// Test bounds checking at the end of memory with a constant base pointer. // This is intended to verify a bounds check elimination optimization in // the baseline compiler. // This can be only a functional test, we can't really see whether // the optimization is being applied. However, manual inspection // of the generated code has verified that the optimization is // being applied. // Memory is one page and minimum memory is one page, so accesses across // the end of the first page should fail. function gen(base, offset) { return wasmEvalText(`(module (memory 1) (data (i32.const 65528) "aaaaaaaa") (func (result i32) (i32.load offset=${offset} (i32.const ${base}))) (export "f" (func 0)))`).exports["f"]; } // Memory is two pages but minimum memory is one page, so accesses across // the end of the first page should succeed. function gen2(base, offset) { return wasmEvalText(`(module (memory 1) (data (i32.const 65528) "aaaaaaaa") (func (result i32) (drop (memory.grow (i32.const 1))) (i32.store (i32.const 65536) (i32.const 0x61616161)) (i32.store (i32.const 65540) (i32.const 0x61616161)) (i32.store (i32.const 80000) (i32.const 0x61616161)) (i32.store (i32.const 120000) (i32.const 0x61616161)) (i32.load offset=${offset} (i32.const ${base}))) (export "f" (func 0)))`).exports["f"]; } // Access the first page. // None of these should have an explicit bounds check generated for them as the // effective address is less than the sum of the minimum heap length and the // offset guard length. let onfirst = [[4,65528], [3,65528], [2,65528], [1,65528], [0,65528], [3,65529], [2,65529], [1,65529], [0,65529], [2,65530], [1,65530], [0,65530], [1,65531], [0,65531], [0,65532], [256, 65536-256-4], [2048, 65536-2048-4], [30000, 65536-30000-4]]; for ( let [x,y] of onfirst ) { assertEq(gen(x,y)(), 0x61616161|0); assertEq(gen(y,x)(), 0x61616161|0); } // Access the second page. // Again, no explicit bounds checks should be generated here. let onsecond = [[65532,1], [65532,2], [65532,3], [65532,4], [65532,5], [65532,6], [65532,7], [65532,8], [65531,2], [65531,3], [65531,4], [65531,5], [65531,6], [65531,7], [65531,8], [65531,9], [65530,3], [65530,4], [65530,5], [65530,6], [65530,7], [65530,8], [65530,9], [65530,10], [65529,4], [65529,5], [65529,6], [65529,7], [65529,8], [65529,9], [65529,10], [65529,11], [65528,5], [65528,6], [65528,7], [65528,8], [65528,9], [65528,10], [65528,11], [65528,12], [65527,6], [65527,7], [65527,8], [65527,9], [65527,10], [65527,11], [65527,12], [65527,13], [65526,7], [65526,8], [65526,9], [65526,10], [65526,11], [65526,12], [65526,13], [65526,14], [65525,8], [65525,9], [65525,10], [65525,11], [65525,12], [65525,13], [65525,14], [65525,15], [256, 65536-256], [2048, 65536-2048], [30000, 50000], [30000, 90000]]; for ( let [x,y] of onsecond ) { assertErrorMessage(() => { gen(x,y)() }, WebAssembly.RuntimeError, /index out of bounds/); assertErrorMessage(() => { gen(y,x)() }, WebAssembly.RuntimeError, /index out of bounds/); assertEq(gen2(x,y)(), 0x61616161|0); assertEq(gen2(y,x)(), 0x61616161|0); } // Access the third page. // Here the explicit bounds check cannot be omitted, as the access is // beyond min + offset guard. let onthird = [[60000, 90000]]; for ( let [x,y] of onthird ) { assertErrorMessage(() => { gen(x,y)() }, WebAssembly.RuntimeError, /index out of bounds/); assertErrorMessage(() => { gen(y,x)() }, WebAssembly.RuntimeError, /index out of bounds/); assertErrorMessage(() => { gen2(x,y)() }, WebAssembly.RuntimeError, /index out of bounds/); assertErrorMessage(() => { gen2(y,x)() }, WebAssembly.RuntimeError, /index out of bounds/); }