// Tests for Object.assign's fast path for plain objects. load(libdir + "asserts.js"); function testProtoSetter() { var from = Object.create(null); from.__proto__ = {}; assertEq(Object.getPrototypeOf(from), null); var to = Object.assign({}, from); assertEq(Object.getPrototypeOf(to), from.__proto__); assertEq(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(to).length, 0); } testProtoSetter(); function testProtoDataProp() { var to = Object.create(null); to.__proto__ = 1; var from = Object.create(null); from.__proto__ = 2; Object.assign(to, from); assertEq(Object.getPrototypeOf(to), null); assertEq(to.__proto__, 2); } testProtoDataProp(); function testNonExtensible() { var to = Object.preventExtensions({x: 1}); Object.assign(to, {x: 2}); assertEq(to.x, 2); assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => Object.assign(to, {x: 3, y: 4}), TypeError); assertEq(to.x, 3); assertEq("y" in to, false); } testNonExtensible(); function testNonExtensibleNoProps() { var to = Object.preventExtensions({}); Object.assign(to, {}); // No exception. } testNonExtensibleNoProps(); function testDenseElements() { var to = Object.assign({}, {0: 1, 1: 2}); assertEq(to[0], 1); assertEq(to[1], 2); } testDenseElements(); function testNonWritableOnProto() { var proto = {}; Object.defineProperty(proto, "x", {value: 1, enumerable: true, configurable: true}); var to = Object.create(proto); assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => Object.assign(to, {x: 2}), TypeError); assertEq(to.x, 1); assertEq(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(to).length, 0); } testNonWritableOnProto(); function testAccessorOnProto() { var setterVal; var proto = {set a(v) { setterVal = v; }}; var to = Object.assign(Object.create(proto), {a: 9}); assertEq(setterVal, 9); assertEq(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(to).length, 0); } testAccessorOnProto(); function testSetAndAdd() { var to = Object.assign({x: 1, y: 2}, {x: 3, y: 4, z: 5}); assertEq(to.x, 3); assertEq(to.y, 4); assertEq(to.z, 5); } testSetAndAdd(); function testNonConfigurableFrom() { var from = {}; Object.defineProperty(from, "x", {value: 1, enumerable: true, writable: true}); var to = Object.assign({}, from); assertEq(to.x, 1); assertEq(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(to, "x").configurable, true); } testNonConfigurableFrom(); function testNonEnumerableFrom() { var from = {}; Object.defineProperty(from, "x", {value: 1, configurable: true, writable: true}); var to = Object.assign({}, from); assertEq(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(to).length, 0); assertEq(to.x, undefined); } testNonEnumerableFrom(); function testNonWritableFrom() { var from = {}; Object.defineProperty(from, "x", {value: 1, configurable: true, enumerable: true}); var to = Object.assign({}, from); assertEq(to.x, 1); assertEq(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(to, "x").writable, true); } testNonWritableFrom(); function testFrozenProto() { var proto = Object.freeze({x: 1}); var target = Object.create(proto); Object.assign(target, {foo: 1}); assertEq(target.foo, 1); assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => Object.assign(target, {x: 2}), TypeError); assertEq(target.x, 1); } testFrozenProto(); function testReuseShape() { var from = {}; from.x = 1; from.y = 2; var to = Object.assign({}, from); assertEq(to.x, 1); assertEq(to.y, 2); } testReuseShape();