// |reftest| skip-if(!this.hasOwnProperty('AsyncIterator')) // // /*--- esid: pending description: %AsyncIterator.prototype%.flatMap innerIterator can be a generator. info: > Iterator Helpers proposal features: [iterator-helpers] ---*/ async function* gen() { yield 1; yield 2; } (async () => { const iter = gen().flatMap(async function*(x) { yield x; yield* [x + 1, x + 2]; }); for (const expected of [1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 4]) { const result = await iter.next(); assertEq(result.value, expected); assertEq(result.done, false); } const result = await iter.next(); assertEq(result.value, undefined); assertEq(result.done, true); })(); if (typeof reportCompare == 'function') reportCompare(0, 0);