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#include <stddef.h>

namespace AAStroke {

enum class LineCap { Round, Square, Butt };
enum class LineJoin { Round, Miter, Bevel };
struct StrokeStyle {
  float width;
  LineCap cap;
  LineJoin join;
  float miter_limit;
struct Stroker;
struct OutputVertex {
  float x;
  float y;
  float coverage;
struct VertexBuffer {
  OutputVertex* data;
  size_t len;

extern "C" {
Stroker* aa_stroke_new(const StrokeStyle* style,
                       OutputVertex* output_ptr = nullptr,
                       size_t output_capacity = 0);
void aa_stroke_move_to(Stroker* s, float x, float y, bool closed);
void aa_stroke_line_to(Stroker* s, float x, float y, bool end);
void aa_stroke_curve_to(Stroker* s, float c1x, float c1y, float c2x, float c2y,
                        float x, float y, bool end);
void aa_stroke_close(Stroker* s);
VertexBuffer aa_stroke_finish(Stroker* s);
void aa_stroke_vertex_buffer_release(VertexBuffer vb);
void aa_stroke_release(Stroker* s);

}  // namespace AAStroke