/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 20; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "WebGLShader.h" #include "GLSLANG/ShaderLang.h" #include "GLContext.h" #include "mozilla/dom/WebGLRenderingContextBinding.h" #include "mozilla/MemoryReporting.h" #include "nsPrintfCString.h" #include "nsString.h" #include "prenv.h" #include "WebGLContext.h" #include "WebGLObjectModel.h" #include "WebGLShaderValidator.h" #include "WebGLValidateStrings.h" namespace mozilla { static void PrintLongString(const char* const begin, const size_t len) { // Wow - Roll Your Own Foreach-Lines because printf_stderr has a hard-coded // internal size, so long strings are truncated. const size_t chunkSize = 1000; auto buf = std::vector(chunkSize + 1); // +1 for null-term const auto bufBegin = buf.data(); auto chunkBegin = begin; const auto end = begin + len; while (chunkBegin + chunkSize < end) { memcpy(bufBegin, chunkBegin, chunkSize); printf_stderr("%s", bufBegin); chunkBegin += chunkSize; } printf_stderr("%s", chunkBegin); } template static bool SubstringStartsWith(const std::string& testStr, size_t offset, const char (&refStr)[N]) { for (size_t i = 0; i < N - 1; i++) { if (testStr[offset + i] != refStr[i]) return false; } return true; } static void GetCompilationStatusAndLog(gl::GLContext* gl, GLuint shader, bool* const out_success, std::string* const out_log) { GLint compileStatus = LOCAL_GL_FALSE; gl->fGetShaderiv(shader, LOCAL_GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &compileStatus); // It's simpler if we always get the log. GLint lenWithNull = 0; gl->fGetShaderiv(shader, LOCAL_GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &lenWithNull); if (lenWithNull < 1) { lenWithNull = 1; } std::vector buffer(lenWithNull); gl->fGetShaderInfoLog(shader, buffer.size(), nullptr, buffer.data()); *out_log = buffer.data(); *out_success = (compileStatus == LOCAL_GL_TRUE); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// WebGLShader::WebGLShader(WebGLContext* webgl, GLenum type) : WebGLContextBoundObject(webgl), mGLName(webgl->gl->fCreateShader(type)), mType(type) { mCompileResults = std::make_unique(); } WebGLShader::~WebGLShader() { if (!mContext) return; mContext->gl->fDeleteShader(mGLName); } void WebGLShader::ShaderSource(const std::string& u8) { mSource = CrushGlslToAscii(u8); } void WebGLShader::CompileShader() { mCompilationSuccessful = false; gl::GLContext* gl = mContext->gl; static const bool kDumpShaders = PR_GetEnv("MOZ_WEBGL_DUMP_SHADERS"); if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(kDumpShaders)) { printf_stderr("==== begin MOZ_WEBGL_DUMP_SHADERS ====\n"); PrintLongString(mSource.c_str(), mSource.size()); } { const auto validator = mContext->CreateShaderValidator(mType); MOZ_ASSERT(validator); mCompileResults = validator->ValidateAndTranslate(mSource.c_str()); } mCompilationLog = mCompileResults->mInfoLog.c_str(); const auto& success = mCompileResults->mValid; if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(kDumpShaders)) { printf_stderr("\n==== \\/ \\/ \\/ ====\n"); if (success) { const auto& translated = mCompileResults->mObjectCode; PrintLongString(translated.data(), translated.size()); } else { printf_stderr("Validation failed:\n%s", mCompileResults->mInfoLog.c_str()); } printf_stderr("\n==== end ====\n"); } if (!success) return; const std::array parts = { mCompileResults->mObjectCode.c_str()}; gl->fShaderSource(mGLName, parts.size(), parts.data(), nullptr); gl->fCompileShader(mGLName); GetCompilationStatusAndLog(gl, mGLName, &mCompilationSuccessful, &mCompilationLog); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// size_t WebGLShader::CalcNumSamplerUniforms() const { size_t accum = 0; for (const auto& cur : mCompileResults->mUniforms) { const auto& type = cur.type; if (type == LOCAL_GL_SAMPLER_2D || type == LOCAL_GL_SAMPLER_CUBE) { accum += cur.getArraySizeProduct(); } } return accum; } size_t WebGLShader::NumAttributes() const { return mCompileResults->mAttributes.size(); } void WebGLShader::BindAttribLocation(GLuint prog, const std::string& userName, GLuint index) const { for (const auto& attrib : mCompileResults->mAttributes) { if (attrib.name == userName) { mContext->gl->fBindAttribLocation(prog, index, attrib.mappedName.c_str()); return; } } } void WebGLShader::MapTransformFeedbackVaryings( const std::vector& varyings, std::vector* out_mappedVaryings) const { MOZ_ASSERT(mType == LOCAL_GL_VERTEX_SHADER); MOZ_ASSERT(out_mappedVaryings); out_mappedVaryings->clear(); out_mappedVaryings->reserve(varyings.size()); const auto& shaderVaryings = mCompileResults->mVaryings; for (const auto& userName : varyings) { const auto* mappedName = &userName; for (const auto& shaderVarying : shaderVaryings) { if (shaderVarying.name == userName) { mappedName = &shaderVarying.mappedName; break; } } out_mappedVaryings->push_back(*mappedName); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Boilerplate size_t WebGLShader::SizeOfIncludingThis(MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf) const { return mallocSizeOf(this) + mSource.size() + 1 + mCompileResults->SizeOfIncludingThis(mallocSizeOf) + mCompilationLog.size() + 1; } } // namespace mozilla