# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. Alert=Ciko Confirm=Mok ConfirmCheck=Mok Prompt=Peny Select=Yer OK=AYA Cancel=Juki Yes=&Eyo No=&Pe Save=&Gwoki Revert=&Dwok kit ma inongo tye kwede DontSave=P&e Igwok ScriptDlgGenericHeading=[Gitic me JavaScript ] ScriptDlgHeading=Pot buk ma %S waco ni: ScriptDialogLabel=Geng pot buk eni ni ka cweno leyo lok mayen ScriptDialogPreventTitle=Mok miti ni me Lok # LOCALIZATION NOTE (EnterLoginForRealm3, EnterLoginForProxy3): # %1 is an untrusted string provided by a remote server. It could try to # take advantage of sentence structure in order to mislead the user (see # bug 244273). %1 should be integrated into the translated sentences as # little as possible. %2 is the url of the site being accessed. EnterLoginForRealm3=%2$S tye kakwayo nyingi me tic ki mungi me donyo. Kakube ne waco ni: ā€œ%1$Sā€ EnterLoginForProxy3=Tic me intanet %2$S tye kakwayo nying me tic ki mung me donyo. Kakube ne waco ni: ā€œ%1$Sā€ EnterUserPasswordFor2=%1$S tye ka kwayo nying me ticci ki mung me donyo. EnterUserPasswordForCrossOrigin2=%1$S tye ka kwayo nying me ticci ki mung me donyo. CIKO: Pe ki bicwalo mungi me donyo bot kakube ma itye ka limo kombedi! EnterPasswordFor=Co mwung ni pi %1$S i wi %2$S