function waitForState(worker, state, context) { return new Promise(resolve => { function onStateChange() { if (worker.state === state) { worker.removeEventListener("statechange", onStateChange); resolve(context); } } // First add an event listener, so we won't miss any change that happens // before we check the current state. worker.addEventListener("statechange", onStateChange); // Now check if the worker is already in the desired state. onStateChange(); }); } /** * Helper for browser tests to issue register calls from the content global and * wait for the SW to progress to the active state, as most tests desire. * From the ContentTask.spawn, use via * `content.wrappedJSObject.registerAndWaitForActive`. */ async function registerAndWaitForActive(script, maybeScope) { console.log("...calling register"); let opts = undefined; if (maybeScope) { opts = { scope: maybeScope }; } const reg = await navigator.serviceWorker.register(script, opts); // Unless registration resurrection happens, the SW should be in the // installing slot. console.log("...waiting for activation"); await waitForState(reg.installing, "activated", reg); console.log("...activated!"); return reg; } /** * Helper to create an iframe with the given URL and return the first * postMessage payload received. This is intended to be used when creating * cross-origin iframes. * * A promise will be returned that resolves with the payload of the postMessage * call. */ function createIframeAndWaitForMessage(url) { const iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); document.body.appendChild(iframe); return new Promise(resolve => { window.addEventListener( "message", event => { resolve(; }, { once: true } ); iframe.src = url; }); } /** * Helper to create a nested iframe into the iframe created by * createIframeAndWaitForMessage(). * * A promise will be returned that resolves with the payload of the postMessage * call. */ function createNestedIframeAndWaitForMessage(url) { const iframe = document.getElementsByTagName("iframe")[0]; iframe.contentWindow.postMessage("create nested iframe", "*"); return new Promise(resolve => { window.addEventListener( "message", event => { resolve(; }, { once: true } ); }); } async function unregisterAll() { const registrations = await navigator.serviceWorker.getRegistrations(); for (const reg of registrations) { await reg.unregister(); } } /** * Make a blob that contains random data and therefore shouldn't compress all * that well. */ function makeRandomBlob(size) { const arr = new Uint8Array(size); let offset = 0; /** * getRandomValues will only provide a maximum of 64k of data at a time and * will error if we ask for more, so using a while loop for get a random value * which much larger than 64k. * */ while (offset < size) { const nextSize = Math.min(size - offset, 65536); window.crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(arr.buffer, offset, nextSize)); offset += nextSize; } return new Blob([arr], { type: "application/octet-stream" }); } async function fillStorage(cacheBytes, idbBytes) { // ## Fill Cache API Storage const cache = await"filler"); await cache.put("fill", new Response(makeRandomBlob(cacheBytes))); // ## Fill IDB const storeName = "filler"; let db = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let openReq ="filler", 1); openReq.onerror = event => { reject(; }; openReq.onsuccess = event => { resolve(; }; openReq.onupgradeneeded = event => { const useDB =; useDB.onerror = error => { reject(error); }; const store = useDB.createObjectStore(storeName); store.put({ blob: makeRandomBlob(idbBytes) }, "filler-blob"); }; }); }