// Copyright 2011-2012 Norbert Lindenberg. All rights reserved. // Copyright 2012 Mozilla Corporation. All rights reserved. // This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file. /*--- es5id: 11.3.2_TRF description: > Tests that the digits are determined correctly when specifying pre/post decimal digits. author: Norbert Lindenberg includes: [testIntl.js] ---*/ var locales = [ new Intl.NumberFormat().resolvedOptions().locale, "ar", "de", "th", "ja" ]; var numberingSystems = [ "arab", "latn", "thai", "hanidec" ]; var testData = { // Ref tc39/ecma402#128 "12344501000000000000000000000000000": "12344501000000000000000000000000000.0", "-12344501000000000000000000000000000": "-12344501000000000000000000000000000.0" }; testNumberFormat(locales, numberingSystems, {useGrouping: false, minimumIntegerDigits: 3, minimumFractionDigits: 1, maximumFractionDigits: 3}, testData); reportCompare(0, 0);