// |reftest| skip -- Intl.DurationFormat is not supported // Copyright 2022 Igalia, S.L. All rights reserved. // This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file. /*--- esid: sec-Intl.DurationFormat description: Checks cases for the locales argument to the DurationFormat constructor. info: | Intl.DurationFormat ( [ locales [ , options ] ] ) (...) 3. Let _requestedLocales_ be ? CanonicalizeLocaleList(_locales_). features: [Intl.DurationFormat] ---*/ const defaultLocale = new Intl.DurationFormat().resolvedOptions().locale; const matchers = ["lookup", "best fit"] const tests = [ [undefined, defaultLocale, "undefined"], ["EN", "en", "Single value"], [[], defaultLocale, "Empty array"], [["en", "EN"], "en", "Duplicate value (canonical first)"], [["EN", "en"], "en", "Duplicate value (canonical last)"], [{ 0: "DE", length: 0 }, defaultLocale, "Object with zero length"], [{ 0: "DE", length: 1 }, "de", "Object with length"], ]; for (const [locales, expected, name] of tests) { matchers.forEach((matcher)=>{ const drf = new Intl.DurationFormat(locales, {localeMatcher: matcher}); assert.sameValue(drf.resolvedOptions().locale, expected, name); }); }; reportCompare(0, 0);