# Building Building the project is not usually needed for local development. However, for exports to WPT, or deployment (https://gpuweb.github.io/cts/), files can be pre-generated. The project builds into two directories: - `out/`: Built framework and test files, needed to run standalone or command line. - `out-wpt/`: Build directory for export into WPT. Contains: - An adapter for running WebGPU CTS tests under WPT - A copy of the needed files from `out/` - A copy of any `.html` test cases from `src/` To build and run all pre-submit checks (including type and lint checks and unittests), use: ```sh npm test ``` For checks only: ```sh npm run check ``` For a quicker iterative build: ```sh npm run standalone ``` ## Run To serve the built files (rather than using the dev server), run `npx grunt serve`. ## Export to WPT Run `npm run wpt`. Copy (or symlink) the `out-wpt/` directory as the `webgpu/` directory in your WPT checkout or your browser's "internal" WPT test directory.