/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "mozilla/dom/HTMLLinkElement.h" #include "mozilla/AsyncEventDispatcher.h" #include "mozilla/Attributes.h" #include "mozilla/Components.h" #include "mozilla/EventDispatcher.h" #include "mozilla/MemoryReporting.h" #include "mozilla/Preferences.h" #include "mozilla/StaticPrefs_dom.h" #include "mozilla/StaticPrefs_network.h" #include "mozilla/dom/BindContext.h" #include "mozilla/dom/DocumentInlines.h" #include "mozilla/dom/HTMLLinkElementBinding.h" #include "mozilla/dom/HTMLDNSPrefetch.h" #include "mozilla/dom/ReferrerInfo.h" #include "mozilla/dom/ScriptLoader.h" #include "nsContentUtils.h" #include "nsDOMTokenList.h" #include "nsGenericHTMLElement.h" #include "nsGkAtoms.h" #include "nsIContentInlines.h" #include "mozilla/dom/Document.h" #include "nsINode.h" #include "nsIPrefetchService.h" #include "nsISizeOf.h" #include "nsPIDOMWindow.h" #include "nsReadableUtils.h" #include "nsStyleConsts.h" #include "nsUnicharUtils.h" #include "nsWindowSizes.h" #include "nsIContentPolicy.h" #include "nsMimeTypes.h" #include "imgLoader.h" #include "MediaContainerType.h" #include "DecoderDoctorDiagnostics.h" #include "DecoderTraits.h" #include "MediaList.h" #include "nsAttrValueInlines.h" NS_IMPL_NS_NEW_HTML_ELEMENT(Link) namespace mozilla::dom { HTMLLinkElement::HTMLLinkElement( already_AddRefed<mozilla::dom::NodeInfo>&& aNodeInfo) : nsGenericHTMLElement(std::move(aNodeInfo)) {} HTMLLinkElement::~HTMLLinkElement() { SupportsDNSPrefetch::Destroyed(*this); } NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_CLASS(HTMLLinkElement) NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE_BEGIN_INHERITED(HTMLLinkElement, nsGenericHTMLElement) tmp->LinkStyle::Traverse(cb); NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE(mRelList) NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE(mSizes) NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE_END NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK_BEGIN_INHERITED(HTMLLinkElement, nsGenericHTMLElement) tmp->LinkStyle::Unlink(); NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK(mRelList) NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK(mSizes) NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK_END NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS_CYCLE_COLLECTION_INHERITED_0(HTMLLinkElement, nsGenericHTMLElement) NS_IMPL_ELEMENT_CLONE(HTMLLinkElement) bool HTMLLinkElement::Disabled() const { return GetBoolAttr(nsGkAtoms::disabled); } void HTMLLinkElement::SetDisabled(bool aDisabled, ErrorResult& aRv) { return SetHTMLBoolAttr(nsGkAtoms::disabled, aDisabled, aRv); } nsresult HTMLLinkElement::BindToTree(BindContext& aContext, nsINode& aParent) { nsresult rv = nsGenericHTMLElement::BindToTree(aContext, aParent); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); if (IsInComposedDoc()) { TryDNSPrefetchOrPreconnectOrPrefetchOrPreloadOrPrerender(); } void (HTMLLinkElement::*update)() = &HTMLLinkElement::UpdateStyleSheetInternal; nsContentUtils::AddScriptRunner( NewRunnableMethod("dom::HTMLLinkElement::BindToTree", this, update)); if (IsInUncomposedDoc() && AttrValueIs(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::rel, nsGkAtoms::localization, eIgnoreCase)) { aContext.OwnerDoc().LocalizationLinkAdded(this); } LinkAdded(); return rv; } void HTMLLinkElement::LinkAdded() { CreateAndDispatchEvent(OwnerDoc(), u"DOMLinkAdded"_ns); } void HTMLLinkElement::LinkRemoved() { CreateAndDispatchEvent(OwnerDoc(), u"DOMLinkRemoved"_ns); } void HTMLLinkElement::UnbindFromTree(bool aNullParent) { CancelDNSPrefetch(*this); CancelPrefetchOrPreload(); // If this is reinserted back into the document it will not be // from the parser. Document* oldDoc = GetUncomposedDoc(); ShadowRoot* oldShadowRoot = GetContainingShadow(); // We want to update the localization but only if the link is removed from a // DOM change, and not because the document is going away. bool ignore; if (oldDoc && oldDoc->GetScriptHandlingObject(ignore) && AttrValueIs(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::rel, nsGkAtoms::localization, eIgnoreCase)) { oldDoc->LocalizationLinkRemoved(this); } CreateAndDispatchEvent(oldDoc, u"DOMLinkRemoved"_ns); nsGenericHTMLElement::UnbindFromTree(aNullParent); Unused << UpdateStyleSheetInternal(oldDoc, oldShadowRoot); } bool HTMLLinkElement::ParseAttribute(int32_t aNamespaceID, nsAtom* aAttribute, const nsAString& aValue, nsIPrincipal* aMaybeScriptedPrincipal, nsAttrValue& aResult) { if (aNamespaceID == kNameSpaceID_None) { if (aAttribute == nsGkAtoms::crossorigin) { ParseCORSValue(aValue, aResult); return true; } if (aAttribute == nsGkAtoms::as) { net::ParseAsValue(aValue, aResult); return true; } if (aAttribute == nsGkAtoms::sizes) { aResult.ParseAtomArray(aValue); return true; } if (aAttribute == nsGkAtoms::integrity) { aResult.ParseStringOrAtom(aValue); return true; } } return nsGenericHTMLElement::ParseAttribute(aNamespaceID, aAttribute, aValue, aMaybeScriptedPrincipal, aResult); } void HTMLLinkElement::CreateAndDispatchEvent(Document* aDoc, const nsAString& aEventName) { if (!aDoc) return; // In the unlikely case that both rev is specified *and* rel=stylesheet, // this code will cause the event to fire, on the principle that maybe the // page really does want to specify that its author is a stylesheet. Since // this should never actually happen and the performance hit is minimal, // doing the "right" thing costs virtually nothing here, even if it doesn't // make much sense. static AttrArray::AttrValuesArray strings[] = { nsGkAtoms::_empty, nsGkAtoms::stylesheet, nullptr}; if (!nsContentUtils::HasNonEmptyAttr(this, kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::rev) && FindAttrValueIn(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::rel, strings, eIgnoreCase) != AttrArray::ATTR_VALUE_NO_MATCH) { return; } RefPtr<AsyncEventDispatcher> asyncDispatcher = new AsyncEventDispatcher( this, aEventName, CanBubble::eYes, ChromeOnlyDispatch::eYes); // Always run async in order to avoid running script when the content // sink isn't expecting it. asyncDispatcher->PostDOMEvent(); } void HTMLLinkElement::BeforeSetAttr(int32_t aNameSpaceID, nsAtom* aName, const nsAttrValue* aValue, bool aNotify) { if (aNameSpaceID == kNameSpaceID_None && (aName == nsGkAtoms::href || aName == nsGkAtoms::rel)) { CancelDNSPrefetch(*this); CancelPrefetchOrPreload(); } return nsGenericHTMLElement::BeforeSetAttr(aNameSpaceID, aName, aValue, aNotify); } void HTMLLinkElement::AfterSetAttr(int32_t aNameSpaceID, nsAtom* aName, const nsAttrValue* aValue, const nsAttrValue* aOldValue, nsIPrincipal* aSubjectPrincipal, bool aNotify) { if (aNameSpaceID == kNameSpaceID_None && aName == nsGkAtoms::href) { mCachedURI = nullptr; if (IsInUncomposedDoc()) { CreateAndDispatchEvent(OwnerDoc(), u"DOMLinkChanged"_ns); } mTriggeringPrincipal = nsContentUtils::GetAttrTriggeringPrincipal( this, aValue ? aValue->GetStringValue() : EmptyString(), aSubjectPrincipal); // If the link has `rel=localization` and its `href` attribute is changed, // update the list of localization links. if (AttrValueIs(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::rel, nsGkAtoms::localization, eIgnoreCase)) { if (Document* doc = GetUncomposedDoc()) { if (aOldValue) { doc->LocalizationLinkRemoved(this); } if (aValue) { doc->LocalizationLinkAdded(this); } } } } // If a link's `rel` attribute was changed from or to `localization`, // update the list of localization links. if (aNameSpaceID == kNameSpaceID_None && aName == nsGkAtoms::rel) { if (Document* doc = GetUncomposedDoc()) { if ((aValue && aValue->Equals(nsGkAtoms::localization, eIgnoreCase)) && (!aOldValue || !aOldValue->Equals(nsGkAtoms::localization, eIgnoreCase))) { doc->LocalizationLinkAdded(this); } else if ((aOldValue && aOldValue->Equals(nsGkAtoms::localization, eIgnoreCase)) && (!aValue || !aValue->Equals(nsGkAtoms::localization, eIgnoreCase))) { doc->LocalizationLinkRemoved(this); } } } if (aValue) { if (aNameSpaceID == kNameSpaceID_None && (aName == nsGkAtoms::href || aName == nsGkAtoms::rel || aName == nsGkAtoms::title || aName == nsGkAtoms::media || aName == nsGkAtoms::type || aName == nsGkAtoms::as || aName == nsGkAtoms::crossorigin || aName == nsGkAtoms::disabled)) { bool dropSheet = false; if (aName == nsGkAtoms::rel) { nsAutoString value; aValue->ToString(value); uint32_t linkTypes = ParseLinkTypes(value); if (GetSheet()) { dropSheet = !(linkTypes & eSTYLESHEET); } } if ((aName == nsGkAtoms::rel || aName == nsGkAtoms::href) && IsInComposedDoc()) { TryDNSPrefetchOrPreconnectOrPrefetchOrPreloadOrPrerender(); } if ((aName == nsGkAtoms::as || aName == nsGkAtoms::type || aName == nsGkAtoms::crossorigin || aName == nsGkAtoms::media) && IsInComposedDoc()) { UpdatePreload(aName, aValue, aOldValue); } const bool forceUpdate = dropSheet || aName == nsGkAtoms::title || aName == nsGkAtoms::media || aName == nsGkAtoms::type || aName == nsGkAtoms::disabled; Unused << UpdateStyleSheetInternal( nullptr, nullptr, forceUpdate ? ForceUpdate::Yes : ForceUpdate::No); } } else { if (aNameSpaceID == kNameSpaceID_None) { if (aName == nsGkAtoms::disabled) { mExplicitlyEnabled = true; } // Since removing href or rel makes us no longer link to a stylesheet, // force updates for those too. if (aName == nsGkAtoms::href || aName == nsGkAtoms::rel || aName == nsGkAtoms::title || aName == nsGkAtoms::media || aName == nsGkAtoms::type || aName == nsGkAtoms::disabled) { Unused << UpdateStyleSheetInternal(nullptr, nullptr, ForceUpdate::Yes); } if ((aName == nsGkAtoms::as || aName == nsGkAtoms::type || aName == nsGkAtoms::crossorigin || aName == nsGkAtoms::media) && IsInComposedDoc()) { UpdatePreload(aName, aValue, aOldValue); } } } return nsGenericHTMLElement::AfterSetAttr( aNameSpaceID, aName, aValue, aOldValue, aSubjectPrincipal, aNotify); } // Keep this and the arrays below in sync with ToLinkMask in LinkStyle.cpp. #define SUPPORTED_REL_VALUES_BASE \ "prefetch", "dns-prefetch", "stylesheet", "next", "alternate", "preconnect", \ "icon", "search", nullptr static const DOMTokenListSupportedToken sSupportedRelValueCombinations[][12] = { {SUPPORTED_REL_VALUES_BASE}, {"manifest", SUPPORTED_REL_VALUES_BASE}, {"preload", SUPPORTED_REL_VALUES_BASE}, {"preload", "manifest", SUPPORTED_REL_VALUES_BASE}, {"modulepreload", SUPPORTED_REL_VALUES_BASE}, {"modulepreload", "manifest", SUPPORTED_REL_VALUES_BASE}, {"modulepreload", "preload", SUPPORTED_REL_VALUES_BASE}, {"modulepreload", "preload", "manifest", SUPPORTED_REL_VALUES_BASE}}; #undef SUPPORTED_REL_VALUES_BASE nsDOMTokenList* HTMLLinkElement::RelList() { if (!mRelList) { int index = (StaticPrefs::dom_manifest_enabled() ? 1 : 0) | (StaticPrefs::network_preload() ? 2 : 0) | (StaticPrefs::network_modulepreload() ? 4 : 0); mRelList = new nsDOMTokenList(this, nsGkAtoms::rel, sSupportedRelValueCombinations[index]); } return mRelList; } Maybe<LinkStyle::SheetInfo> HTMLLinkElement::GetStyleSheetInfo() { nsAutoString rel; GetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::rel, rel); uint32_t linkTypes = ParseLinkTypes(rel); if (!(linkTypes & eSTYLESHEET)) { return Nothing(); } if (!IsCSSMimeTypeAttributeForLinkElement(*this)) { return Nothing(); } if (Disabled()) { return Nothing(); } nsAutoString title; nsAutoString media; GetTitleAndMediaForElement(*this, title, media); bool alternate = linkTypes & eALTERNATE; if (alternate && title.IsEmpty()) { // alternates must have title. return Nothing(); } if (!HasNonEmptyAttr(nsGkAtoms::href)) { return Nothing(); } nsAutoString integrity; GetAttr(nsGkAtoms::integrity, integrity); nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> uri = GetURI(); nsCOMPtr<nsIPrincipal> prin = mTriggeringPrincipal; nsAutoString nonce; nsString* cspNonce = static_cast<nsString*>(GetProperty(nsGkAtoms::nonce)); if (cspNonce) { nonce = *cspNonce; } return Some(SheetInfo{ *OwnerDoc(), this, uri.forget(), prin.forget(), MakeAndAddRef<ReferrerInfo>(*this), GetCORSMode(), title, media, integrity, nonce, alternate ? HasAlternateRel::Yes : HasAlternateRel::No, IsInline::No, mExplicitlyEnabled ? IsExplicitlyEnabled::Yes : IsExplicitlyEnabled::No, }); } void HTMLLinkElement::AddSizeOfExcludingThis(nsWindowSizes& aSizes, size_t* aNodeSize) const { nsGenericHTMLElement::AddSizeOfExcludingThis(aSizes, aNodeSize); if (nsCOMPtr<nsISizeOf> iface = do_QueryInterface(mCachedURI)) { *aNodeSize += iface->SizeOfExcludingThis(aSizes.mState.mMallocSizeOf); } } JSObject* HTMLLinkElement::WrapNode(JSContext* aCx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> aGivenProto) { return HTMLLinkElement_Binding::Wrap(aCx, this, aGivenProto); } void HTMLLinkElement::GetAs(nsAString& aResult) { GetEnumAttr(nsGkAtoms::as, "", aResult); } void HTMLLinkElement::GetContentPolicyMimeTypeMedia( nsAttrValue& aAsAttr, nsContentPolicyType& aPolicyType, nsString& aMimeType, nsAString& aMedia) { nsAutoString as; GetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::as, as); net::ParseAsValue(as, aAsAttr); aPolicyType = net::AsValueToContentPolicy(aAsAttr); nsAutoString type; GetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::type, type); nsAutoString notUsed; nsContentUtils::SplitMimeType(type, aMimeType, notUsed); GetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::media, aMedia); } void HTMLLinkElement:: TryDNSPrefetchOrPreconnectOrPrefetchOrPreloadOrPrerender() { MOZ_ASSERT(IsInComposedDoc()); if (!HasAttr(nsGkAtoms::href)) { return; } nsAutoString rel; if (!GetAttr(nsGkAtoms::rel, rel)) { return; } if (!nsContentUtils::PrefetchPreloadEnabled(OwnerDoc()->GetDocShell())) { return; } uint32_t linkTypes = ParseLinkTypes(rel); if ((linkTypes & ePREFETCH) || (linkTypes & eNEXT)) { nsCOMPtr<nsIPrefetchService> prefetchService( components::Prefetch::Service()); if (prefetchService) { if (nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> uri = GetURI()) { auto referrerInfo = MakeRefPtr<ReferrerInfo>(*this); prefetchService->PrefetchURI(uri, referrerInfo, this, linkTypes & ePREFETCH); return; } } } if (linkTypes & ePRELOAD) { if (nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> uri = GetURI()) { nsContentPolicyType policyType; nsAttrValue asAttr; nsAutoString mimeType; nsAutoString media; GetContentPolicyMimeTypeMedia(asAttr, policyType, mimeType, media); if (policyType == nsIContentPolicy::TYPE_INVALID || !net::CheckPreloadAttrs(asAttr, mimeType, media, OwnerDoc())) { // Ignore preload with a wrong or empty as attribute. net::WarnIgnoredPreload(*OwnerDoc(), *uri); return; } StartPreload(policyType); return; } } if (linkTypes & eMODULE_PRELOAD) { ScriptLoader* scriptLoader = OwnerDoc()->ScriptLoader(); ModuleLoader* moduleLoader = scriptLoader->GetModuleLoader(); if (!moduleLoader) { // For the print preview documents, at this moment it doesn't have module // loader yet, as the (print preview) document is not attached to the // nsIContentViewer yet, so it doesn't have the GlobalObject. // Also, the script elements won't be processed as they are also cloned // from the original document. // So we simply bail out if the module loader is null. return; } if (!StaticPrefs::network_modulepreload()) { // Keep behavior from https://phabricator.services.mozilla.com/D149371, // prior to main implementation of modulepreload moduleLoader->DisallowImportMaps(); return; } // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/semantics.html#processing-the-media-attribute // TODO: apply this check for all linkTypes nsAutoString media; if (GetAttr(nsGkAtoms::media, media)) { RefPtr<mozilla::dom::MediaList> mediaList = mozilla::dom::MediaList::Create(NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(media)); if (!mediaList->Matches(*OwnerDoc())) { return; } } // TODO: per spec, apply this check for ePREFETCH as well if (!HasNonEmptyAttr(nsGkAtoms::href)) { return; } nsAutoString as; GetAttr(nsGkAtoms::as, as); if (!net::IsScriptLikeOrInvalid(as)) { RefPtr<AsyncEventDispatcher> asyncDispatcher = new AsyncEventDispatcher( this, u"error"_ns, CanBubble::eNo, ChromeOnlyDispatch::eNo); asyncDispatcher->PostDOMEvent(); return; } nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> uri = GetURI(); if (!uri) { return; } // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/webappapis.html#fetch-a-modulepreload-module-script-graph // Step 1. Disallow further import maps given settings object. moduleLoader->DisallowImportMaps(); StartPreload(nsIContentPolicy::TYPE_SCRIPT); return; } if (linkTypes & ePRECONNECT) { if (nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> uri = GetURI()) { OwnerDoc()->MaybePreconnect( uri, AttrValueToCORSMode(GetParsedAttr(nsGkAtoms::crossorigin))); return; } } if (linkTypes & eDNS_PREFETCH) { TryDNSPrefetch(*this); } } void HTMLLinkElement::UpdatePreload(nsAtom* aName, const nsAttrValue* aValue, const nsAttrValue* aOldValue) { MOZ_ASSERT(IsInComposedDoc()); if (!HasAttr(nsGkAtoms::href)) { return; } nsAutoString rel; if (!GetAttr(nsGkAtoms::rel, rel)) { return; } if (!nsContentUtils::PrefetchPreloadEnabled(OwnerDoc()->GetDocShell())) { return; } uint32_t linkTypes = ParseLinkTypes(rel); if (!(linkTypes & ePRELOAD)) { return; } nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> uri = GetURI(); if (!uri) { return; } nsAttrValue asAttr; nsContentPolicyType asPolicyType; nsAutoString mimeType; nsAutoString media; GetContentPolicyMimeTypeMedia(asAttr, asPolicyType, mimeType, media); if (asPolicyType == nsIContentPolicy::TYPE_INVALID || !net::CheckPreloadAttrs(asAttr, mimeType, media, OwnerDoc())) { // Ignore preload with a wrong or empty as attribute, but be sure to cancel // the old one. CancelPrefetchOrPreload(); net::WarnIgnoredPreload(*OwnerDoc(), *uri); return; } if (aName == nsGkAtoms::crossorigin) { CORSMode corsMode = AttrValueToCORSMode(aValue); CORSMode oldCorsMode = AttrValueToCORSMode(aOldValue); if (corsMode != oldCorsMode) { CancelPrefetchOrPreload(); StartPreload(asPolicyType); } return; } nsContentPolicyType oldPolicyType; if (aName == nsGkAtoms::as) { if (aOldValue) { oldPolicyType = net::AsValueToContentPolicy(*aOldValue); if (!net::CheckPreloadAttrs(*aOldValue, mimeType, media, OwnerDoc())) { oldPolicyType = nsIContentPolicy::TYPE_INVALID; } } else { oldPolicyType = nsIContentPolicy::TYPE_INVALID; } } else if (aName == nsGkAtoms::type) { nsAutoString oldType; nsAutoString notUsed; if (aOldValue) { aOldValue->ToString(oldType); } nsAutoString oldMimeType; nsContentUtils::SplitMimeType(oldType, oldMimeType, notUsed); if (net::CheckPreloadAttrs(asAttr, oldMimeType, media, OwnerDoc())) { oldPolicyType = asPolicyType; } else { oldPolicyType = nsIContentPolicy::TYPE_INVALID; } } else { MOZ_ASSERT(aName == nsGkAtoms::media); nsAutoString oldMedia; if (aOldValue) { aOldValue->ToString(oldMedia); } if (net::CheckPreloadAttrs(asAttr, mimeType, oldMedia, OwnerDoc())) { oldPolicyType = asPolicyType; } else { oldPolicyType = nsIContentPolicy::TYPE_INVALID; } } if (asPolicyType != oldPolicyType && oldPolicyType != nsIContentPolicy::TYPE_INVALID) { CancelPrefetchOrPreload(); } // Trigger a new preload if the policy type has changed. if (asPolicyType != oldPolicyType) { StartPreload(asPolicyType); } } void HTMLLinkElement::CancelPrefetchOrPreload() { CancelPreload(); nsCOMPtr<nsIPrefetchService> prefetchService(components::Prefetch::Service()); if (prefetchService) { if (nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> uri = GetURI()) { prefetchService->CancelPrefetchPreloadURI(uri, this); } } } void HTMLLinkElement::StartPreload(nsContentPolicyType aPolicyType) { MOZ_ASSERT(!mPreload, "Forgot to cancel the running preload"); RefPtr<PreloaderBase> preload = OwnerDoc()->Preloads().PreloadLinkElement(this, aPolicyType); mPreload = preload.get(); } void HTMLLinkElement::CancelPreload() { if (mPreload) { // This will cancel the loading channel if this was the last referred node // and the preload is not used up until now to satisfy a regular tag load // request. mPreload->RemoveLinkPreloadNode(this); mPreload = nullptr; } } bool HTMLLinkElement::IsCSSMimeTypeAttributeForLinkElement( const Element& aSelf) { // Processing the type attribute per // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/semantics.html#processing-the-type-attribute // for HTML link elements. nsAutoString type; nsAutoString mimeType; nsAutoString notUsed; aSelf.GetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::type, type); nsContentUtils::SplitMimeType(type, mimeType, notUsed); return mimeType.IsEmpty() || mimeType.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("text/css"); } } // namespace mozilla::dom