function ok(what, msg) { postMessage({ event: msg, test: "ok", a: what }); } function is(a, b, msg) { postMessage({ event: msg, test: "is", a, b }); } self.onmessage = function onmessage(event) { // An XHR with system privileges will be able to do cross-site calls. const TEST_URL = ""; is(location.hostname, "mochi.test", "hostname should be mochi.test"); var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest({ mozSystem: true }); is(xhr.mozSystem, true, ".mozSystem == true");"GET", TEST_URL); xhr.onload = function onload() { is(xhr.status, 200); ok(xhr.responseText != null); ok(xhr.responseText.length); postMessage({ test: "finish" }); }; xhr.onerror = function onerror() { ok(false, "Got an error event!"); postMessage({ test: "finish" }); }; xhr.send(); };