# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, # You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # Roles menubar = gintic me nying gin ayera scrollbar = gintic me wot grip = mak matek alert = ciko menupopup = nying gin ayera ma pye-malo document = dokumen pane = lapok me dirica dialog = lok separator = gin mapoko toolbar = gintic statusbar = gintic me kit ma tye kwede table = meca columnheader = rek malube me wiye rowheader = rek me tenge me wiye column = rek malube row = rek me tenge cell = bur link = kakube list = nying jami listitem = mi nying jami outline = rye outlineitem = rye jami pagetab = dirica matidi propertypage = pot buk me jami graphic = cal switch = kiloko pushbutton = jarara checkbutton = gwet jarara radiobutton = jarara ma olunge combobox = bok me yer progressbar = lanyut me wot anyim slider = lacer spinbutton = wir jarara diagram = cal animation = katoon equation = ma rom buttonmenu = jarara me nying gin ayera whitespace = kabedo matar pagetablist = nying dirica matidi canvas = kacoc checkmenuitem = gwet gin me nying gin ayera passwordtext = coc me mung me donyo radiomenuitem = nying gin ayera ma olunge textcontainer = gin gwoko coc togglebutton = lok jarara treetable = meca me yat header = wiye footer = tere paragraph = pok coc entry = gin aketa caption = coc ma ite heading = wiye section = dul form = pwom comboboxlist = nying bok me yer comboboxoption = gin ayera me bok me yer imagemap = tic me cal listboxoption = gin ayera listbox = mi nying bok flatequation = ma rom ma opire gridcell = bur ma ogire note = ngec figure = wel definitionlist = nying jami me lok kome term = cik definition = lok kome mathmltable = meca me cura mathmlcell = bur mathmlenclosed = kirumo mathmlfraction = bute mathmlfractionwithoutbar = bute labongo lanyut mathmlroot = root mathmlscripted = kicoyo mathmlsquareroot = square root # More sophisticated roles which are not actual numeric roles textarea = kacoc base = base close-fence = loro cel denominator = lapoke numerator = poki open-fence = yabo cel overscript = overscript presubscript = presubscript presuperscript = presuperscript root-index = root index subscript = subscript superscript = superscript underscript = underscript # More sophisticated object descriptions headingLevel = rwom me wiye %S # Landmark announcements banner = bendera complementary = mapat contentinfo = ngec me gin manonge iye main = mapire tek navigation = wot search = yeny region = kabedo # Object states stateRequired = mite