import { Float16Array } from '../../external/petamoriken/float16/float16.js'; import { globalTestConfig } from '../framework/test_config.js'; import { Logger } from '../internal/logging/logger.js'; import { keysOf } from './data_tables.js'; import { timeout } from './timeout.js'; /** * Error with arbitrary `extra` data attached, for debugging. * The extra data is omitted if not running the test in debug mode (`?debug=1`). */ export class ErrorWithExtra extends Error { readonly extra: { [k: string]: unknown }; /** * `extra` function is only called if in debug mode. * If an `ErrorWithExtra` is passed, its message is used and its extras are passed through. */ constructor(message: string, extra: () => {}); constructor(base: ErrorWithExtra, newExtra: () => {}); constructor(baseOrMessage: string | ErrorWithExtra, newExtra: () => {}) { const message = typeof baseOrMessage === 'string' ? baseOrMessage : baseOrMessage.message; super(message); const oldExtras = baseOrMessage instanceof ErrorWithExtra ? baseOrMessage.extra : {}; this.extra = Logger.globalDebugMode ? { ...oldExtras, ...newExtra() } : { omitted: 'pass ?debug=1' }; } } /** * Asserts `condition` is true. Otherwise, throws an `Error` with the provided message. */ export function assert(condition: boolean, msg?: string | (() => string)): asserts condition { if (!condition) { throw new Error(msg && (typeof msg === 'string' ? msg : msg())); } } /** If the argument is an Error, throw it. Otherwise, pass it back. */ export function assertOK(value: Error | T): T { if (value instanceof Error) { throw value; } return value; } /** * Resolves if the provided promise rejects; rejects if it does not. */ export async function assertReject(p: Promise, msg?: string): Promise { try { await p; unreachable(msg); } catch (ex) { // Assertion OK } } /** * Assert this code is unreachable. Unconditionally throws an `Error`. */ export function unreachable(msg?: string): never { throw new Error(msg); } /** * The `performance` interface. * It is available in all browsers, but it is not in scope by default in Node. */ const perf = typeof performance !== 'undefined' ? performance : require('perf_hooks').performance; /** * Calls the appropriate `` depending on whether running in a browser or Node. */ export function now(): number { return; } /** * Returns a promise which resolves after the specified time. */ export function resolveOnTimeout(ms: number): Promise { return new Promise(resolve => { timeout(() => { resolve(); }, ms); }); } export class PromiseTimeoutError extends Error {} /** * Returns a promise which rejects after the specified time. */ export function rejectOnTimeout(ms: number, msg: string): Promise { return new Promise((_resolve, reject) => { timeout(() => { reject(new PromiseTimeoutError(msg)); }, ms); }); } /** * Takes a promise `p`, and returns a new one which rejects if `p` takes too long, * and otherwise passes the result through. */ export function raceWithRejectOnTimeout(p: Promise, ms: number, msg: string): Promise { if (globalTestConfig.noRaceWithRejectOnTimeout) { return p; } // Setup a promise that will reject after `ms` milliseconds. We cancel this timeout when // `p` is finalized, so the JavaScript VM doesn't hang around waiting for the timer to // complete, once the test runner has finished executing the tests. const timeoutPromise = new Promise((_resolve, reject) => { const handle = timeout(() => { reject(new PromiseTimeoutError(msg)); }, ms); p = p.finally(() => clearTimeout(handle)); }); return Promise.race([p, timeoutPromise]) as Promise; } /** * Takes a promise `p` and returns a new one which rejects if `p` resolves or rejects, * and otherwise resolves after the specified time. */ export function assertNotSettledWithinTime( p: Promise, ms: number, msg: string ): Promise { // Rejects regardless of whether p resolves or rejects. const rejectWhenSettled = p.then(() => Promise.reject(new Error(msg))); // Resolves after `ms` milliseconds. const timeoutPromise = new Promise(resolve => { const handle = timeout(() => { resolve(undefined); }, ms); p.finally(() => clearTimeout(handle)); }); return Promise.race([rejectWhenSettled, timeoutPromise]); } /** * Returns a `Promise.reject()`, but also registers a dummy `.catch()` handler so it doesn't count * as an uncaught promise rejection in the runtime. */ export function rejectWithoutUncaught(err: unknown): Promise { const p = Promise.reject(err); // Suppress uncaught promise rejection. p.catch(() => {}); return p; } /** * Makes a copy of a JS `object`, with the keys reordered into sorted order. */ export function sortObjectByKey(v: { [k: string]: unknown }): { [k: string]: unknown } { const sortedObject: { [k: string]: unknown } = {}; for (const k of Object.keys(v).sort()) { sortedObject[k] = v[k]; } return sortedObject; } /** * Determines whether two JS values are equal, recursing into objects and arrays. * NaN is treated specially, such that `objectEquals(NaN, NaN)`. */ export function objectEquals(x: unknown, y: unknown): boolean { if (typeof x !== 'object' || typeof y !== 'object') { if (typeof x === 'number' && typeof y === 'number' && Number.isNaN(x) && Number.isNaN(y)) { return true; } return x === y; } if (x === null || y === null) return x === y; if (x.constructor !== y.constructor) return false; if (x instanceof Function) return x === y; if (x instanceof RegExp) return x === y; if (x === y || x.valueOf() === y.valueOf()) return true; if (Array.isArray(x) && Array.isArray(y) && x.length !== y.length) return false; if (x instanceof Date) return false; if (!(x instanceof Object)) return false; if (!(y instanceof Object)) return false; const x1 = x as { [k: string]: unknown }; const y1 = y as { [k: string]: unknown }; const p = Object.keys(x); return Object.keys(y).every(i => p.indexOf(i) !== -1) && p.every(i => objectEquals(x1[i], y1[i])); } /** * Generates a range of values `fn(0)..fn(n-1)`. */ export function range(n: number, fn: (i: number) => T): T[] { return [ Array(n)].map((_, i) => fn(i)); } /** * Generates a range of values `fn(0)..fn(n-1)`. */ export function* iterRange(n: number, fn: (i: number) => T): Iterable { for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) { yield fn(i); } } /** Creates a (reusable) iterable object that maps `f` over `xs`, lazily. */ export function mapLazy(xs: Iterable, f: (x: T) => R): Iterable { return { *[Symbol.iterator]() { for (const x of xs) { yield f(x); } }, }; } const TypedArrayBufferViewInstances = [ new Uint8Array(), new Uint8ClampedArray(), new Uint16Array(), new Uint32Array(), new Int8Array(), new Int16Array(), new Int32Array(), new Float16Array(), new Float32Array(), new Float64Array(), ] as const; export type TypedArrayBufferView = typeof TypedArrayBufferViewInstances[number]; export type TypedArrayBufferViewConstructor< A extends TypedArrayBufferView = TypedArrayBufferView > = { // Interface copied from Uint8Array, and made generic. readonly prototype: A; readonly BYTES_PER_ELEMENT: number; new (): A; new (elements: Iterable): A; new (array: ArrayLike | ArrayBufferLike): A; new (buffer: ArrayBufferLike, byteOffset?: number, length?: number): A; new (length: number): A; from(arrayLike: ArrayLike): A; /* eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */ from(arrayLike: Iterable, mapfn?: (v: number, k: number) => number, thisArg?: any): A; /* eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */ from(arrayLike: ArrayLike, mapfn: (v: T, k: number) => number, thisArg?: any): A; of(...items: number[]): A; }; export const kTypedArrayBufferViews: { readonly [k: string]: TypedArrayBufferViewConstructor; } = { ...(() => { /* eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */ const result: { [k: string]: any } = {}; for (const v of TypedArrayBufferViewInstances) { result[] = v.constructor; } return result; })(), }; export const kTypedArrayBufferViewKeys = keysOf(kTypedArrayBufferViews); export const kTypedArrayBufferViewConstructors = Object.values(kTypedArrayBufferViews); function subarrayAsU8( buf: ArrayBuffer | TypedArrayBufferView, { start = 0, length }: { start?: number; length?: number } ): Uint8Array | Uint8ClampedArray { if (buf instanceof ArrayBuffer) { return new Uint8Array(buf, start, length); } else if (buf instanceof Uint8Array || buf instanceof Uint8ClampedArray) { // Don't wrap in new views if we don't need to. if (start === 0 && (length === undefined || length === buf.byteLength)) { return buf; } } const byteOffset = buf.byteOffset + start * buf.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT; const byteLength = length !== undefined ? length * buf.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT : buf.byteLength - (byteOffset - buf.byteOffset); return new Uint8Array(buf.buffer, byteOffset, byteLength); } /** * Copy a range of bytes from one ArrayBuffer or TypedArray to another. * * `start`/`length` are in elements (or in bytes, if ArrayBuffer). */ export function memcpy( src: { src: ArrayBuffer | TypedArrayBufferView; start?: number; length?: number }, dst: { dst: ArrayBuffer | TypedArrayBufferView; start?: number } ): void { subarrayAsU8(dst.dst, dst).set(subarrayAsU8(src.src, src)); }