# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. xpinstall-prompt = { -brand-short-name } ogengo kakube man me penyi me keto purugram i komputa mamegi. ## Variables: ## $host (String): The hostname of the site the add-on is being installed from. xpinstall-prompt-header = Yee ki { $host } me keto med-ikome? xpinstall-prompt-message = Itye ka temo me keto med-ikome ki i { $host }. Nen ni meno i geno kakube man ma pud pe imede anyim. ## xpinstall-prompt-header-unknown = Yee ki kakube ma pe ngene me keto med-ikome? xpinstall-prompt-message-unknown = Itye ka temo me keto med-ikome ki i kakube ma pe ngene. Nen ni meno i geno kakube man ma pud pe imede anyim. xpinstall-prompt-dont-allow = .label = Pe i ye .accesskey = D xpinstall-prompt-never-allow = .label = Matwal pe iyee .accesskey = M # Accessibility Note: # Be sure you do not choose an accesskey that is used elsewhere in the active context (e.g. main menu bar, submenu of the warning popup button) # See https://website-archive.mozilla.org/www.mozilla.org/access/access/keyboard/ for details xpinstall-prompt-install = .label = Mede me keto .accesskey = M # These messages are shown when a website invokes navigator.requestMIDIAccess. ## xpinstall-disabled-locked = Ngat ma loyo nyonyo ni ojuko keto purugram woko. xpinstall-disabled = Keto purugram pud kijuko woko kombedi. Dii Ye kadong i tem doki. xpinstall-disabled-button = .label = Ye .accesskey = n # Variables: # $addonName (String): the localized name of the sideloaded add-on. webext-perms-sideload-menu-item = kimedo { $addonName } i { -brand-short-name } # Variables: # $addonName (String): the localized name of the extension which has been updated. webext-perms-update-menu-item = { $addonName } mito twero manyen ## Add-on removal warning # Variables: # $name (String): the name of the extension which is about to be removed. addon-removal-message = Kwany { $name } ki ii { -brand-shorter-name }? addon-removal-button = Kwany # Variables: # $addonCount (Number): the number of add-ons being downloaded addon-downloading-and-verifying = { $addonCount -> [one] Gamo ki moko ada pa med-ikome… *[other] Gamo ki moko ada pa med-ikome { $addonCount }… } addon-download-verifying = Tye kamoko addon-install-cancel-button = .label = Juki .accesskey = J addon-install-accept-button = .label = Medi .accesskey = M ## Variables: ## $addonCount (Number): the number of add-ons being installed addon-confirm-install-message = { $addonCount -> [one] Kakube man mito keto med-ikome i { -brand-short-name }: *[other] Kakube man mito keto med-ikome { $addonCount } i { -brand-short-name }: } addon-confirm-install-unsigned-message = { $addonCount -> [one] Ciko: Kakube man mito keto med-ikome ma pe ki moko ada ne i { -brand-short-name }. Mede ka igeno. *[other] Ciko: Kakube man mito keto med-ikome { $addonCount } ma pe ki moko ada gi i { -brand-short-name }. Mede ka igeno. } # Variables: # $addonCount (Number): the number of add-ons being installed (at least 2) addon-confirm-install-some-unsigned-message = Ciko: Kakube man mito keto med-ikome { $addonCount } ma pe ki moko ada gi i { -brand-short-name }, ma mogo pe kimoko ada gi. Mede ka igeno. ## Add-on install errors ## Variables: ## $addonName (String): the add-on name. addon-install-error-network-failure = Gamo med-ikome pe onongo twere pien kube pe olare. addon-install-error-incorrect-hash = Med-ikome man pe onongo twero kete pien pe rwate ki med-ikome { -brand-short-name } ma kibedo ka kuro. addon-install-error-corrupt-file = Med-ikome ma ki gamo ki i kakube man pe onongo kete pien nen calo obale woko. addon-install-error-file-access = { $addonName } pe onongo twero kete pien { -brand-short-name } pe romo yubo pwail ma mite. addon-install-error-not-signed = { -brand-short-name } ogengo kakube man ikom keto med-ikome ma pe kimoko ada ne. addon-local-install-error-network-failure = Med-ikome man pe onongo twero kete pi bal pwail me nyonyo. addon-local-install-error-incorrect-hash = Med-ikome man pe onongo twero kete pien pe rwate ki med-ikome { -brand-short-name } ma kibedo ka kuro. addon-local-install-error-corrupt-file = Med-ikome man pe onongo twero kete pien nen calo obale woko. addon-local-install-error-file-access = { $addonName } pe onongo twero kete pien { -brand-short-name } pe romo yubo pwail ma mite. addon-local-install-error-not-signed = Med-ikome man pe onongo twero kete pien pe ki moko ada ne. # Variables: # $appVersion (String): the application version. addon-install-error-incompatible = { $addonName } pe onongo twero kete pien pe rwate ki { -brand-short-name } { $appVersion }. addon-install-error-blocklisted = { $addonName } pe onongo twero kete pien tye ki teko ma lamal me kelo ayela i cung matek onyo ber bedo.