// |jit-test| skip-if: !wasmDebuggingEnabled() var g = newGlobal({newCompartment: true}); var dbg = new g.Debugger(this); var dbg = new Debugger; var kWasmH0 = 0; var kWasmH1 = 0x61; var kWasmH2 = 0x73; var kWasmH3 = 0x6d; var kWasmV0 = 0x1; var kWasmV1 = 0; var kWasmV2 = 0; var kWasmV3 = 0; let kTypeSectionCode = 1; // Function signature declarations let kImportSectionCode = 2; // Import declarations let kFunctionSectionCode = 3; // Function declarations let kExportSectionCode = 7; // Exports let kCodeSectionCode = 10; // Function code let kWasmFunctionTypeForm = 0x60; let kWasmI32 = 0x7f; let kExternalFunction = 0; let kSig_i_i = makeSig([kWasmI32], [kWasmI32]); function makeSig(params, results) { return { params: params, results: results }; } let kExprEnd = 0x0b; let kExprGetLocal = 0x20; class Binary extends Array { emit_u8(val) { this.push(val); } emit_u32v(val) { while (true) { let v = val & 0xff; val = val >>> 7; this.push(v); break; } } emit_bytes(data) { for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { this.push(data[i] & 0xff); } } emit_string(string) { let string_utf8 = unescape(encodeURIComponent(string)); this.emit_u32v(string_utf8.length); for (let i = 0; i < string_utf8.length; i++) { this.emit_u8(string_utf8.charCodeAt(i)); } } emit_header() { this.push(kWasmH0, kWasmH1, kWasmH2, kWasmH3, kWasmV0, kWasmV1, kWasmV2, kWasmV3); } emit_section(section_code, content_generator) { this.emit_u8(section_code); let section = new Binary; content_generator(section); this.emit_u32v(section.length); for (var i = 0; i < section.length; i++) this.push(section[i]); } } class WasmFunctionBuilder { constructor(module, name, type_index) { this.module = module; } exportAs(name) { this.module.addExport(name, this.index); } addBody(body) { this.body = body.slice(); this.body.push(kExprEnd); return this; } } class WasmModuleBuilder { constructor() { this.types = []; this.imports = []; this.exports = []; this.functions = []; } addType(type) { this.types.push(type); } addFunction(name, type) { let type_index = (typeof type) == "number" ? type : this.addType(type); let func = new WasmFunctionBuilder(this, name, type_index); this.functions.push(func); return func; } addImport(module = "", name, type) { this.imports.push({ module: module, name: name, kind: kExternalFunction, }); } addExport(name, index) { this.exports.push({ name: name, }); } toArray(debug = false) { let binary = new Binary; let wasm = this; binary.emit_header(); if (wasm.types.length > 0) { binary.emit_section(kTypeSectionCode, section => { section.emit_u32v(wasm.types.length); for (let type of wasm.types) { section.emit_u8(kWasmFunctionTypeForm); section.emit_u32v(type.params.length); for (let param of type.params) { section.emit_u8(param); } section.emit_u32v(type.results.length); for (let result of type.results) { section.emit_u8(result); } } }); binary.emit_section(kImportSectionCode, section => { section.emit_u32v(wasm.imports.length); for (let imp of wasm.imports) { section.emit_string(imp.module); section.emit_string(imp.name || ''); section.emit_u8(imp.kind); if (imp.kind == kExternalFunction) { section.emit_u32v(imp.type); } } }); binary.emit_section(kFunctionSectionCode, section => { section.emit_u32v(wasm.functions.length); for (let func of wasm.functions) { section.emit_u32v(func.type_index); } }); } var mem_export = (wasm.memory !== undefined && wasm.memory.exp); var exports_count = wasm.exports.length + (mem_export ? 1 : 0); if (exports_count > 0) { binary.emit_section(kExportSectionCode, section => { section.emit_u32v(exports_count); for (let exp of wasm.exports) { section.emit_string(exp.name); section.emit_u8(exp.kind); section.emit_u8(0); } }); } if (wasm.start_index !== undefined) { } if (wasm.functions.length > 0) { binary.emit_section(kCodeSectionCode, section => { section.emit_u32v(wasm.functions.length); for (let func of wasm.functions) { let local_decls = []; let header = new Binary; header.emit_u32v(local_decls.length); section.emit_u32v(header.length + func.body.length); section.emit_bytes(header); section.emit_bytes(func.body); } }); } let num_function_names = 0; let num_functions_with_local_names = 0; if (num_function_names > 0 || num_functions_with_local_names > 0 || wasm.name !== undefined) { binary.emit_section(kUnknownSectionCode, section => { if (num_function_names > 0) { } }); } return binary; } toBuffer(debug = false) { let bytes = this.toArray(debug); let buffer = new ArrayBuffer(bytes.length); let view = new Uint8Array(buffer); for (let i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) { let val = bytes[i]; view[i] = val | 0; } return buffer; } toModule(debug = false) { return new WebAssembly.Module(this.toBuffer(debug)); } } const verifyHeap = gc; function testProperties(obj) { for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { verifyHeap(); } } (function ExportedFunctionTest() { var builder = new WasmModuleBuilder(); builder.addFunction("exp", kSig_i_i).addBody([ kExprGetLocal, 0, ]).exportAs("exp"); let module1 = builder.toModule(); let instance1 = new WebAssembly.Instance(module1); let g = instance1.exports.exp; testProperties(g); builder.addImport("imp", "func", kSig_i_i); let module2 = builder.toModule(); let instance2 = new WebAssembly.Instance(module2, { imp: { func: g } }); })();