/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef jsmath_h #define jsmath_h #include #include "NamespaceImports.h" namespace js { using UnaryMathFunctionType = double (*)(double); // Used for inlining calls to double => double Math functions from JIT code. // Note that this list does not include all unary Math functions: abs and sqrt // for example are missing because the JITs optimize them without a C++ call. enum class UnaryMathFunction : uint8_t { SinNative, SinFdlibm, CosNative, CosFdlibm, TanNative, TanFdlibm, Log, Exp, ACos, ASin, ATan, Log10, Log2, Log1P, ExpM1, CosH, SinH, TanH, ACosH, ASinH, ATanH, Trunc, Cbrt, Floor, Ceil, Round, }; extern UnaryMathFunctionType GetUnaryMathFunctionPtr(UnaryMathFunction fun); extern const char* GetUnaryMathFunctionName(UnaryMathFunction fun); /* * JS math functions. */ extern const JSClass MathClass; extern uint64_t GenerateRandomSeed(); // Fill |seed[0]| and |seed[1]| with random bits, suitable for // seeding a XorShift128+ random number generator. extern void GenerateXorShift128PlusSeed(mozilla::Array& seed); extern double math_random_impl(JSContext* cx); extern double math_abs_impl(double x); extern bool math_abs(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, js::Value* vp); extern double math_max_impl(double x, double y); extern bool math_max(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, js::Value* vp); extern double math_min_impl(double x, double y); extern bool math_min(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, js::Value* vp); extern double math_sqrt_impl(double x); extern bool math_imul_handle(JSContext* cx, HandleValue lhs, HandleValue rhs, MutableHandleValue res); extern bool RoundFloat32(JSContext* cx, HandleValue v, float* out); extern bool RoundFloat32(JSContext* cx, HandleValue arg, MutableHandleValue res); extern double RoundFloat32(double d); extern double math_log_impl(double x); extern bool math_use_fdlibm_for_sin_cos_tan(); extern double math_sin_fdlibm_impl(double x); extern double math_sin_native_impl(double x); extern double math_cos_fdlibm_impl(double x); extern double math_cos_native_impl(double x); extern double math_exp_impl(double x); extern double math_tan_fdlibm_impl(double x); extern double math_tan_native_impl(double x); extern double ecmaHypot(double x, double y); extern double hypot3(double x, double y, double z); extern double hypot4(double x, double y, double z, double w); extern bool math_hypot_handle(JSContext* cx, HandleValueArray args, MutableHandleValue res); extern bool math_trunc(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp); extern double ecmaAtan2(double x, double y); extern double math_atan_impl(double x); extern double math_asin_impl(double x); extern double math_acos_impl(double x); extern double math_ceil_impl(double x); extern bool math_floor(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp); extern double math_floor_impl(double x); template extern T GetBiggestNumberLessThan(T x); extern double math_round_impl(double x); extern float math_roundf_impl(float x); extern double powi(double x, int32_t y); extern double ecmaPow(double x, double y); extern double math_log10_impl(double x); extern double math_log2_impl(double x); extern double math_log1p_impl(double x); extern double math_expm1_impl(double x); extern double math_cosh_impl(double x); extern double math_sinh_impl(double x); extern double math_tanh_impl(double x); extern double math_acosh_impl(double x); extern double math_asinh_impl(double x); extern double math_atanh_impl(double x); extern double math_trunc_impl(double x); extern float math_truncf_impl(float x); extern double math_sign_impl(double x); extern double math_cbrt_impl(double x); } /* namespace js */ #endif /* jsmath_h */