// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html // Generated using tools/cldr/cldr-to-icu/build-icu-data.xml units:table(nofallback){ cldrVersion{"43"} convertUnits{ 100-kilometer{ factor{"100000"} target{"meter"} } acre{ factor{"ft2_to_m2 * 43560"} target{"square-meter"} } ampere{ factor{"1"} target{"ampere"} } arc-minute{ factor{"1/360*60"} target{"revolution"} } arc-second{ factor{"1/360*60*60"} target{"revolution"} } astronomical-unit{ factor{"meters_per_AU"} target{"meter"} } atmosphere{ factor{"101325"} target{"kilogram-per-meter-square-second"} } bar{ factor{"100000"} target{"kilogram-per-meter-square-second"} } barrel{ factor{"42*gal_to_m3"} target{"cubic-meter"} } bit{ factor{"1"} target{"bit"} } british-thermal-unit{ factor{"4.184*2267.96185/9"} target{"kilogram-square-meter-per-square-second"} } bushel{ factor{"2150.42*in3_to_m3"} target{"cubic-meter"} } byte{ factor{"8"} target{"bit"} } calorie{ factor{"4.184"} target{"kilogram-square-meter-per-square-second"} } candela{ factor{"1"} target{"candela"} } carat{ factor{"0.0002"} target{"kilogram"} } celsius{ factor{"1"} offset{"273.15"} target{"kelvin"} } century{ factor{"100"} target{"year"} } cup{ factor{"gal_to_m3/16"} target{"cubic-meter"} } cup-metric{ factor{"0.00025"} target{"cubic-meter"} } dalton{ factor{"1.49241808560E-10"} target{"kilogram-square-meter-per-square-second"} } day{ factor{"86400"} target{"second"} } day-person{ factor{"86400"} target{"second"} } decade{ factor{"10"} target{"year"} } degree{ factor{"1/360"} target{"revolution"} } dessert-spoon{ factor{"gal_to_m3/16*128"} target{"cubic-meter"} } dessert-spoon-imperial{ factor{"gal_imp_to_m3/16*128"} target{"cubic-meter"} } dot{ factor{"1"} target{"pixel"} } dram{ factor{"gal_to_m3/128*8"} target{"cubic-meter"} } drop{ factor{"gal_to_m3/128*576"} target{"cubic-meter"} } dunam{ factor{"1000"} target{"square-meter"} } earth-mass{ factor{"5.9722E+24"} target{"kilogram"} } 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factor{"105480400"} target{"kilogram-square-meter-per-square-second"} } ton{ factor{"lb_to_kg*2000"} target{"kilogram"} } tonne{ factor{"1000"} target{"kilogram"} } volt{ factor{"1"} target{"kilogram-square-meter-per-cubic-second-ampere"} } watt{ factor{"1"} target{"kilogram-square-meter-per-cubic-second"} } week{ factor{"604800"} target{"second"} } week-person{ factor{"604800"} target{"second"} } yard{ factor{"ft_to_m*3"} target{"meter"} } year{ factor{"1"} target{"year"} } year-person{ factor{"1"} target{"year"} } } unitConstants{ G{"6.67408E-11"} PI{"411557987 / 131002976"} ft2_to_m2{"ft_to_m*ft_to_m"} ft3_to_m3{"ft_to_m*ft_to_m*ft_to_m"} ft_to_m{"0.3048"} gal_imp_to_m3{"0.00454609"} gal_to_m3{"231*in3_to_m3"} glucose_molar_mass{"180.1557"} gravity{"9.80665"} in3_to_m3{"ft3_to_m3/12*12*12"} item_per_mole{"6.02214076E+23"} lb_to_kg{"0.45359237"} meters_per_AU{"149597870700"} sec_per_julian_year{"31557600"} speed_of_light_meters_per_second{"299792458"} } unitPreferenceData{ "area"{ 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unit{"millimole-per-liter"} } } BM{ { unit{"millimole-per-liter"} } } BN{ { unit{"millimole-per-liter"} } } BW{ { unit{"millimole-per-liter"} } } BY{ { unit{"millimole-per-liter"} } } CA{ { unit{"millimole-per-liter"} } } CH{ { unit{"millimole-per-liter"} } } CM{ { unit{"millimole-per-liter"} } } CN{ { unit{"millimole-per-liter"} } } CZ{ { unit{"millimole-per-liter"} } } DK{ { unit{"millimole-per-liter"} } } DM{ { unit{"millimole-per-liter"} } } EE{ { unit{"millimole-per-liter"} } } FI{ { unit{"millimole-per-liter"} } } FJ{ { unit{"millimole-per-liter"} } } GB{ { unit{"millimole-per-liter"} } } GD{ { unit{"millimole-per-liter"} } } HK{ { unit{"millimole-per-liter"} } } HR{ { unit{"millimole-per-liter"} } } HU{ { unit{"millimole-per-liter"} } } IE{ { unit{"millimole-per-liter"} } } IM{ { unit{"millimole-per-liter"} } } IS{ { unit{"millimole-per-liter"} } } KE{ { unit{"millimole-per-liter"} } } KN{ { unit{"millimole-per-liter"} } } KW{ { unit{"millimole-per-liter"} } } KZ{ { unit{"millimole-per-liter"} } } LC{ { unit{"millimole-per-liter"} } } LI{ { unit{"millimole-per-liter"} } } LT{ { unit{"millimole-per-liter"} } } LU{ { unit{"millimole-per-liter"} } } LV{ { unit{"millimole-per-liter"} } } ME{ { unit{"millimole-per-liter"} } } MG{ { unit{"millimole-per-liter"} } } MK{ { unit{"millimole-per-liter"} } } MO{ { unit{"millimole-per-liter"} } } MS{ { unit{"millimole-per-liter"} } } MT{ { unit{"millimole-per-liter"} } } MU{ { unit{"millimole-per-liter"} } } MY{ { unit{"millimole-per-liter"} } } MZ{ { unit{"millimole-per-liter"} } } NA{ { unit{"millimole-per-liter"} } } NL{ { unit{"millimole-per-liter"} } } NO{ { unit{"millimole-per-liter"} } } NZ{ { unit{"millimole-per-liter"} } } OM{ { unit{"millimole-per-liter"} } } PG{ { unit{"millimole-per-liter"} } } RS{ { unit{"millimole-per-liter"} } } RU{ { unit{"millimole-per-liter"} } } SE{ { unit{"millimole-per-liter"} } } SG{ { unit{"millimole-per-liter"} } } SI{ { unit{"millimole-per-liter"} } } SK{ { unit{"millimole-per-liter"} } } TC{ { unit{"millimole-per-liter"} } } TO{ { unit{"millimole-per-liter"} } } UA{ { unit{"millimole-per-liter"} } } UG{ { unit{"millimole-per-liter"} } } VC{ { unit{"millimole-per-liter"} } } VG{ { unit{"millimole-per-liter"} } } VN{ { unit{"millimole-per-liter"} } } VU{ { unit{"millimole-per-liter"} } } ZA{ { unit{"millimole-per-liter"} } } } "default"{ 001{ { unit{"item-per-cubic-meter"} } } } } "consumption"{ "default"{ 001{ { unit{"liter-per-100-kilometer"} } } } "vehicle-fuel"{ 001{ { unit{"liter-per-100-kilometer"} } } BR{ { unit{"liter-per-kilometer"} } } CA{ { unit{"mile-per-gallon-imperial"} } } GB{ { unit{"mile-per-gallon-imperial"} } } IT{ { unit{"liter-per-kilometer"} } } JP{ { unit{"liter-per-kilometer"} } } KR{ { unit{"liter-per-kilometer"} } } MX{ { unit{"liter-per-kilometer"} } } MY{ { unit{"liter-per-kilometer"} } } NL{ { unit{"liter-per-kilometer"} } } TH{ { unit{"liter-per-kilometer"} } } TR{ { unit{"liter-per-kilometer"} } } US{ { unit{"mile-per-gallon"} } } } } "duration"{ "default"{ 001{ { unit{"day"} } { unit{"hour"} } { unit{"minute"} } { unit{"second"} } { unit{"millisecond"} } { unit{"microsecond"} } { unit{"nanosecond"} } } } "media"{ 001{ { unit{"minute-and-second"} } { unit{"second"} } } } } "energy"{ "default"{ 001{ { unit{"kilowatt-hour"} } } } "food"{ 001{ { unit{"kilocalorie"} } } US{ { unit{"foodcalorie"} } } } } "length"{ "default"{ 001{ { unit{"kilometer"} } { unit{"meter"} } { unit{"centimeter"} } } GB{ { unit{"mile"} } { unit{"foot"} } { unit{"inch"} } } US{ { unit{"mile"} } { unit{"foot"} } { unit{"inch"} } } } "focal-length"{ 001{ { unit{"millimeter"} } } } "person"{ 001{ { unit{"centimeter"} } } CA{ { unit{"inch"} } } GB{ { unit{"inch"} } } IN{ { unit{"inch"} } } US{ { unit{"inch"} } } } "person-height"{ 001{ { unit{"centimeter"} } } AT{ { unit{"meter-and-centimeter"} } } BE{ { unit{"meter-and-centimeter"} } } CA{ { geq{"3.0"} unit{"foot-and-inch"} } { unit{"inch"} } } DZ{ { unit{"meter-and-centimeter"} } } EG{ { unit{"meter-and-centimeter"} } } ES{ { unit{"meter-and-centimeter"} } } FR{ { unit{"meter-and-centimeter"} } } GB{ { geq{"3.0"} unit{"foot-and-inch"} } { unit{"inch"} } } HK{ { unit{"meter-and-centimeter"} } } ID{ { unit{"meter-and-centimeter"} } } IL{ { unit{"meter-and-centimeter"} } } IN{ { geq{"3.0"} unit{"foot-and-inch"} } { unit{"inch"} } } IT{ { unit{"meter-and-centimeter"} } } JO{ { unit{"meter-and-centimeter"} } } MY{ { unit{"meter-and-centimeter"} } } SA{ { unit{"meter-and-centimeter"} } } SE{ { unit{"meter-and-centimeter"} } } TR{ { unit{"meter-and-centimeter"} } } US{ { geq{"3.0"} unit{"foot-and-inch"} } { unit{"inch"} } } VN{ { unit{"meter-and-centimeter"} } } } "rainfall"{ 001{ { unit{"millimeter"} } } BR{ { unit{"centimeter"} } } US{ { unit{"inch"} } } } "road"{ 001{ { geq{"0.9"} unit{"kilometer"} } { geq{"300.0"} skeleton{"precision-increment/50"} unit{"meter"} } { geq{"10"} skeleton{"precision-increment/10"} unit{"meter"} } { skeleton{"precision-increment/1"} unit{"meter"} } } GB{ { geq{"0.5"} unit{"mile"} } { geq{"100.0"} skeleton{"precision-increment/50"} unit{"yard"} } { geq{"10"} skeleton{"precision-increment/10"} unit{"yard"} } { skeleton{"precision-increment/1"} unit{"yard"} } } SE{ { unit{"mile-scandinavian"} } { unit{"kilometer"} } { geq{"300.0"} skeleton{"precision-increment/50"} unit{"meter"} } { geq{"10"} skeleton{"precision-increment/10"} unit{"meter"} } { skeleton{"precision-increment/1"} unit{"meter"} } } US{ { geq{"0.5"} unit{"mile"} } { geq{"100.0"} skeleton{"precision-increment/50"} unit{"foot"} } { geq{"10"} skeleton{"precision-increment/10"} unit{"foot"} } { skeleton{"precision-increment/1"} unit{"foot"} } } } "snowfall"{ 001{ { unit{"centimeter"} } } US{ { unit{"inch"} } } } "vehicle"{ 001{ { unit{"meter"} } } GB{ { unit{"foot-and-inch"} } } US{ { unit{"foot-and-inch"} } } } "visiblty"{ 001{ { geq{"0.1"} unit{"kilometer"} } { unit{"meter"} } } DE{ { unit{"meter"} } } GB{ { unit{"mile"} } 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unit{"celsius"} } } US{ { unit{"fahrenheit"} } } } "weather"{ 001{ { unit{"celsius"} } } BS{ { unit{"fahrenheit"} } } BZ{ { unit{"fahrenheit"} } } KY{ { unit{"fahrenheit"} } } PR{ { unit{"fahrenheit"} } } PW{ { unit{"fahrenheit"} } } US{ { unit{"fahrenheit"} } } } } "volume"{ "default"{ 001{ { unit{"cubic-meter"} } { unit{"cubic-centimeter"} } } GB{ { unit{"cubic-foot"} } { unit{"cubic-inch"} } } US{ { unit{"cubic-foot"} } { unit{"cubic-inch"} } } } "fluid"{ 001{ { unit{"liter"} } { unit{"milliliter"} } } GB{ { unit{"gallon-imperial"} } { unit{"fluid-ounce-imperial"} } } US{ { unit{"gallon"} } { unit{"quart"} } { unit{"pint"} } { unit{"cup"} } { unit{"fluid-ounce"} } { unit{"tablespoon"} } { unit{"teaspoon"} } } } "oil"{ 001{ { unit{"barrel"} } } } "vehicle"{ 001{ { unit{"liter"} } } US{ { unit{"gallon"} } } } } "year-duration"{ "default"{ 001{ { unit{"year"} } { unit{"month"} } } } "person-age"{ 001{ { geq{"2.5"} unit{"year-person"} } { unit{"year-person-and-month-person"} } { 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square-meter-per-square-second{"dose"} } { meter{"length"} } { meter-per-second{"speed"} } { meter-per-square-second{"acceleration"} } { kilogram-per-square-meter-square-second{"pressure-per-length"} } { pow4-second-square-ampere-per-kilogram-square-meter{"electric-capacitance"} } { cubic-second-square-ampere-per-kilogram-square-meter{"electric-conductance"} } { second{"duration"} } { second-ampere{"electric-charge"} } { year{"year-duration"} } { ampere{"electric-current"} } { ampere-per-square-meter{"current-density"} } { ampere-per-meter{"magnetic-field-strength"} } { kelvin{"temperature"} } { square-revolution{"solid-angle"} } { revolution{"angle"} } { revolution-per-meter{"wave-number"} } { revolution-per-second{"frequency"} } { item{"substance-amount"} } { item-per-kilogram{"concentration-mass"} } { item-per-cubic-meter{"concentration"} } { portion{"portion"} } { bit{"digital"} } { pixel{"graphics"} } { pixel-per-meter{"resolution"} } { em{"typewidth"} } } }