// |reftest| slow skip-if(!xulRuntime.shell) /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ */ var DEBUG = false; function dprint(s) { if (DEBUG) print(s); } var hasSharedArrayBuffer = !!(this.SharedArrayBuffer && this.getSharedObject && this.setSharedObject); // Futex test // Only run if helper threads are available. if (hasSharedArrayBuffer && helperThreadCount() !== 0) { var mem = new Int32Array(new SharedArrayBuffer(1024)); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // wait() returns "not-equal" if the value is not the expected one. mem[0] = 42; assertEq(Atomics.wait(mem, 0, 33), "not-equal"); // wait() returns "timed-out" if it times out assertEq(Atomics.wait(mem, 0, 42, 100), "timed-out"); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Main is sharing the buffer with the worker; the worker is clearing // the buffer. mem[0] = 42; mem[1] = 37; mem[2] = DEBUG; setSharedObject(mem.buffer); evalInWorker(` var mem = new Int32Array(getSharedObject()); function dprint(s) { if (mem[2]) print(s); } assertEq(mem[0], 42); // what was written in the main thread assertEq(mem[1], 37); // is read in the worker mem[1] = 1337; dprint("Sleeping for 2 seconds"); sleep(2); dprint("Waking the main thread now"); setSharedObject(null); assertEq(Atomics.notify(mem, 0, 1), 1); // Can fail spuriously but very unlikely `); var then = Date.now(); assertEq(Atomics.wait(mem, 0, 42), "ok"); dprint("Woke up as I should have in " + (Date.now() - then)/1000 + "s"); assertEq(mem[1], 1337); // what was written in the worker is read in the main thread assertEq(getSharedObject(), null); // The worker's clearing of the mbx is visible //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Test the default argument to Atomics.notify() setSharedObject(mem.buffer); evalInWorker(` var mem = new Int32Array(getSharedObject()); sleep(2); // Probably long enough to avoid a spurious error next assertEq(Atomics.notify(mem, 0), 1); // Last argument to notify should default to +Infinity `); var then = Date.now(); dprint("Main thread waiting on wakeup (2s)"); assertEq(Atomics.wait(mem, 0, 42), "ok"); dprint("Woke up as I should have in " + (Date.now() - then)/1000 + "s"); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // A tricky case: while in the wait there will be an interrupt, and in // the interrupt handler we will execute a wait. This is // explicitly prohibited (for now), so there should be a catchable exception. var exn = false; timeout(2, function () { dprint("In the interrupt, starting inner wait with timeout 2s"); try { Atomics.wait(mem, 0, 42); // Should throw } catch (e) { dprint("Got the interrupt exception!"); exn = true; } return true; }); try { dprint("Starting outer wait"); assertEq(Atomics.wait(mem, 0, 42, 5000), "timed-out"); } finally { timeout(-1); } assertEq(exn, true); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } // if (hasSharedArrayBuffer && helperThreadCount() !== 0) { ... } dprint("Done"); reportCompare(true,true);