import { LogMessageWithStack } from '../../internal/logging/log_message.js'; import { TransferredTestCaseResult, LiveTestCaseResult } from '../../internal/logging/result.js'; import { TestCaseRecorder } from '../../internal/logging/test_case_recorder.js'; import { TestQueryWithExpectation } from '../../internal/query/query.js'; export class TestWorker { private readonly debug: boolean; private readonly worker: Worker; private readonly resolvers = new Map void>(); constructor(debug: boolean) { this.debug = debug; const selfPath = import.meta.url; const selfPathDir = selfPath.substring(0, selfPath.lastIndexOf('/')); const workerPath = selfPathDir + '/test_worker-worker.js'; this.worker = new Worker(workerPath, { type: 'module' }); this.worker.onmessage = ev => { const query: string =; const result: TransferredTestCaseResult =; if (result.logs) { for (const l of result.logs) { Object.setPrototypeOf(l, LogMessageWithStack.prototype); } } this.resolvers.get(query)!(result as LiveTestCaseResult); // MAINTENANCE_TODO(kainino0x): update the Logger with this result (or don't have a logger and // update the entire results JSON somehow at some point). }; } async run( rec: TestCaseRecorder, query: string, expectations: TestQueryWithExpectation[] = [] ): Promise { this.worker.postMessage({ query, expectations, debug: this.debug }); const workerResult = await new Promise(resolve => { this.resolvers.set(query, resolve); }); rec.injectResult(workerResult); } }