VTune files imported from VTune Amplifier XE 2017 Rev 1.0.486011. To update these files, copy the following from a VTune install directory: sdk/src/ittnotify/* include/ittnotify.h include/jitprofiling.h include/legacy/ittnotify.h Additionally, the following changes should be propagated: - Some static functions should be exported for use in VTuneWrapper.cpp. - Per Bug 1339190, all instances of "__attribute__((weak))" must be removed, or Ubuntu shell builds will randomly crash on startup. - With weak attributes removed, DL_SYMBOLS and PTHREAD_SYMBOLS should be defined as "(1)" to avoid -Waddress warnings. - Per Bug 1377651, the __itt_null variable in ittnotify.h should be made non-static, so it can be used in a non-static function. If the license has changed, update the "VTune License" section of toolkit/content/license.html