// |reftest| skip-if(!this.hasOwnProperty("Intl")) const { Nan, Inf, Integer, MinusSign, PlusSign, Decimal, Fraction, Group, ExponentSeparator, ExponentInteger, ExponentMinusSign, } = NumberFormatParts; const testcases = [ { locale: "en", options: { notation: "engineering", }, values: [ {value: +0, string: "0E0", parts: [Integer("0"), ExponentSeparator("E"), ExponentInteger("0")]}, {value: -0, string: "-0E0", parts: [MinusSign("-"), Integer("0"), ExponentSeparator("E"), ExponentInteger("0")]}, {value: 0n, string: "0E0", parts: [Integer("0"), ExponentSeparator("E"), ExponentInteger("0")]}, {value: 1, string: "1E0", parts: [Integer("1"), ExponentSeparator("E"), ExponentInteger("0")]}, {value: 10, string: "10E0", parts: [Integer("10"), ExponentSeparator("E"), ExponentInteger("0")]}, {value: 100, string: "100E0", parts: [Integer("100"), ExponentSeparator("E"), ExponentInteger("0")]}, {value: 1000, string: "1E3", parts: [Integer("1"), ExponentSeparator("E"), ExponentInteger("3")]}, {value: 10000, string: "10E3", parts: [Integer("10"), ExponentSeparator("E"), ExponentInteger("3")]}, {value: 100000, string: "100E3", parts: [Integer("100"), ExponentSeparator("E"), ExponentInteger("3")]}, {value: 1000000, string: "1E6", parts: [Integer("1"), ExponentSeparator("E"), ExponentInteger("6")]}, {value: 1n, string: "1E0", parts: [Integer("1"), ExponentSeparator("E"), ExponentInteger("0")]}, {value: 10n, string: "10E0", parts: [Integer("10"), ExponentSeparator("E"), ExponentInteger("0")]}, {value: 100n, string: "100E0", parts: [Integer("100"), ExponentSeparator("E"), ExponentInteger("0")]}, {value: 1000n, string: "1E3", parts: [Integer("1"), ExponentSeparator("E"), ExponentInteger("3")]}, {value: 10000n, string: "10E3", parts: [Integer("10"), ExponentSeparator("E"), ExponentInteger("3")]}, {value: 100000n, string: "100E3", parts: [Integer("100"), ExponentSeparator("E"), ExponentInteger("3")]}, {value: 1000000n, string: "1E6", parts: [Integer("1"), ExponentSeparator("E"), ExponentInteger("6")]}, {value: 0.1, string: "100E-3", parts: [Integer("100"), ExponentSeparator("E"), ExponentMinusSign("-"), ExponentInteger("3")]}, {value: 0.01, string: "10E-3", parts: [Integer("10"), ExponentSeparator("E"), ExponentMinusSign("-"), ExponentInteger("3")]}, {value: 0.001, string: "1E-3", parts: [Integer("1"), ExponentSeparator("E"), ExponentMinusSign("-"), ExponentInteger("3")]}, {value: 0.0001, string: "100E-6", parts: [Integer("100"), ExponentSeparator("E"), ExponentMinusSign("-"), ExponentInteger("6")]}, {value: 0.00001, string: "10E-6", parts: [Integer("10"), ExponentSeparator("E"), ExponentMinusSign("-"), ExponentInteger("6")]}, {value: 0.000001, string: "1E-6", parts: [Integer("1"), ExponentSeparator("E"), ExponentMinusSign("-"), ExponentInteger("6")]}, {value: 0.0000001, string: "100E-9", parts: [Integer("100"), ExponentSeparator("E"), ExponentMinusSign("-"), ExponentInteger("9")]}, {value: Infinity, string: "∞", parts: [Inf("∞")]}, {value: -Infinity, string: "-∞", parts: [MinusSign("-"), Inf("∞")]}, {value: NaN, string: "NaN", parts: [Nan("NaN")]}, {value: -NaN, string: "NaN", parts: [Nan("NaN")]}, ], }, // Exponent modifications take place early, so while in the "standard" notation // `Intl.NumberFormat("en", {maximumFractionDigits: 0}).format(0.1)` returns "0", for // "engineering" notation the result string is not "0", but instead "100E-3". { locale: "en", options: { notation: "engineering", maximumFractionDigits: 0, }, values: [ {value: 0.1, string: "100E-3", parts: [ Integer("100"), ExponentSeparator("E"), ExponentMinusSign("-"), ExponentInteger("3") ]}, ], }, { locale: "en", options: { notation: "engineering", minimumFractionDigits: 4, }, values: [ {value: 10, string: "10.0000E0", parts: [ Integer("10"), Decimal("."), Fraction("0000"), ExponentSeparator("E"), ExponentInteger("0") ]}, {value: 0.1, string: "100.0000E-3", parts: [ Integer("100"), Decimal("."), Fraction("0000"), ExponentSeparator("E"), ExponentMinusSign("-"), ExponentInteger("3") ]}, ], }, { locale: "en", options: { notation: "engineering", minimumIntegerDigits: 4, }, values: [ {value: 10, string: "0,010E0", parts: [ Integer("0"), Group(","), Integer("010"), ExponentSeparator("E"), ExponentInteger("0") ]}, {value: 0.1, string: "0,100E-3", parts: [ Integer("0"), Group(","), Integer("100"), ExponentSeparator("E"), ExponentMinusSign("-"), ExponentInteger("3") ]}, ], }, { locale: "en", options: { notation: "engineering", minimumSignificantDigits: 4, }, values: [ {value: 10, string: "10.00E0", parts: [ Integer("10"), Decimal("."), Fraction("00"), ExponentSeparator("E"), ExponentInteger("0") ]}, {value: 0.1, string: "100.0E-3", parts: [ Integer("100"), Decimal("."), Fraction("0"), ExponentSeparator("E"), ExponentMinusSign("-"), ExponentInteger("3") ]}, ], }, { locale: "en", options: { notation: "engineering", maximumSignificantDigits: 1, }, values: [ {value: 12, string: "10E0", parts: [ Integer("10"), ExponentSeparator("E"), ExponentInteger("0") ]}, {value: 0.12, string: "100E-3", parts: [ Integer("100"), ExponentSeparator("E"), ExponentMinusSign("-"), ExponentInteger("3") ]}, ], }, ]; runNumberFormattingTestcases(testcases); if (typeof reportCompare === "function") reportCompare(true, true);