// https://tc39.es/proposal-weakrefs/#sec-keepduringjob // When the abstract operation KeepDuringJob is called with a target object // reference, it adds the target to an identity Set that will point strongly at // the target until the end of the current Job. // // https://tc39.es/proposal-weakrefs/#sec-weakref-invariants // When WeakRef.prototype.deref is called, the referent (if it's not already // dead) is kept alive so that subsequent, synchronous accesses also return the // object. function testSameCompartmentWeakRef( targetReachable, weakRefReachable) { let target = {}; let weakref = new WeakRef(target); assertEq(weakref.deref(), target); if (!targetReachable) { target = undefined; } if (!weakRefReachable) { weakRef = undefined; } clearKeptObjects(); gc(); if (weakRefReachable) { if (targetReachable) { assertEq(weakref.deref(), target); } else { assertEq(weakref.deref(), undefined); } } } let serial = 0; function testCrossCompartmentWeakRef( targetReachable, weakRefReachable, collectTargetZone, collectWeakRefZone, sameZone) { gc(); let id = serial++; let global = newGlobal(sameZone ? {sameZoneAs: this} : {newCompartment: true}); global.eval('var target = {};'); global.target.id = id; let weakref = new WeakRef(global.target); assertEq(weakref.deref(), global.target); if (!targetReachable) { global.target = undefined; } if (!weakRefReachable) { weakRef = undefined; } if (collectTargetZone || collectWeakRefZone) { clearKeptObjects(); if (collectTargetZone) { schedulezone(global); } if (collectWeakRefZone) { schedulezone(this); } // Incremental GC so we use sweep groups. Shrinking GC to test updating // pointers. startgc(1, 'shrinking'); while (gcstate() !== 'NotActive') { gcslice(1000, {dontStart: true}); } } if (!(collectWeakRefZone && !weakRefReachable)) { if (collectTargetZone && !targetReachable) { assertEq(weakref.deref(), undefined); } else if (targetReachable) { assertEq(weakref.deref(), global.target); } else { // Target is not strongly reachable but hasn't been collected yet. We // can get it back through deref() but must check it based on properties. assertEq(weakref.deref() !== undefined, true); assertEq(weakref.deref().id, id); } } } gczeal(0); for (let targetReachable of [true, false]) { for (let weakRefReachable of [true, false]) { testSameCompartmentWeakRef(targetReachable, weakRefReachable); } } for (let targetReachable of [true, false]) { for (let weakRefReachable of [true, false]) { for (let collectTargetZone of [true, false]) { for (let collectWeakRefZone of [true, false]) { for (let sameZone of [true, false]) { if (sameZone && (collectTargetZone != collectWeakRefZone)) { continue; } testCrossCompartmentWeakRef(targetReachable, weakRefReachable, collectTargetZone, collectWeakRefZone, sameZone); } } } } }