new one. lastStatement = ""; } pendingWhitespaceChars = ""; } if (c == '"') { state = STATE_DQUOTE; } else if (c == "'") { state = STATE_QUOTE; } else if (c == "`") { state = STATE_TEMPLATE_LITERAL; } else if (c == "/") { state = STATE_SLASH; } else if (c == "?") { state = STATE_QUESTION_MARK; } else if (OPERATOR_CHARS_SET.has(c)) { // If the character is an operator, we can update the current statement. resetLastStatement = true; } else if (isWhitespaceChar) { // If the previous char isn't a dot or opening bracket, and the current computed // statement is not a variable/function/class declaration, we track the number // of consecutive spaces, so we can re-use them at some point (or drop them). if ( previousNonWhitespaceChar !== "." && previousNonWhitespaceChar !== "[" && !NO_AUTOCOMPLETE_PREFIXES.includes(lastStatement) ) { pendingWhitespaceChars += c; continue; } } else if (OPEN_BODY.includes(c)) { // When opening a bracket or a parens, we store the current statement, in order // to be able to retrieve it later. bodyStack.push({ token: c, lastStatement, index: currentIndex, }); // And we compute a new statement. resetLastStatement = true; } else if (CLOSE_BODY.includes(c)) { const last = bodyStack.pop(); if (!last || OPEN_CLOSE_BODY[last.token] != c) { return { err: "syntax error", }; } if (c == "}") { resetLastStatement = true; } else { lastStatement = last.lastStatement; } } break; // Escaped quote case STATE_ESCAPE_QUOTE: state = STATE_QUOTE; break; case STATE_ESCAPE_DQUOTE: state = STATE_DQUOTE; break; case STATE_ESCAPE_TEMPLATE_LITERAL: state = STATE_TEMPLATE_LITERAL; break; // Double quote state > " < case STATE_DQUOTE: if (c == "\\") { state = STATE_ESCAPE_DQUOTE; } else if (c == "\n") { return { err: "unterminated string literal", }; } else if (c == '"') { state = STATE_NORMAL; } break; // Template literal state > ` < case STATE_TEMPLATE_LITERAL: if (c == "\\") { state = STATE_ESCAPE_TEMPLATE_LITERAL; } else if (c == "`") { state = STATE_NORMAL; } break; // Single quote state > ' < case STATE_QUOTE: if (c == "\\") { state = STATE_ESCAPE_QUOTE; } else if (c == "\n") { return { err: "unterminated string literal", }; } else if (c == "'") { state = STATE_NORMAL; } break; case STATE_SLASH: if (c == "/") { state = STATE_INLINE_COMMENT; } else if (c == "*") { state = STATE_MULTILINE_COMMENT; } else { lastStatement = ""; state = STATE_NORMAL; } break; case STATE_INLINE_COMMENT: if (c === "\n") { state = STATE_NORMAL; resetLastStatement = true; } break; case STATE_MULTILINE_COMMENT: if (c === "*") { state = STATE_MULTILINE_COMMENT_CLOSE; } break; case STATE_MULTILINE_COMMENT_CLOSE: if (c === "/") { state = STATE_NORMAL; resetLastStatement = true; } else { state = STATE_MULTILINE_COMMENT; } break; case STATE_QUESTION_MARK: state = STATE_NORMAL; if (c === "?") { // If we have a nullish coalescing operator, we start a new statement resetLastStatement = true; } else if (c !== ".") { // If we're not dealing with optional chaining (?.), it means we have a ternary, // so we are starting a new statement that includes the current character. lastStatement = ""; } else { dotIndex = currentIndex; } break; } if (!isWhitespaceChar) { previousNonWhitespaceChar = c; } if (resetLastStatement) { lastStatement = ""; } else { lastStatement = lastStatement + c; } // We update all the open stacks lastStatement so they are up-to-date. bodyStack.forEach(stack => { if (stack.token !== "}") { stack.lastStatement = stack.lastStatement + c; } }); } let isElementAccess = false; let lastOpeningBracketIndex = -1; if (bodyStack.length === 1 && bodyStack[0].token === "[") { lastStatement = bodyStack[0].lastStatement; lastOpeningBracketIndex = bodyStack[0].index; isElementAccess = true; if ( state === STATE_DQUOTE || state === STATE_QUOTE || state === STATE_TEMPLATE_LITERAL || state === STATE_ESCAPE_QUOTE || state === STATE_ESCAPE_DQUOTE || state === STATE_ESCAPE_TEMPLATE_LITERAL ) { state = STATE_NORMAL; } } else if (pendingWhitespaceChars) { lastStatement = ""; } const lastCompletionCharIndex = isElementAccess ? lastOpeningBracketIndex : dotIndex; const stringBeforeLastCompletionChar = str.slice(0, lastCompletionCharIndex); const isPropertyAccess = lastCompletionCharIndex && lastCompletionCharIndex > 0; // Compute `isOptionalAccess`, so that we can use it // later for computing `expressionBeforePropertyAccess`. //Check `?.` before `[` for element access ( e.g `a?.["b` or `a ?. ["b` ) // and `?` before `.` for regular property access ( e.g `a?.b` or `a ?. b` ) const optionalElementAccessRegex = /\?\.\s*$/; const isOptionalAccess = isElementAccess ? optionalElementAccessRegex.test(stringBeforeLastCompletionChar) : isPropertyAccess && str.slice(lastCompletionCharIndex - 1, lastCompletionCharIndex + 1) === "?."; // Get the filtered string for the properties (e.g if `document.qu` then `qu`) const matchProp = isPropertyAccess ? str.slice(lastCompletionCharIndex + 1).trimLeft() : null; const expressionBeforePropertyAccess = isPropertyAccess ? str.slice( 0, // For optional access, we can take all the chars before the last "?" char. isOptionalAccess ? stringBeforeLastCompletionChar.lastIndexOf("?") : lastCompletionCharIndex ) : str; let mainExpression = lastStatement; if (isPropertyAccess) { if (isOptionalAccess) { // Strip anything before the last `?`. mainExpression = mainExpression.slice(0, mainExpression.lastIndexOf("?")); } else { mainExpression = mainExpression.slice( 0, -1 * (str.length - lastCompletionCharIndex) ); } } mainExpression = mainExpression.trim(); return { state, isElementAccess, isPropertyAccess, expressionBeforePropertyAccess, lastStatement, mainExpression, matchProp, }; }; /** * Checks whether the analyzed input string is in an appropriate state to autocomplete, e.g. not * inside a string, or declaring a variable. * @param {object} inputAnalysisState The analyzed string to check * @returns {boolean} Whether the input should be autocompleted */ exports.shouldInputBeAutocompleted = function (inputAnalysisState) { const { err, state, lastStatement } = inputAnalysisState; // There was an error analysing the string. if (err) { return false; } // If the current state is not STATE_NORMAL, then we are inside string, // which means that no completion is possible. if (state != STATE_NORMAL) { return false; } // Don't complete on just an empty string. if (lastStatement.trim() == "") { return false; } if ( NO_AUTOCOMPLETE_PREFIXES.some(prefix => lastStatement.startsWith(prefix + " ") ) ) { return false; } return true; }; /** * Checks whether the analyzed input string is in an appropriate state to be eagerly evaluated. * @param {object} inputAnalysisState * @returns {boolean} Whether the input should be eagerly evaluated */ exports.shouldInputBeEagerlyEvaluated = function ({ lastStatement }) { const inComputedProperty = lastStatement.lastIndexOf("[") !== -1 && lastStatement.lastIndexOf("[") > lastStatement.lastIndexOf("]"); const hasPropertyAccess = lastStatement.includes(".") || lastStatement.includes("["); return hasPropertyAccess && !inComputedProperty; };