  <title>MSE: loop-back data not available yet (shorter video)</title>
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 * This test is used to check whether a looping video can loop back successfully
 * when it has a shorter video track than its audio track. When reaching EOS for
 * the shorter track, there is no loop-back data at the start position (they are
 * not appended yet) Even that, we should still be able to loop back but the
 * looping would become non-seamless in this situation.

runWithMSE(async (ms, el) => {
  await once(ms, "sourceopen");
  ok(true, "Receive a sourceopen event");
  const videosb = ms.addSourceBuffer("video/mp4");
  const audiosb = ms.addSourceBuffer("audio/mp4");

  // Here we create a way shorter video than audio because audio decoding is
  // very fast. If two track only have small diffence in length, audio track
  // would still reach to the end first. But in this test, we want to test
  // reaching video EOS first.
  info(`create different length source buffers`);
  await fetchAndLoad(audiosb, "bipbop/bipbop_audio", ["init"], ".mp4");
  await fetchAndLoad(audiosb, "bipbop/bipbop_audio", range(5, 8), ".m4s");
  videosb.appendWindowEnd = audiosb.buffered.end(0) - 2.5;
  await fetchAndLoad(videosb, "bipbop/bipbop_video", ["init"], ".mp4");
  await fetchAndLoad(videosb, "bipbop/bipbop_video", range(5, 8), ".m4s");
  await Promise.all([once(el, "durationchange"), once(ms, "sourceended")]);
  info(`audio=[${audiosb.buffered.start(0)}-${audiosb.buffered.end(0)}], video=[${videosb.buffered.start(0)}-${videosb.buffered.end(0)}]`);
  ok(true, `endOfStream completed, buffer=[${el.buffered.start(0)}, ${el.buffered.end(0)}]`);
  ok(audiosb.buffered.end(0) > videosb.buffered.end(0), `audio should be longer than video`);

  info(`seek to the position where buffered data exists`);
  el.loop = true;
  el.controls = true;
  el.currentTime = el.buffered.start(0);
  await el.play();

  info(`video should trigger seeking when reaching to the end`);
  let seekingCount = 0, seekedCount = 0;
  el.addEventListener("seeking", () => {
    is(++seekingCount, 1, "should only receive seeking once!");
  el.addEventListener("seeked", () => {
    is(++seekedCount, 1, "should only receive seeked once!");
  await once(el, "seeking");

  info(`trim old data before append new data`);
  let p = Promise.all([once(videosb, "updateend"), once(audiosb, "updateend")]);
  videosb.remove(videosb.buffered.start(0), videosb.buffered.end(0));
  audiosb.remove(audiosb.buffered.start(0), audiosb.buffered.end(0));
  await p;

  info(`append new data`);
  const seekedPromise = once(el, "seeked");
  p = Promise.all([once(videosb, "updateend"), once(audiosb, "updateend")]);
  await fetchAndLoad(videosb, "bipbop/bipbop_video", range(1, 2), ".m4s");
  await fetchAndLoad(audiosb, "bipbop/bipbop_audio", range(1, 2), ".m4s");
  await p;
  info(`audio=[${audiosb.buffered.start(0)}-${audiosb.buffered.end(0)}], video=[${videosb.buffered.start(0)}-${videosb.buffered.end(0)}]`);

  info(`now we should be able to finish seeking to the start position`);
  await seekedPromise;

