(function(global) { "use strict"; const { Float32Array, Float64Array, Object, Reflect, SharedArrayBuffer, WeakMap, assertEq } = global; const { apply: Reflect_apply, construct: Reflect_construct, } = Reflect; const { get: WeakMap_prototype_get, has: WeakMap_prototype_has, } = WeakMap.prototype; const sharedConstructors = new WeakMap(); // Synthesize a constructor for a shared memory array from the constructor // for unshared memory. This has "good enough" fidelity for many uses. In // cases where it's not good enough, call isSharedConstructor for local // workarounds. function sharedConstructor(baseConstructor) { // Create SharedTypedArray as a subclass of %TypedArray%, following the // built-in %TypedArray% subclasses. class SharedTypedArray extends Object.getPrototypeOf(baseConstructor) { constructor(...args) { var array = Reflect_construct(baseConstructor, args); var {buffer, byteOffset, length} = array; var sharedBuffer = new SharedArrayBuffer(buffer.byteLength); var sharedArray = Reflect_construct(baseConstructor, [sharedBuffer, byteOffset, length], new.target); for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) sharedArray[i] = array[i]; assertEq(sharedArray.buffer, sharedBuffer); return sharedArray; } } // TypedArray.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT Object.defineProperty(SharedTypedArray, "BYTES_PER_ELEMENT", {__proto__: null, value: baseConstructor.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT}); // TypedArray.prototype.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT Object.defineProperty(SharedTypedArray.prototype, "BYTES_PER_ELEMENT", {__proto__: null, value: baseConstructor.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT}); // Share the same name with the base constructor to avoid calling // isSharedConstructor() in multiple places. Object.defineProperty(SharedTypedArray, "name", {__proto__: null, value: baseConstructor.name}); sharedConstructors.set(SharedTypedArray, baseConstructor); return SharedTypedArray; } /** * All TypedArray constructors for unshared memory. */ const typedArrayConstructors = Object.freeze([ Int8Array, Uint8Array, Uint8ClampedArray, Int16Array, Uint16Array, Int32Array, Uint32Array, Float32Array, Float64Array, ]); /** * All TypedArray constructors for shared memory. */ const sharedTypedArrayConstructors = Object.freeze( typeof SharedArrayBuffer === "function" ? typedArrayConstructors.map(sharedConstructor) : [] ); /** * All TypedArray constructors for unshared and shared memory. */ const anyTypedArrayConstructors = Object.freeze([ ...typedArrayConstructors, ...sharedTypedArrayConstructors, ]); /** * Returns `true` if `constructor` is a TypedArray constructor for shared * memory. */ function isSharedConstructor(constructor) { return Reflect_apply(WeakMap_prototype_has, sharedConstructors, [constructor]); } /** * Returns `true` if `constructor` is a TypedArray constructor for shared * or unshared memory, with an underlying element type of either Float32 or * Float64. */ function isFloatConstructor(constructor) { if (isSharedConstructor(constructor)) constructor = Reflect_apply(WeakMap_prototype_get, sharedConstructors, [constructor]); return constructor == Float32Array || constructor == Float64Array; } global.typedArrayConstructors = typedArrayConstructors; global.sharedTypedArrayConstructors = sharedTypedArrayConstructors; global.anyTypedArrayConstructors = anyTypedArrayConstructors; global.isSharedConstructor = isSharedConstructor; global.isFloatConstructor = isFloatConstructor; })(this);