/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "gfxASurface.h" #include "gfxImageSurface.h" #include "nsISupportsUtils.h" // for NS_ADDREF #include "cairo.h" static int GetASurfaceRefCount(gfxASurface* s) { NS_ADDREF(s); return s->Release(); } static int CheckInt(int value, int expected) { if (value != expected) { fprintf(stderr, "Expected %d got %d\n", expected, value); return 1; } return 0; } static int CheckPointer(void* value, void* expected) { if (value != expected) { fprintf(stderr, "Expected %p got %p\n", expected, value); return 1; } return 0; } static cairo_user_data_key_t destruction_key; static void SurfaceDestroyNotifier(void* data) { *(int*)data = 1; } static int TestNewSurface() { int failures = 0; int destroyed = 0; RefPtr s = new gfxImageSurface(mozilla::gfx::IntSize(10, 10), mozilla::gfx::SurfaceFormat::A8R8G8B8_UINT32); cairo_surface_t* cs = s->CairoSurface(); cairo_surface_set_user_data(cs, &destruction_key, &destroyed, SurfaceDestroyNotifier); failures += CheckInt(GetASurfaceRefCount(s.get()), 1); failures += CheckInt(cairo_surface_get_reference_count(cs), 1); failures += CheckInt(destroyed, 0); cairo_surface_reference(cs); failures += CheckInt(GetASurfaceRefCount(s.get()), 2); failures += CheckInt(cairo_surface_get_reference_count(cs), 2); failures += CheckInt(destroyed, 0); gfxASurface* savedWrapper = s.get(); s = nullptr; failures += CheckInt(cairo_surface_get_reference_count(cs), 1); failures += CheckInt(destroyed, 0); s = gfxASurface::Wrap(cs); failures += CheckPointer(s.get(), savedWrapper); failures += CheckInt(GetASurfaceRefCount(s.get()), 2); failures += CheckInt(cairo_surface_get_reference_count(cs), 2); failures += CheckInt(destroyed, 0); cairo_surface_destroy(cs); failures += CheckInt(GetASurfaceRefCount(s.get()), 1); failures += CheckInt(cairo_surface_get_reference_count(cs), 1); failures += CheckInt(destroyed, 0); s = nullptr; failures += CheckInt(destroyed, 1); return failures; } static int TestExistingSurface() { int failures = 0; int destroyed = 0; cairo_surface_t* cs = cairo_image_surface_create(CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, 10, 10); cairo_surface_set_user_data(cs, &destruction_key, &destroyed, SurfaceDestroyNotifier); failures += CheckInt(cairo_surface_get_reference_count(cs), 1); failures += CheckInt(destroyed, 0); RefPtr s = gfxASurface::Wrap(cs); failures += CheckInt(GetASurfaceRefCount(s.get()), 2); cairo_surface_reference(cs); failures += CheckInt(GetASurfaceRefCount(s.get()), 3); failures += CheckInt(cairo_surface_get_reference_count(cs), 3); failures += CheckInt(destroyed, 0); gfxASurface* savedWrapper = s.get(); s = nullptr; failures += CheckInt(cairo_surface_get_reference_count(cs), 2); failures += CheckInt(destroyed, 0); s = gfxASurface::Wrap(cs); failures += CheckPointer(s.get(), savedWrapper); failures += CheckInt(GetASurfaceRefCount(s.get()), 3); failures += CheckInt(cairo_surface_get_reference_count(cs), 3); failures += CheckInt(destroyed, 0); cairo_surface_destroy(cs); failures += CheckInt(GetASurfaceRefCount(s.get()), 2); failures += CheckInt(cairo_surface_get_reference_count(cs), 2); failures += CheckInt(destroyed, 0); s = nullptr; failures += CheckInt(cairo_surface_get_reference_count(cs), 1); failures += CheckInt(destroyed, 0); cairo_surface_destroy(cs); failures += CheckInt(destroyed, 1); return failures; } TEST(Gfx, SurfaceRefCount) { int fail; fail = TestNewSurface(); EXPECT_TRUE(fail == 0) << "TestNewSurface: " << fail << " failures"; fail = TestExistingSurface(); EXPECT_TRUE(fail == 0) << "TestExistingSurface: " << fail << " failures"; }