// |reftest| skip-if(!this.hasOwnProperty('AsyncIterator')) // // /*--- esid: pending description: %AsyncIterator.prototype%.flatMap closes the iterator and throws when mapped isn't iterable. info: > Iterator Helpers proposal 1. Repeat, ... h. Let innerIterator be GetIterator(mapped, async). i. IfAbruptCloseAsyncIterator(innerIterator, iterated). features: [iterator-helpers] ---*/ class NotIterable { async next() { return {done: true}; } } class InvalidIterable { [Symbol.asyncIterator]() { return {}; } } class TestIterator extends AsyncIterator { async next() { return {done: false, value: 0}; } closed = false; async return(value) { this.closed = true; return {done: true, value}; } } const nonIterables = [ new NotIterable(), new InvalidIterable(), undefined, null, 0, false, Symbol(''), 0n, {}, ]; (async () => { for (const value of nonIterables) { const iter = new TestIterator(); const mapped = iter.flatMap(x => value); assertEq(iter.closed, false); console.log("here!"); try { await mapped.next(); assertEq(true, false, 'Expected reject'); } catch (exc) { assertEq(exc instanceof TypeError, true); } assertEq(iter.closed, true); } })(); if (typeof reportCompare == 'function') reportCompare(0, 0);