# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. ## Error page titles neterror-page-title = Peko i cano pot buk neterror-blocked-by-policy-page-title = Potbuk ma kigengo neterror-captive-portal-page-title = Dony iyie netwak neterror-dns-not-found-title = Lapok tic pe ononge neterror-malformed-uri-page-title = URL mape atir ## Error page actions neterror-advanced-button = Ma lamal… neterror-copy-to-clipboard-button = Lok coc i bao coc neterror-learn-more-link = Nong ngec mapol… neterror-open-portal-login-page-button = Yab potbuk me donyo iyie netwak neterror-pref-reset-button = Dwok ter makwongo neterror-return-to-previous-page-button = Dok cen neterror-return-to-previous-page-recommended-button = Dok cen (Kicwako) neterror-try-again-button = Tem Doki neterror-view-certificate-link = Nen Catibiket ## neterror-pref-reset = Nen calo ter me ber bedo per netwak mamegi aye tye ka kelo man. Imito ni ki dwok ter makwongo? neterror-error-reporting-automatic = Mi ripot me bal calo man me konyo { -vendor-short-name } nongo ki gengo kakube ma raco ## Specific error messages neterror-generic-error = { -brand-short-name } pe twero cano pot buk man pi tyen lok mo. neterror-load-error-try-again = Kakube romo bedo ni pe nonge pi tutunu onyo tic odiyo. Tem doki inge karemanok. neterror-load-error-connection = Ka pe iromo cano pot buk mo keken, ngi kakube me komputa mamegi. neterror-load-error-firewall = Ka ce komputa onyo kakube ni kigengo ki lagwok komputa onyo latic pi lawote, nen ni meno { -brand-short-name } tye ki rukuca me donyo i Kakube. neterror-captive-portal = Myero kong i dony iyie netwak man me nongo intanet ## TRR-only specific messages ## Variables: ## $hostname (String) - Hostname of the website to which the user was trying to connect. ## $trrDomain (String) - Hostname of the DNS over HTTPS server that is currently in use. ## Native fallback specific messages ## Variables: ## $trrDomain (String) - Hostname of the DNS over HTTPS server that is currently in use. ## neterror-file-not-found-filename = Ngi nying pwail pi nukta madongo onyo coc mogo ma pe kicoyo maber. neterror-file-not-found-moved = Ngi me neno kace pwaile kikobo woko, kicako nyinge manyen onyo kijwayo woko. neterror-access-denied = Romo bedo ni kikwanyo woko, kikobo, onyo twero me pwail tye ka gengo nongo ne. neterror-unknown-protocol = Mogo romo mite ni i ket purugram mukene wek oyab kanonge man. neterror-redirect-loop = Peko man kare mukene bino pi juko onyo kwero ye angija. neterror-unknown-socket-type-psm-installed = Ngi me neno ni ki keto Lalor gwoko kuc pa dano i nyonyo ni. neterror-unknown-socket-type-server-config = Man twero bedo pi ter mogo mape ki ye i lapok tic. neterror-not-cached-intro = Gin acoya ma ikwayo pire ni pe nonge kama { -brand-short-name } ogwoko iye. neterror-not-cached-sensitive = Me gwoke ki i peko, { -brand-short-name } pe nwoyo kwayo pire kene gin acoyo ma pi gi lit. neterror-not-cached-try-again = Dii Tem Doki wek i nwo kwayo gin acoya ki i kakube. neterror-net-offline = Dii “Tem Doki” wek i loke ikube i yamo kadong i nwo cano pot buke. neterror-proxy-resolve-failure-settings = Ngi ter pa latic pi lawote wek i nen ni meno gi tye kakare. neterror-proxy-resolve-failure-connection = Ngi wek i nen ni meno komputa ni tye ki kakube ma tiyo. neterror-proxy-resolve-failure-firewall = Ka ce komputa onyo kakube me koputa ni kigwoko ki lagwok komputa onyo latic pi lawote, nen ni meno { -brand-short-name } tye ki rukuca me donyo i Kakube. neterror-proxy-connect-failure-settings = Ngi ter me latic pi lawote wek inen ni meno gi tye kakare. neterror-proxy-connect-failure-contact-admin = Kube ki ngat ma loyo kakube wek inen ni lapok tic pi lawote tye katic. neterror-content-encoding-error = Tim ber ikube ki wegi kakube man pi mini gi ngec pi peko man. neterror-unsafe-content-type = Tim ber i kube ki wegi kakube man pi mini gi ngec pi peko man. neterror-nss-failure-not-verified = Pot buk ma i tye ka temo neno ne ni pe kitwero nyuto ne pien twero pi tic ma kinongo ni pe ki romo moko. neterror-nss-failure-contact-website = Tim ber i kube ki wegi kakube man pi mini gi ngec me peko man. neterror-corrupted-content-intro = Pot buk ma i tye katemo neno ne ni pe kitwero nyuto ne pien bal onyute i cwalo tic. neterror-corrupted-content-contact-website = Tim ber i kube ki wegi kakube man pi mini gi ngec pi peko man. # Do not translate "SSL_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION". neterror-sslv3-used = Ngec ma lamal: SSL_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION # Variables: # $hostname (String) - Hostname of the website to which the user was trying to connect. neterror-inadequate-security-intro = { $hostname } tiyo ki diro me ber bedo ma con ki kiromo mwonyo ne cawa mo keken. Ngat ma omwonyo romo nyuto ngec mamegi ma itamo no ni tye maber iyoo mayot. Laloc me kakube ne myero kong oyub lapok tic ma pud pe ilimo kakube ne. # Do not translate "NS_ERROR_NET_INADEQUATE_SECURITY". neterror-inadequate-security-code = Kod me bal: NS_ERROR_NET_INADEQUATE_SECURITY neterror-network-protocol-error-intro = Pot buk ma i tye katemo neno ne pe romo nyutu pien bal mo i cik me netwak onyute. neterror-network-protocol-error-contact-website = Tim ber i kube ki wegi di bar me Web me minigi ngec pi peko man. certerror-what-can-you-do-about-it-title = Ngo ma i twero timo pire? certerror-bad-cert-domain-what-can-you-do-about-it = Peko ne tutwale twero bedo ki kakube, ki gin mo pe ma itwero timo yubo ne. Itwero miyo ngec me peko man bot luloc me kakube.