  <title>Test for Bug 596333</title>
  <script src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"/>
  <script src="/tests/SimpleTest/EventUtils.js"></script>
  <script src="spellcheck.js"></script>
<a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=596333">Mozilla Bug 596333</a>
<p id="display"></p>
<div id="content" style="display: none">

<pre id="test">
<script type="application/javascript">

/** Test for Bug 596333 **/
const Ci = SpecialPowers.Ci;


var gMisspeltWords;
var onSpellCheck;

function getEditor() {
  return SpecialPowers.wrap(document.getElementById("edit")).editor;

function append(str) {
  var edit = document.getElementById("edit");
  edit.selectionStart = edit.selectionEnd = edit.value.length;

function getLoadContext() {
  return SpecialPowers.wrap(window).docShell.QueryInterface(Ci.nsILoadContext);

function paste(str) {
  var Cc = SpecialPowers.Cc;
  var trans = Cc["@mozilla.org/widget/transferable;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITransferable);
  var s = Cc["@mozilla.org/supports-string;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsISupportsString);
  s.data = str;
  trans.setTransferData("text/plain", s);

  let beforeInputEvent = null;
  let inputEvent = null;
  window.addEventListener("beforeinput", aEvent => { beforeInputEvent = aEvent; }, {once: true});
  window.addEventListener("input", aEvent => { inputEvent = aEvent; }, {once: true});
  isnot(beforeInputEvent, null, '"beforeinput" event should be fired');
  if (beforeInputEvent) {
    is(beforeInputEvent.cancelable, true, '"beforeinput" event for "insertFromPaste" should be cancelable');
    is(beforeInputEvent.inputType, "insertFromPaste", 'inputType of "beforeinput" event should be "insertFromPaste"');
    is(beforeInputEvent.data, str, `data of "beforeinput" event should be "${str}"`);
    is(beforeInputEvent.dataTransfer, null, 'dataTransfer of "beforeinput" event should be null on <textarea>');
    is(beforeInputEvent.getTargetRanges().length, 0, 'getTargetRanges() of "beforeinput" event should return empty array on <textarea>');
  is(inputEvent.type, "input", '"input" event should be fired');
  is(inputEvent.inputType, "insertFromPaste", '"inputType of "input" event should be "insertFromPaste"');
  is(inputEvent.data, str, `data of "input" event should be "${str}"`);
  is(inputEvent.dataTransfer, null, 'dataTransfer of "input" event should be null on <textarea>');
  is(inputEvent.getTargetRanges().length, 0, 'getTargetRanges() of "input" event should return empty array on <textarea>');

function runOnFocus() {
  var edit = document.getElementById("edit");

  gMisspeltWords = ["haz", "cheezburger"];
  ok(isSpellingCheckOk(getEditor(), gMisspeltWords),
     "All misspellings before editing are accounted for.");
  append(" becaz I'm a lulcat!");
  onSpellCheck(edit, function() {
    ok(isSpellingCheckOk(getEditor(), gMisspeltWords),
       "All misspellings after typing are accounted for.");

    // Now, type an invalid word, and instead of hitting "space" at the end, just blur
    // the textarea and see if the spell check after the blur event catches it.
    append(" workd");
    onSpellCheck(edit, function() {
      ok(isSpellingCheckOk(getEditor(), gMisspeltWords),
         "All misspellings after blur are accounted for.");

      // Also, test the case when we're entering the first word in a textarea
      gMisspeltWords = ["workd"];
      edit.value = "";
      append("workd ");
      onSpellCheck(edit, function() {
        ok(isSpellingCheckOk(getEditor(), gMisspeltWords),
           "Misspelling in the first entered word is accounted for.");

        // Make sure that pasting would also trigger spell checking for the previous word
        gMisspeltWords = ["workd"];
        edit.value = "";
        paste("           x");
        onSpellCheck(edit, function() {
          ok(isSpellingCheckOk(getEditor(), gMisspeltWords),
             "Misspelling is accounted for after pasting.");


function runTest() {
  var edit = document.getElementById("edit");

  onSpellCheck = SpecialPowers.ChromeUtils.import(
  onSpellCheck(edit, runOnFocus);

<textarea id="edit">I can haz cheezburger</textarea>
