<!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <!-- https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=602256 --> <head> <title>Test for Bug 602256</title> </head> <body onload="SimpleTest.executeSoon(run_test)"> <a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=602256">Mozilla Bug 602256</a> <div id="content"> <iframe id="iframe" src="start_historyframe.html"></iframe> </div> <pre id="test"> <script type="application/javascript"> /** Test for Bug 602256 */ var testWin = window.opener ? window.opener : window.parent; var SimpleTest = testWin.SimpleTest; function is() { testWin.is.apply(testWin, arguments); } var gFrame = null; function gState() { return location.hash.replace(/^#/, ""); } function waitForLoad(aCallback) { function listener() { gFrame.removeEventListener("load", listener); SimpleTest.executeSoon(aCallback); } gFrame.addEventListener("load", listener); } function loadContent(aURL, aCallback) { waitForLoad(aCallback); gFrame.src = aURL; } function getURL() { return gFrame.contentDocument.documentURI; } function getContent() { return gFrame.contentDocument.getElementById("text").textContent; } var BASE_URI = "http://mochi.test:8888/tests/docshell/test/mochitest/"; var START = BASE_URI + "start_historyframe.html"; var URL1 = BASE_URI + "url1_historyframe.html"; var URL2 = BASE_URI + "url2_historyframe.html"; function run_test() { window.location.hash = "START"; gFrame = document.getElementById("iframe"); test_basic_inner_navigation(); } function end_test() { testWin.done(); } var gTestContinuation = null; function continueAsync() { setTimeout(function() { gTestContinuation.next(); }) } function test_basic_inner_navigation() { // Navigate the inner frame a few times loadContent(URL1, function() { is(getURL(), URL1, "URL should be correct"); is(getContent(), "Test1", "Page should be correct"); loadContent(URL2, function() { is(getURL(), URL2, "URL should be correct"); is(getContent(), "Test2", "Page should be correct"); // Test that history is working waitForLoad(function() { is(getURL(), URL1, "URL should be correct"); is(getContent(), "Test1", "Page should be correct"); waitForLoad(function() { is(getURL(), URL2, "URL should be correct"); is(getContent(), "Test2", "Page should be correct"); gTestContinuation = test_state_navigation(); gTestContinuation.next(); }); window.history.forward(); }); window.history.back(); }); }); } function* test_state_navigation() { window.location.hash = "STATE1"; is(getURL(), URL2, "URL should be correct"); is(getContent(), "Test2", "Page should be correct"); window.location.hash = "STATE2"; is(getURL(), URL2, "URL should be correct"); is(getContent(), "Test2", "Page should be correct"); window.addEventListener("popstate", (e) => { continueAsync(); }, {once: true}); window.history.back(); yield; is(gState(), "STATE1", "State should be correct after going back"); is(getURL(), URL2, "URL should be correct"); is(getContent(), "Test2", "Page should be correct"); window.addEventListener("popstate", (e) => { continueAsync(); }, {once: true}); window.history.forward(); yield; is(gState(), "STATE2", "State should be correct after going forward"); is(getURL(), URL2, "URL should be correct"); is(getContent(), "Test2", "Page should be correct"); window.addEventListener("popstate", (e) => { continueAsync(); }, {once: true}); window.history.back(); yield; window.addEventListener("popstate", (e) => { continueAsync(); }, {once: true}); window.history.back(); yield; is(gState(), "START", "State should be correct"); is(getURL(), URL2, "URL should be correct"); is(getContent(), "Test2", "Page should be correct"); waitForLoad(function() { is(getURL(), URL1, "URL should be correct"); is(getContent(), "Test1", "Page should be correct"); waitForLoad(function() { is(gState(), "START", "State should be correct"); is(getURL(), START, "URL should be correct"); is(getContent(), "Start", "Page should be correct"); end_test(); }); window.history.back(); is(gState(), "START", "State should be correct after going back twice"); }); window.history.back(); continueAsync(); yield; is(gState(), "START", "State should be correct"); } </script> </pre> </body> </html>