// Copyright (C) 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file. /*--- es6id: 13.12.11 description: Completion value when the final case matches info: | SwitchStatement : switch ( Expression ) CaseBlock [...] 8. Let R be the result of performing CaseBlockEvaluation of CaseBlock with argument switchValue. 9. Set the running execution context’s LexicalEnvironment to oldEnv. 10. Return R. 13.12.9 Runtime Semantics: CaseBlockEvaluation CaseBlock : { CaseClauses } 1. Let V = undefined. 2. Let A be the list of CaseClause items in the first CaseClauses, in source text order. If the first CaseClauses is not present A is « ». 3. Let found be false. 4. Repeat for each CaseClause C in A [...] 5. Let foundInB be false. 6. Let B be the List containing the CaseClause items in the second CaseClauses, in source text order. If the second CaseClauses is not present B is « ». 7. If found is false, then a. Repeat for each CaseClause C in B i. If foundInB is false, then 1. Let clauseSelector be the result of CaseSelectorEvaluation of C. 2. If clauseSelector is an abrupt completion, then a. If clauseSelector.[[value]] is empty, return Completion{[[type]]: clauseSelector.[[type]], [[value]]: undefined, [[target]]: clauseSelector.[[target]]}. b. Else, return Completion(clauseSelector). 3. Let foundInB be the result of performing Strict Equality Comparison input === clauseSelector.[[value]]. ii. If foundInB is true, then 1. Let R be the result of evaluating CaseClause C. 2. If R.[[value]] is not empty, let V = R.[[value]]. 3. If R is an abrupt completion, return Completion(UpdateEmpty(R, V)). 8. If foundInB is true, return NormalCompletion(V). ---*/ assert.sameValue( eval('1; switch ("a") { default: case "a": }'), undefined, 'empty StatementList (lone case)' ); assert.sameValue( eval('2; switch ("a") { default: case "a": 3; }'), 3, 'non-empy StatementList (lone case)' ); assert.sameValue( eval('4; switch ("b") { default: case "a": case "b": }'), undefined, 'empty StatementList (following an empty case)' ); assert.sameValue( eval('5; switch ("b") { default: case "a": case "b": 6; }'), 6, 'non-empty StatementList (following an empty case)' ); assert.sameValue( eval('7; switch ("b") { default: case "a": 8; case "b": }'), undefined, 'empty StatementList (following a non-empty case)' ); assert.sameValue( eval('9; switch ("b") { default: case "a": 10; case "b": 11; }'), 11, 'non-empty StatementList (following a non-empty case)' ); reportCompare(0, 0);