/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef mozilla_dom_GamepadManager_h_ #define mozilla_dom_GamepadManager_h_ #include "nsIObserver.h" #include "nsRefPtrHashtable.h" // Needed for GamepadMappingType #include "mozilla/dom/GamepadBinding.h" #include "mozilla/dom/GamepadHandle.h" #include <utility> class nsGlobalWindowInner; class nsIGlobalObject; namespace mozilla { namespace gfx { class VRManagerChild; } // namespace gfx namespace dom { class EventTarget; class Gamepad; class GamepadChangeEvent; class GamepadEventChannelChild; class GamepadManager final : public nsIObserver { public: NS_DECL_ISUPPORTS NS_DECL_NSIOBSERVER // Returns true if we actually have a service up and running static bool IsServiceRunning(); // Get the singleton service static already_AddRefed<GamepadManager> GetService(); void BeginShutdown(); void StopMonitoring(); // Indicate that |aWindow| wants to receive gamepad events. void AddListener(nsGlobalWindowInner* aWindow); // Indicate that |aWindow| should no longer receive gamepad events. void RemoveListener(nsGlobalWindowInner* aWindow); // Add a gamepad to the list of known gamepads. void AddGamepad(GamepadHandle aHandle, const nsAString& aID, GamepadMappingType aMapping, GamepadHand aHand, uint32_t aDisplayID, uint32_t aNumButtons, uint32_t aNumAxes, uint32_t aNumHaptics, uint32_t aNumLightIndicator, uint32_t aNumTouchEvents); // Remove the gamepad at |aIndex| from the list of known gamepads. void RemoveGamepad(GamepadHandle aHandle); // Synchronize the state of |aGamepad| to match the gamepad stored at |aIndex| void SyncGamepadState(GamepadHandle aHandle, nsGlobalWindowInner* aWindow, Gamepad* aGamepad); // Returns gamepad object if index exists, null otherwise already_AddRefed<Gamepad> GetGamepad(GamepadHandle aHandle) const; // Receive GamepadChangeEvent messages from parent process to fire DOM events void Update(const GamepadChangeEvent& aGamepadEvent); // Trigger vibrate haptic event to gamepad channels. already_AddRefed<Promise> VibrateHaptic(GamepadHandle aHandle, uint32_t aHapticIndex, double aIntensity, double aDuration, nsIGlobalObject* aGlobal, ErrorResult& aRv); // Send stop haptic events to gamepad channels. void StopHaptics(); // Set light indicator color event to gamepad channels. already_AddRefed<Promise> SetLightIndicatorColor(GamepadHandle aHandle, uint32_t aLightColorIndex, uint8_t aRed, uint8_t aGreen, uint8_t aBlue, nsIGlobalObject* aGlobal, ErrorResult& aRv); protected: GamepadManager(); ~GamepadManager() = default; // Fire a gamepadconnected or gamepaddisconnected event for the gamepad // at |aIndex| to all windows that are listening and have received // gamepad input. void NewConnectionEvent(GamepadHandle aHandle, bool aConnected); // Fire a gamepadaxismove event to the window at |aTarget| for |aGamepad|. void FireAxisMoveEvent(EventTarget* aTarget, Gamepad* aGamepad, uint32_t axis, double value); // Fire one of gamepadbutton{up,down} event at the window at |aTarget| for // |aGamepad|. void FireButtonEvent(EventTarget* aTarget, Gamepad* aGamepad, uint32_t aButton, double aValue); // Fire one of gamepad{connected,disconnected} event at the window at // |aTarget| for |aGamepad|. void FireConnectionEvent(EventTarget* aTarget, Gamepad* aGamepad, bool aConnected); // true if this feature is enabled in preferences bool mEnabled; // true if non-standard events are enabled in preferences bool mNonstandardEventsEnabled; // true when shutdown has begun bool mShuttingDown; RefPtr<GamepadEventChannelChild> mChannelChild; private: nsresult Init(); void MaybeConvertToNonstandardGamepadEvent(const GamepadChangeEvent& aEvent, nsGlobalWindowInner* aWindow); bool SetGamepadByEvent(const GamepadChangeEvent& aEvent, nsGlobalWindowInner* aWindow = nullptr); // To avoid unintentionally causing the gamepad be activated. // Returns false if this gamepad hasn't been seen by this window // and the axis move data is less than AXIS_FIRST_INTENT_THRESHOLD_VALUE. bool AxisMoveIsFirstIntent(nsGlobalWindowInner* aWindow, GamepadHandle aHandle, const GamepadChangeEvent& aEvent); bool MaybeWindowHasSeenGamepad(nsGlobalWindowInner* aWindow, GamepadHandle aHandle); // Returns true if we have already sent data from this gamepad // to this window. This should only return true if the user // explicitly interacted with a gamepad while this window // was focused, by pressing buttons or similar actions. bool WindowHasSeenGamepad(nsGlobalWindowInner* aWindow, GamepadHandle aHandle) const; // Indicate that a window has received data from a gamepad. void SetWindowHasSeenGamepad(nsGlobalWindowInner* aWindow, GamepadHandle aHandle, bool aHasSeen = true); // Gamepads connected to the system. Copies of these are handed out // to each window. nsRefPtrHashtable<nsGenericHashKey<GamepadHandle>, Gamepad> mGamepads; // Inner windows that are listening for gamepad events. // has been sent to that window. nsTArray<RefPtr<nsGlobalWindowInner>> mListeners; uint32_t mPromiseID; }; } // namespace dom } // namespace mozilla #endif // mozilla_dom_GamepadManager_h_