/* * Ensure that flat matches with metachars in them don't have their metachars * interpreted as special. */ function isPatternSyntaxError(pattern) { try { new RegExp(pattern); return false; } catch (e) { if (!(e instanceof SyntaxError)) throw e; return true; } } // Bug example. assertEq("1+2".replace("1+2", "$&+3"), "1+2+3"); assertEq("1112".replace("1+2", ""), "1112"); // ^ assertEq("leading text^my hat".replace("^my hat", ""), "leading text"); assertEq("my hat".replace("^my hat", ""), "my hat"); // $ assertEq("leading text$my money".replace("leading text$", ""), "my money"); assertEq("leading text".replace("leading text$", ""), "leading text"); // \ var BSL = '\\'; assertEq(("dir C:" + BSL + "Windoze").replace("C:" + BSL, ""), "dir Windoze"); assertEq(isPatternSyntaxError("C:" + BSL), true); // . assertEq("This is a sentence. It has words.".replace(".", "!"), "This is a sentence! It has words."); assertEq("This is an unterminated sentence".replace(".", ""), "This is an unterminated sentence"); // * assertEq("Video killed the radio *".replace(" *", ""), "Video killed the radio"); assertEq("aaa".replace("a*", ""), "aaa"); // + assertEq("On the + side".replace(" +", ""), "On the side"); assertEq("1111111111111".replace("1+", ""), "1111111111111"); // \+ assertEq(("Inverse cone head: " + BSL + "++/").replace(BSL + "+", ""), "Inverse cone head: +/"); assertEq((BSL + BSL + BSL).replace(BSL + "+", ""), BSL + BSL + BSL); // \\+ assertEq((BSL + BSL + "+").replace(BSL + BSL + "+", ""), ""); assertEq((BSL + BSL + BSL).replace(BSL + BSL + "+", ""), (BSL + BSL + BSL)); // \\\ assertEq((BSL + BSL + BSL + BSL).replace(BSL + BSL + BSL, ""), BSL); assertEq(isPatternSyntaxError(BSL + BSL + BSL), true); // \\\\ assertEq((BSL + BSL + BSL + BSL).replace(BSL + BSL + BSL + BSL, "", "i"), ""); assertEq((BSL + BSL).replace(BSL + BSL + BSL + BSL, ""), BSL + BSL); // ? assertEq("Pressing question?".replace("?", "."), "Pressing question."); assertEq("a".replace("a?", ""), "a"); // ( assertEq("(a".replace("(", ""), "a"); // ) assertEq("a)".replace(")", ""), "a"); // ( and ) assertEq("(foo)".replace("(foo)", ""), ""); assertEq("a".replace("(a)", ""), "a"); // [ assertEq("[a".replace("[", ""), "a"); // ] assertEq("a]".replace("]", ""), "a"); // [ and ] assertEq("a".replace("[a-z]", ""), "a"); assertEq("You would write your regexp as [a-z]".replace("[a-z]", ""), "You would write your regexp as "); // { assertEq("Numbers may be specified in the interval {1,100}".replace("{1,", ""), "Numbers may be specified in the interval 100}"); // } assertEq("Numbers may be specified in the interval {1,100}".replace(",100}", ""), "Numbers may be specified in the interval {1"); // { and } assertEq("Numbers may be specified in the interval {1,100}".replace(" {1,100}", ""), "Numbers may be specified in the interval"); assertEq("aaa".replace("a{1,10}", ""), "aaa"); // | assertEq("Mr. Gorbachev|Tear down this wall!".replace("|Tear down this wall!", ""), "Mr. Gorbachev"); assertEq("foobar".replace("foo|bar", ""), "foobar"); print("PASS");