export const description = ` Stress tests for allocation of GPUBuffer objects through GPUDevice. `; import { makeTestGroup } from '../../common/framework/test_group.js'; import { GPUTest } from '../../webgpu/gpu_test.js'; export const g = makeTestGroup(GPUTest); g.test('coexisting').desc(`Tests allocation of many coexisting GPUBuffer objects.`).unimplemented(); g.test('continuous,with_destroy') .desc( `Tests allocation and destruction of many GPUBuffer objects over time. Objects are sequentially created and destroyed over a very large number of iterations.` ) .unimplemented(); g.test('continuous,no_destroy') .desc( `Tests allocation and implicit GC of many GPUBuffer objects over time. Objects are sequentially created and dropped for GC over a very large number of iterations.` ) .unimplemented();