# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. aboutDialog-title = .title = Lok ikom { -brand-full-name } releaseNotes-link = Ngo manyen update-checkForUpdatesButton = .label = Rot pi ngec manyen .accesskey = R update-updateButton = .label = Nwo cako me keto ngec manyen i { -brand-shorter-name } .accesskey = R update-checkingForUpdates = Roto pi ngec manyen… ## Variables: ## $transfer (string) - Transfer progress. settings-update-downloading = Tye kagamo ngec — aboutdialog-update-downloading = Gamo ngec manyen — ## update-applying = Tye kaketo ngec manyen… update-failed = Keto ngec manyen pe olare. update-failed-main = Keto ngec manyen pe olare. Gam kite manyen loyo update-adminDisabled = Ngat ma loyo nyonyo ni ojuko ngec manyen woko update-noUpdatesFound = { -brand-short-name } tye kakare aboutdialog-update-checking-failed = Roto ngec manyen pe otwere. update-otherInstanceHandlingUpdates = { -brand-short-name } tye ka keto ngec manyen ki ka mukene ## Variables: ## $displayUrl (String): URL to page with download instructions. Example: www.mozilla.org/firefox/nightly/ aboutdialog-update-manual-with-link = Ngec manyen nonge i settings-update-manual-with-link = Ngec manyen nonge i { $displayUrl } update-unsupported = Pe i twero mede ki keto ngec manyen i nyonyo man. update-restarting = Tye ka cake odoco... update-internal-error2 = Roto ngec manyen pe otwere pi bal ma iyie. Ngec manyen nonge i ## # Variables: # $channel (String): description of the update channel (e.g. "release", "beta", "nightly" etc.) aboutdialog-channel-description = Kombedi i tye i yo ngec manyen. warningDesc-version = { -brand-short-name } obedo me atemo dok romo yenge. aboutdialog-help-user = Kony me { -brand-product-name } aboutdialog-submit-feedback = Cwal Adwogi community-exp = obedo ma tye katic kacel me gwoko Kakube ayaba, pa lwak dok ononge bot dano weng. community-2 = { -brand-short-name } ngat ma oyubu obedo , a ma tye katic kacel me gwoko Kakube ayaba, pa lwak dok ononge bot dano weng. helpus = Imito konyo? onyo bottomLinks-license = Ngec ikom nongo lancic bottomLinks-rights = Twero pa Latic Kwede bottomLinks-privacy = Cik ma keme ki mung pire # Example of resulting string: 66.0.1 (64-bit) # Variables: # $version (String): version of Firefox, e.g. 66.0.1 # $bits (Number): bits of the architecture (32 or 64) aboutDialog-version = { $version } ({ $bits }-bit) # Example of resulting string: 66.0a1 (2019-01-16) (64-bit) # Variables: # $version (String): version of Firefox for Nightly builds, e.g. 66.0a1 # $isodate (String): date in ISO format, e.g. 2019-01-16 # $bits (Number): bits of the architecture (32 or 64) aboutDialog-version-nightly = { $version } ({ $isodate }) ({ $bits }-bit)