// Binary: cache/js-dbg-64-67bf9a4a1f77-linux // Flags: --ion-eager // var callStack = new Array(); var gTestcases = new Array(); var gTc = gTestcases.length; function TestCase(n, d, e, a) { this.expect = e; this.actual = a; this.passed = getTestCaseResult(e, a); this.reason = ''; this.bugnumber = typeof(BUGNUMER) != 'undefined' ? BUGNUMBER : ''; this.type = (typeof window == 'undefined' ? 'shell' : 'browser'); gTestcases[gTc++] = this; } function reportCompare (expected, actual, description) { var output = ""; if (typeof description == "undefined") if (expected != actual) printStatus ("Expected value '" + toPrinted(expected) + "' matched actual value '" + toPrinted(actual) + "'"); var testcase = new TestCase("unknown-test-name", description, expected, actual); testcase.reason = output; if (testcase.passed) { } return testcase.passed; } function enterFunc (funcName) { var lastFunc = callStack.pop(); reportCompare(funcName, lastFunc, "Test driver failure wrong exit function "); } function getTestCaseResult(expected, actual) {} var lfcode = new Array(); lfcode.push("\ var summary = 'decompilation of \"let with with\" ';\ var actual = '';\ var expect = '';\ test();\ function test() {\ enterFunc ('test');\ gczeal(2);\ for (let q = 0; q < 50; ++q) {\ new Function('for (var i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { } ')();\ var w = 'r'.match(/r/);\ new Function('for (var j = 0; j < 1; ++j) { } ')();\ }\ reportCompare(expect, actual, summary);\ }\ "); delete Debugger; while (true) { var file = lfcode.shift(); if (file == undefined) { break; } if (file == "evaluate") { } else { loadFile(file); } } function loadFile(lfVarx) { try { if (lfVarx.substr(-3) == ".js") { } else { evaluate(lfVarx); } } catch (lfVare) { } }