  <title>Test for Bug 346659</title>
  <script src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"/>
<a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=346659">Mozilla Bug 346659</a>
<p id="display"></p>
<div id="content" style="display: none">
<pre id="test">
<script type="application/javascript">

/** Test for Bug 346659 **/
var numTests = 10;
SimpleTest.requestLongerTimeout(2); // test takes a long time on android and b2g emulators

var wins = [];

function r(base, tail) {
  return base.replace(/\/[^\/]*$/, "/" + tail);

 * This function sets up the test according to the data it receives. If the data
 * is a JSON string, it will use the object parsed from that to determine how to
 * set up the test.
async function handleCmd(evt) {
  var cmd;
  try {
    cmd = JSON.parse(evt.data);
  } catch (e) {
    // Not json, so it should be a test result. We don't need to set up test.
    return false;

  if ("load" in cmd) {
    var testNum = cmd.load;

    // Set up the testing window property and get necessary information from it.
    // We use SpecialPowers.spawn() here since the testing window could be cross
    // origin.
    var { isOpenerTest, location } =
      await SpecialPowers.spawn(wins[testNum], [testNum], testNum => {
        var win = content.wrappedJSObject;
        win.childWin.x = testNum;

        return {
          isOpenerTest: win.childWin.opener == win,
          location: content.location.href,

    // Get the test location according to the test.
    if (isOpenerTest) {
      if ("xsite" in cmd) {
        var loc = r(window.location.href, "bug346659-opener-echoer.html?" + testNum);
      } else {
        var loc = r(location, "bug346659-opener-echoer.html?" + testNum);
    } else {
      if ("xsite" in cmd) {
        var loc = r(window.location.href, "bug346659-parent-echoer.html?" + testNum);
      } else {
        var loc = r(location, "bug346659-parent-echoer.html?" + testNum);

    // Trigger the loading on the child window of the testing window.
    await SpecialPowers.spawn(wins[testNum], [loc], loc => {
      content.wrappedJSObject.childWin.location.href = loc;
    wins[testNum] = null;
  } else if ("write" in cmd) {
    var testNum = cmd.write;

    try {
      // Set up the test on the testing window.
      await SpecialPowers.spawn(wins[testNum], [testNum], testNum => {
        var win = content.wrappedJSObject;
        win.childWin.x = testNum;

        // Test document.write().
        if (win.childWin.opener == win) {
              window.opener.opener.postMessage("${testNum} - " + window.x, "http://mochi.test:8888/");
            <` + '/script>');
        } else {
              window.parent.opener.postMessage("${testNum} - " + window.x, "http://mochi.test:8888/");
            <` + '/script>');
    } catch (e) {
      if (e.name != "SecurityError" || e.code != 18) {
        throw e;
      // Security error on cross-site write() is fine
      await SpecialPowers.spawn(wins[testNum], [], () => {
        var win = content.wrappedJSObject;
        if (win.childWin.opener == win) {

    wins[testNum] = null;
  return true;

async function messageReceiver(evt) {
  // First try to detect a load/write command
  if (await handleCmd(evt)) {

  var testNumber = parseInt(evt.data);
  var testResult = evt.data.substring(3 + Math.floor(Math.log(testNumber) * Math.LOG10E + 1));

  switch (testNumber) {
    case 1:
      is(testResult, "1", "Props on new window should be preserved when loading");
    case 2:
      is(testResult, "2", "Props on new window should be preserved when writing");
    case 3:
      is(testResult, "3", "Props on window opened from new window should be preserved when loading");
    case 4:
      is(testResult, "4", "Props on window opened from new window should be preserved when writing");
    case 5:
      is(testResult, "undefined", "Props on new window's child should go away when loading");
    case 6:
      is(testResult, "6", "Props on new window's child should not go away when writing");
    case 7:
      is(testResult, "7", "Props on different-domain window opened from different-domain new window can stay");
    case 9:
      is(testResult, "undefined", "Props on different-domain new window's child should go away when loading");
    case 11:
      is(testResult, "undefined", "Props on same-domain window opened from different-domain new window should go away when loading");
    case 12:
      is(testResult, "undefined", "Props on different-domain new window's same-domain child should go away when loading");
      ok(0, "unexpected test number (" + testNumber + ") when data is " + evt.data);


function handleTestEnd() {
  if (!--numTests) {
window.addEventListener("message", messageReceiver);

var win = window.open("");
win.x = 1;
win.location.href = "bug346659-echoer.html";

win = window.open("");
win.x = 2;
win.document.write('<script> window.opener.postMessage("2 - " + window.x, window.location.href); window.close(); </' + 'script>');

wins[3] = window.open('bug346659-opener.html?{"load":3}');
wins[4] = window.open('bug346659-opener.html?{"write":4}');
wins[5] = window.open('bug346659-parent.html?{"load":5}');
wins[6] = window.open('bug346659-parent.html?{"write":6}');

is(location.host, "mochi.test:8888", "Unexpected host");

SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({"set": [["dom.security.https_first", false]]}, function() {
  var baseurl = window.location.href.replace(/mochi\.test:8888/, "example.com");
  wins[7] = window.open(r(baseurl, 'bug346659-opener.html?{"load":7}'));
  wins[9] = window.open(r(baseurl, 'bug346659-parent.html?{"load":9}'));

  wins[11] = window.open(r(baseurl, 'bug346659-opener.html?{"load":11,"xsite":true}'));
  wins[12] = window.open(r(baseurl, 'bug346659-parent.html?{"load":12,"xsite":true}'));
