# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. report-broken-site-mainview-title = Wobškóźone sedło k wěsći daś report-broken-site-panel-header = .label = Wobškóźone sedło k wěsći daś .title = Wobškóźone sedło k wěsći daś report-broken-site-panel-intro = Pomagajśo, { -brand-product-name } za wšych pólěpšył. { -vendor-short-name } informacije wužywa, kótarež sćelośo, aby problemy z websedłom rozwězał. report-broken-site-panel-url = URL report-broken-site-panel-reason-label = Co jo wobškóźone? report-broken-site-panel-reason-optional-label = Co jo wobškóźone? (na žycenje) report-broken-site-panel-reason-choose = .label = Wubjeŕśo pśicynu report-broken-site-panel-reason-slow = .label = Sedło pómałe abo njefunkcioněrujo report-broken-site-panel-reason-media = .label = Wobraze abo wideo report-broken-site-panel-reason-content = .label = Tłocaški, wótkaze a druge wopśimjeśe report-broken-site-panel-reason-account = .label = Pśizjawiś abo wótzjawiś report-broken-site-panel-reason-adblockers = .label = Wabjeńske blokěrowaki report-broken-site-panel-reason-other = .label = Něco druge report-broken-site-panel-description-label = Wopišćo problem report-broken-site-panel-description-optional-label = Wopišćo problem (na žycenje) report-broken-site-panel-send-more-info-link = Dalšne informacije pósłaś report-broken-site-panel-button-cancel = .label = Pśetergnuś report-broken-site-panel-button-okay = .label = W pórěźe report-broken-site-panel-button-send = .label = Pósłaś report-broken-site-panel-unspecified = Njepódane report-broken-site-panel-report-sent-label = Waša rozpšawa jo se pósłała report-broken-site-panel-report-sent-header = .label = Waša rozpšawa jo se pósłała .title = Waša rozpšawa jo se pósłała report-broken-site-panel-report-sent-text = Wjeliki źěk, až { -brand-product-name } pomagaśo, až buźo web wěcej wótwórjony, pśistupny a lěpšy. report-broken-site-panel-invalid-url-label = Pšosym zapódajśo płaśiwy URL report-broken-site-panel-missing-reason-label = Pšosym wubjeŕśo pśicynu