// |reftest| skip-if(!this.hasOwnProperty("Intl")) /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ // The implementation of the format function uses the C++ StringBuffer class, // which changes its storage model at 32 characters, and uses it in a way which // also means that there's no room for null-termination at this limit. // This test makes sure that none of this affects the output. var format = new Intl.NumberFormat("it-IT", {minimumFractionDigits: 1}); assertEq(format.format(1123123123123123123123.1), ",0"); assertEq(format.format(12123123123123123123123.1), ",0"); assertEq(format.format(123123123123123123123123.1), ",0"); // Ensure the ICU output matches Number.prototype.toFixed. function formatToFixed(x) { var mfd = format.resolvedOptions().maximumFractionDigits; var s = x.toFixed(mfd); // To keep it simple we assume |s| is always in exponential form. var m = s.match(/^(\d)\.(\d+)e\+(\d+)$/); assertEq(m !== null, true); s = m[1] + m[2].padEnd(m[3], "0"); // Group digits and append fractional part. m = s.match(/\d{1,3}(?=(?:\d{3})*$)/g); assertEq(m !== null, true); return m.join(".") + ",0"; } assertEq(formatToFixed(1123123123123123123123.1), ",0"); assertEq(formatToFixed(12123123123123123123123.1), ",0"); assertEq(formatToFixed(123123123123123123123123.1), ",0"); reportCompare(0, 0, "ok");