// Allocate many objects, changing the lifetime from long-lived to short lived // and check that we recover. load(libdir + "pretenure.js"); setupPretenureTest(); // Phase 1: long lived. allocateObjects(nurseryCount, true); let { minor, major } = runTestAndCountCollections( () => allocateObjects(tenuredCount, true) ); print(`${minor} minor GCs, ${major} major GCs`); assertEq(minor <= 1, true); assertEq(major >= 5, true); // Phase 2: short lived. allocateObjects(tenuredCount, false); ({ minor, major } = runTestAndCountCollections( () => allocateObjects(nurseryCount * 5, false) )); print(`${minor} minor GCs, ${major} major GCs`); assertEq(minor >= 5, true); assertEq(major == 0, true);