// © 2021 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. // License & terms of use: https://www.unicode.org/copyright.html // emojiprops.h // created: 2021sep03 Markus W. Scherer #ifndef __EMOJIPROPS_H__ #define __EMOJIPROPS_H__ #include "unicode/utypes.h" #include "unicode/ucptrie.h" #include "unicode/udata.h" #include "unicode/uobject.h" #include "uset_imp.h" U_NAMESPACE_BEGIN class EmojiProps : public UMemory { public: // @internal EmojiProps(UErrorCode &errorCode) { load(errorCode); } ~EmojiProps(); static const EmojiProps *getSingleton(UErrorCode &errorCode); static UBool hasBinaryProperty(UChar32 c, UProperty which); static UBool hasBinaryProperty(const char16_t *s, int32_t length, UProperty which); void addPropertyStarts(const USetAdder *sa, UErrorCode &errorCode) const; void addStrings(const USetAdder *sa, UProperty which, UErrorCode &errorCode) const; enum { // Byte offsets from the start of the data, after the generic header, // in ascending order. // UCPTrie=CodePointTrie, follows the indexes IX_CPTRIE_OFFSET, IX_RESERVED1, IX_RESERVED2, IX_RESERVED3, // UCharsTrie=CharsTrie IX_BASIC_EMOJI_TRIE_OFFSET, IX_EMOJI_KEYCAP_SEQUENCE_TRIE_OFFSET, IX_RGI_EMOJI_MODIFIER_SEQUENCE_TRIE_OFFSET, IX_RGI_EMOJI_FLAG_SEQUENCE_TRIE_OFFSET, IX_RGI_EMOJI_TAG_SEQUENCE_TRIE_OFFSET, IX_RGI_EMOJI_ZWJ_SEQUENCE_TRIE_OFFSET, IX_RESERVED10, IX_RESERVED11, IX_RESERVED12, IX_TOTAL_SIZE, // Not initially byte offsets. IX_RESERVED14, IX_RESERVED15, IX_COUNT // 16 }; // Properties in the code point trie. enum { // https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr51/#Emoji_Properties BIT_EMOJI, BIT_EMOJI_PRESENTATION, BIT_EMOJI_MODIFIER, BIT_EMOJI_MODIFIER_BASE, BIT_EMOJI_COMPONENT, BIT_EXTENDED_PICTOGRAPHIC, // https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr51/#Emoji_Sets BIT_BASIC_EMOJI }; private: static UBool U_CALLCONV isAcceptable(void *context, const char *type, const char *name, const UDataInfo *pInfo); /** Input i: One of the IX_..._TRIE_OFFSET indexes into the data file indexes[] array. */ static int32_t getStringTrieIndex(int32_t i) { return i - IX_BASIC_EMOJI_TRIE_OFFSET; } void load(UErrorCode &errorCode); UBool hasBinaryPropertyImpl(UChar32 c, UProperty which) const; UBool hasBinaryPropertyImpl(const char16_t *s, int32_t length, UProperty which) const; UDataMemory *memory = nullptr; UCPTrie *cpTrie = nullptr; const char16_t *stringTries[6] = { nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr }; }; U_NAMESPACE_END #endif // __EMOJIPROPS_H__