/* -*- Mode: IDL; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * The origin of this IDL file is: * https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/webappapis.html#windoworworkerglobalscope-mixin * https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#fetch-method * https://w3c.github.io/webappsec-secure-contexts/#monkey-patching-global-object * https://w3c.github.io/ServiceWorker/#self-caches */ // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/webappapis.html#windoworworkerglobalscope-mixin [Exposed=(Window,Worker)] interface mixin WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope { [Replaceable] readonly attribute USVString origin; readonly attribute boolean crossOriginIsolated; [Throws, NeedsCallerType] undefined reportError(any e); // base64 utility methods [Throws] DOMString btoa(DOMString btoa); [Throws] DOMString atob(DOMString atob); // timers // NOTE: We're using overloads where the spec uses a union. Should // be black-box the same. [Throws] long setTimeout(Function handler, optional long timeout = 0, any... arguments); [Throws] long setTimeout(DOMString handler, optional long timeout = 0, any... unused); undefined clearTimeout(optional long handle = 0); [Throws] long setInterval(Function handler, optional long timeout = 0, any... arguments); [Throws] long setInterval(DOMString handler, optional long timeout = 0, any... unused); undefined clearInterval(optional long handle = 0); // microtask queuing undefined queueMicrotask(VoidFunction callback); // ImageBitmap [Throws] Promise<ImageBitmap> createImageBitmap(ImageBitmapSource aImage, optional ImageBitmapOptions aOptions = {}); [Throws] Promise<ImageBitmap> createImageBitmap(ImageBitmapSource aImage, long aSx, long aSy, long aSw, long aSh, optional ImageBitmapOptions aOptions = {}); // structured cloning [Throws] any structuredClone(any value, optional StructuredSerializeOptions options = {}); }; // https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#fetch-method partial interface mixin WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope { [NewObject, NeedsCallerType] Promise<Response> fetch(RequestInfo input, optional RequestInit init = {}); }; // https://w3c.github.io/webappsec-secure-contexts/#monkey-patching-global-object partial interface mixin WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope { readonly attribute boolean isSecureContext; }; // http://w3c.github.io/IndexedDB/#factory-interface partial interface mixin WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope { // readonly attribute IDBFactory indexedDB; // bug 1776789 [Throws] readonly attribute IDBFactory? indexedDB; }; // https://w3c.github.io/ServiceWorker/#self-caches partial interface mixin WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope { [Throws, Func="nsGlobalWindowInner::CachesEnabled", SameObject] readonly attribute CacheStorage caches; }; // https://wicg.github.io/scheduling-apis/#ref-for-windoworworkerglobalscope-scheduler partial interface mixin WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope { [Replaceable, Pref="dom.enable_web_task_scheduling", SameObject] readonly attribute Scheduler scheduler; };